Xilinx Kria SOM Starter Kits - ZynqMP SoC
This document describes the Buildroot support for the Kria
KV260 starter kit by Xilinx, based on Kria SOM including the
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC (aka ZynqMP). It has been tested with
the KV260 production board.
Evaluation board features can be found here with the link below.
How to build it
Configure Buildroot:
$ make zynqmp_kria_kv260_defconfig
Compile everything and build the rootfs image:
$ make
Result of the build
After building, you should get a tree like this:
+-- atf-uboot.ub
+-- bl31.bin
+-- boot.bin
+-- boot.vfat
+-- Image
+-- rootfs.ext2
+-- rootfs.ext4 -> rootfs.ext2
+-- sdcard.img
+-- system.dtb -> smk-k26-revA-sck-kv-g-revB.dtb
+-- u-boot.itb
`-- smk-k26-revA-sck-kv-g-revB.dtb
How to write the SD card
WARNING! This will destroy all the card content. Use with care!
The sdcard.img file is a complete bootable image ready to be written
on the boot medium. To install it, simply copy the image to an SD
# dd if=output/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX
Where 'sdX' is the device node of the SD.
Eject the SD card, insert it in the board, and power it up.
How to write the boot.bn to QSPI boot flash
The Kria SOMs are preconfigured to boot initially from QSPI.
This makes these boards different from other ZynqMP boards
in that the boot.bin needs to be flashed into the QSPI boot
flash such that the U-Boot SPL can then load all of the
remaining images from the SD card.
In addition, the KV260 Starter Kit QSPI comes pre-flashed with
a utility designed to make updating the QSPI flash memory
Instructions for using these utilities to update the boot.bin
in QSPI flash can be found on the wiki link below.
It is possible to boot the Buildroot generated SD card image without
updating the QSPI boot.bin image, so this is an optional step.