Yann E. MORIN 72bcff3081 support/download: force fetching tags
Our git download backend switches the remote of our local clone, and
fetches all refs and tags from that remote.

When the local clone has a tag fetched from another remote, and the new
remote also has a tag by the same name, and that tag points to another
commit, then git refuses to fetch the new tag and exits in error, as it
considers that the new tag would clobber the existing one. This is safe
and sane behaviour when run interactively with a human that can take a

However, in our case, we don't care about any tags that were present
before, as only the last one makes sense in our case: the one from the
remote the user has requested for the current build.

Tell git to forcefully pull tags, even if they would clobber existing

Note that, although this changes the git backend, it does not change the
content of generated archives, so we do not need to bump the suffix

Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout@mind.be>
2024-05-09 22:45:14 +02:00

298 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# NOTE: if the output of this backend has to change (e.g. we change what gets
# included in the archive (e.g. LFS), or we change the format of the archive
# (e.g. tar options, compression ratio or method)), we MUST update the format
# version in the variable BR_FMT_VERSION_git, in package/pkg-download.mk.
# We want to catch any unexpected failure
set -e
# Download helper for git, to be called from the download wrapper script
# Options:
# -q Be quiet.
# -r Clone and archive sub-modules.
# -o FILE Generate archive in FILE.
# -u URI Clone from repository at URI.
# -c CSET Use changeset CSET.
# -n NAME Use basename NAME.
# Environment:
# GIT : the git command to call
# shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Only provides mk_tar_gz()
. "${0%/*}/helpers"
# Save our path and options in case we need to call ourselves again
declare -a OPTS=("${@}")
# This function is called when an error occurs. Its job is to attempt a
# clone from scratch (only once!) in case the git tree is borked, or in
# case an unexpected and unsupported situation arises with submodules
# or uncommitted stuff (e.g. if the user manually mucked around in the
# git cache).
_on_error() {
local ret=${?}
printf "Detected a corrupted git cache.\n" >&2
if ${BR_GIT_BACKEND_FIRST_FAULT:-false}; then
printf "This is the second time in a row; bailing out\n" >&2
exit ${ret}
printf "Removing it and starting afresh.\n" >&2
popd >/dev/null
rm -rf "${git_cache}"
exec "${myname}" "${OPTS[@]}" || exit ${ret}
while getopts "${BR_BACKEND_DL_GETOPTS}" OPT; do
case "${OPT}" in
q) quiet=-q; exec >/dev/null;;
l) large_file=1;;
r) recurse=1;;
o) output="${OPTARG}";;
u) uri="${OPTARG}";;
c) cset="${OPTARG}";;
d) dl_dir="${OPTARG}";;
n) basename="${OPTARG}";;
:) printf "option '%s' expects a mandatory argument\n" "${OPTARG}"; exit 1;;
\?) printf "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}" >&2; exit 1;;
shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Get rid of our options
# Create and cd into the directory that will contain the local git cache
mkdir -p "${git_cache}"
pushd "${git_cache}" >/dev/null
# Any error now should try to recover
trap _on_error ERR
set -E
# Caller needs to single-quote its arguments to prevent them from
# being expanded a second time (in case there are spaces in them)
_git() {
if [ -z "${quiet}" ]; then
printf '%s ' GIT_DIR="${git_cache}/.git" "${GIT}" "${@}"; printf '\n'
_plain_git "$@"
# Note: please keep command below aligned with what is printed above
_plain_git() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # We want word-splitting for GIT
eval GIT_DIR="${git_cache}/.git" ${GIT} "${@}"
# Create a warning file, that the user should not use the git cache.
# It's ours. Our precious.
cat <<-_EOF_ >"${dl_dir}/git.readme"
The git tree located in this directory is for the exclusive use
by Buildroot, which uses it as a local cache to reduce bandwidth
Buildroot *will* trash any changes in that tree whenever it needs
to use it. Buildroot may even remove it in case it detects the
repository may have been damaged or corrupted.
Do *not* work in that directory; your changes will eventually get
lost. Do *not* even use it as a remote, or as the source for new
worktrees; your commits will eventually get lost.
# Initialise a repository in the git cache. If the repository already
# existed, this is a noop, unless the repository was broken, in which
# case this magically restores it to working conditions. In the latter
# case, we might be missing blobs, but that's not a problem: we'll
# fetch what we need later anyway.
# We can still go through the wrapper, because 'init' does not use the
# path pointed to by GIT_DIR, but really uses the directory passed as
# argument.
_git init .
# Ensure the repo has an origin (in case a previous run was killed).
if ! _plain_git remote |grep -q -E '^origin$'; then
_git remote add origin "'${uri}'"
_git remote set-url origin "'${uri}'"
printf "Fetching all references\n"
_git fetch origin
_git fetch origin -t -f
# Try to get the special refs exposed by some forges (pull-requests for
# github, changes for gerrit...). There is no easy way to know whether
# the cset the user passed us is such a special ref or a tag or a sha1
# or whatever else. We'll eventually fail at checking out that cset,
# below, if there is an issue anyway. Since most of the cset we're gonna
# have to clone are not such special refs, consign the output to oblivion
# so as not to alarm unsuspecting users, but still trace it as a warning.
if ! _git fetch origin "'${cset}:${cset}'" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "Could not fetch special ref '%s'; assuming it is not special.\n" "${cset}"
# Check that the changeset does exist. If it does not, re-cloning from
# scratch won't help, so we don't want to trash the repository for a
# missing commit. We just exit without going through the ERR trap.
if ! _git rev-parse --quiet --verify "'${cset}^{commit}'" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "Commit '%s' does not exist in this repository.\n" "${cset}"
exit 1
# The new cset we want to checkout might have different submodules, or
# have sub-dirs converted to/from a submodule. So we would need to
# deregister _current_ submodules before we checkout.
# Using "git submodule deinit --all" would remove all the files for
# all submodules, including the corresponding .git files or directories.
# However, it was only introduced with git-1.8.3, which is too recent
# for some enterprise-grade distros.
# So, we fall-back to just removing all submodules directories. We do
# not need to be recursive, as removing a submodule will de-facto remove
# its own submodules.
# For recent git versions, the repository for submodules is stored
# inside the repository of the super repository, so the following will
# only remove the working copies of submodules, effectively caching the
# submodules.
# For older versions however, the repository is stored in the .git/ of
# the submodule directory, so the following will effectively remove the
# the working copy as well as the repository, which means submodules
# will not be cached for older versions.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 # Will be expanded by git-foreach
cmd='printf "Deregistering submodule \"%s\"\n" "${path}" && cd .. && rm -rf "${path##*/}"'
_git submodule --quiet foreach "'${cmd}'"
# Checkout the required changeset, so that we can update the required
# submodules.
_git checkout -f -q "'${cset}'"
# Get rid of now-untracked directories (in case a git operation was
# interrupted in a previous run, or to get rid of empty directories
# that were parents of submodules removed above).
_git clean -ffdx
# Get date of commit to generate a reproducible archive.
# %ci is ISO 8601, so it's fully qualified, with TZ and all.
date="$( _plain_git log -1 --pretty=format:%ci )"
# There might be submodules, so fetch them.
if [ ${recurse} -eq 1 ]; then
_git submodule update --init --recursive
# Older versions of git will store the absolute path of the git tree
# in the .git of submodules, while newer versions just use relative
# paths. Detect and fix the older variants to use relative paths, so
# that the archives are reproducible across a wider range of git
# versions. However, we can't do that if git is too old and uses
# full repositories for submodules.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 # Will be expanded by git-foreach
cmd='printf "%s\n" "${path}/"'
for module_dir in $( _plain_git submodule --quiet foreach "'${cmd}'" ); do
[ -f "${module_dir}/.git" ] || continue
relative_dir="$( sed -r -e 's,/+,/,g; s,[^/]+/,../,g' <<<"${module_dir}" )"
sed -r -i -e "s:^gitdir\: $(pwd)/:gitdir\: ${relative_dir}:" "${module_dir}/.git"
# If there are large files then fetch them.
if [ ${large_file} -eq 1 ]; then
_git lfs install --local
_git lfs fetch
_git lfs checkout
# If there are also submodules, recurse into them,
# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # We want word-splitting for GIT
if [ ${recurse} -eq 1 ]; then
_git submodule foreach --recursive ${GIT} lfs install --local
_git submodule foreach --recursive ${GIT} lfs fetch
_git submodule foreach --recursive ${GIT} lfs checkout
# Find files that are affected by the export-subst git-attribute.
# There might be a .gitattribute at the root of the repository, as well
# as in any arbitrary sub-directory, whether from the master repository
# or a submodule.
# "git check-attr -z" outputs results using \0 as separator for everything,
# so there is no difference between field or records (but there is a
# trailing \0):
# path_1\0attr_name\0attr_state\0path_2\0attr_name\0attr_state\0....
mapfile -d "" files < <(
set -o pipefail # Constrained to this sub-shell
find . -print0 \
|_plain_git check-attr --stdin -z export-subst \
while read -r -d "" val; do
case "$((i++%3))" in
(0) path="${val}";;
(1) ;; # Attribute name, always "export-subst", as requested
if [ "${val}" = "set" ]; then
printf "%s\0" "${path}"
# Replace format hints in those files. Always use the master repository
# as the source of the git metadata, even for files found in submodules
# as this is the most practical: there is no way to chdir() in (g)awk,
# and recomputing GIT_DIR for each submodule would really be tedious...
# There might be any arbitrary number of hints on each line, so iterate
# over those one by one.
for f in "${files[@]}"; do
GIT_DIR="${git_cache}/.git" \
awk -v GIT="${GIT}" '
l = $(0);
while( (i = match(l, /\$Format:[^\$]+\$/)) > 0 ) {
len = RLENGTH;
printf("%s", substr(l, 1, i-1) );
fmt = substr(l, i, RLENGTH);
pretty = substr(fmt, 9, length(fmt)-9);
cmd = GIT " -c core.abbrev=40 log -s -n1 --pretty=format:'\''" pretty "'\''";
while ( (cmd | getline replace) > 0) {
printf("%s", replace);
ret = close(cmd);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("%s:%d: error while executing command \"%s\"\n", FILENAME, NR, cmd) > "/dev/stderr";
exit 1;
l = substr(l, i+len);
printf("%s\n", l);
' "${f}" >"${f}.br-temp"
mv -f "${f}.br-temp" "${f}"
popd >/dev/null
# Generate the archive.
# We do not want the .git dir; we keep other .git files, in case they are the
# only files in their directory.
# The .git dir would generate non reproducible tarballs as it depends on
# the state of the remote server. It also would generate large tarballs
# (gigabytes for some linux trees) when a full clone took place.
mk_tar_gz "${git_cache}" "${basename}" "${date}" "${output}" ".git/*"