Some download backends, like svn, will provide timestamps with a sub-second precision, e.g. $ svn info --show-item last-changed-date [...] 2021-02-19T20:22:34.889717Z However, the PAX headers do not accept sub-second precision, leading to failure to download from subversion: tar: Time stamp is out of allowed range tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors make[1]: *** [package/ [...]/build/subversion-1886712/.stamp_downloaded] Error 1 Fix that by massaging the timestamp to drop the sub-second part. We do that in the generic helper, rather than the svn backend, so that all callers to the generic helper benefit from this, as this is more an internal details of the tarball limitations, than of the backends themselves. Reported-by: Roosen Henri <> Signed-off-by: Vincent Fazio <> [ - add Henri as reporter - move it out of the svn backend, and to the generic helper - reword the commit log accordingly - use an explicit time format rather than -Iseconds ] Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <>
77 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
77 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
# Generate a reproducible archive from the content of a directory
# $1 : input directory
# $2 : leading component in archive
# $3 : ISO8601 date: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZZ
# $4 : output file
# $5... : globs of filenames to exclude from the archive, suitable for
# find's -path option, and relative to the input directory $1
# Notes :
# - the timestamp is internally rounded to the highest entire second
# less than or equal to the timestamp (i.e. any sub-second fractional
# part is ignored)
# - must not be called with CWD as, or below, the input directory
# - some temporary files are created in CWD, and removed at the end
# Example:
# $ find /path/to/temp/dir
# /path/to/temp/dir/
# /path/to/temp/dir/some-file
# /path/to/temp/dir/some-dir/
# /path/to/temp/dir/some-dir/some-other-file
# $ mk_tar_gz /path/to/some/dir \
# foo_bar-1.2.3 \
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z \
# /path/to/foo.tar.gz \
# '.git/*' '.svn/*'
# $ tar tzf /path/to/foo.tar.gz
# foo_bar-1.2.3/some-file
# foo_bar-1.2.3/some-dir/some-other-file
mk_tar_gz() {
local in_dir="${1}"
local base_dir="${2}"
local date="${3}"
local out="${4}"
shift 4
local glob tmp pax_options
local -a find_opts
for glob; do
find_opts+=( -or -path "./${glob#./}" )
# Drop sub-second precision to play nice with GNU tar's valid_timespec check
date="$(date -d "${date}" -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00)"
tmp="$(mktemp --tmpdir="$(pwd)")"
pushd "${in_dir}" >/dev/null
# Establish list
find . -not -type d -and -not \( -false "${find_opts[@]}" \) >"${tmp}.list"
# Sort list for reproducibility
LC_ALL=C sort <"${tmp}.list" >"${tmp}.sorted"
# Create POSIX tarballs, since that's the format the most reproducible
tar cf - --transform="s#^\./#${base_dir}/#" \
--numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mtime="${date}" \
--format=posix --pax-option="${pax_options}" \
-T "${tmp}.sorted" >"${tmp}.tar"
# Compress the archive
gzip -6 -n <"${tmp}.tar" >"${out}"
rm -f "${tmp}"{.list,.sorted,.tar}
popd >/dev/null
# Keep this line and the following as last lines in this file.
# vim: ft=bash