When debugging packages that use the pkg-kconfig infrastructure, it is sometime interesting to see the exact command line that is being executed when running oldconfig. But currently, those command lines are prefixed with '@' which makes them silent, always. Instead, use $(Q) so they are silent by default, and verbose with V=1. Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr> Cc: Thomas De Schampheleire <patrickdepinguin@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
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# Kconfig package infrastructure
# This file implements an infrastructure that eases development of
# package .mk files for packages that use kconfig for configuration files.
# It is based on the generic-package infrastructure, and inherits all of its
# features.
# See the Buildroot documentation for details on the usage of this
# infrastructure.
# inner-kconfig-package -- generates the make targets needed to support a
# kconfig package
# argument 1 is the lowercase package name
# argument 2 is the uppercase package name, including a HOST_ prefix
# for host packages
# argument 3 is the uppercase package name, without the HOST_ prefix
# for host packages
# argument 4 is the type (target or host)
define inner-kconfig-package
# Call the generic package infrastructure to generate the necessary
# make targets.
# Note: this must be done _before_ attempting to use $$($(2)_DIR) in a
# dependency expression
$(call inner-generic-package,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4))
# Default values
$(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS ?= menuconfig
# The config file as well as the fragments could be in-tree, so before
# depending on them the package should be extracted (and patched) first.
# Since those files only have a order-only dependency, make would treat
# any missing one as a "force" target:
# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Force-Targets
# and would forcibly any rule that depend on those files, causing a
# rebuild of the kernel each time make is called.
# So, we provide a recipe that checks all of those files exist, to
# overcome that standard make behaviour.
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE) $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES): | $(1)-patch
for f in $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE) $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES); do \
if [ ! -f "$$$${f}" ]; then \
printf "Kconfig fragment '%s' for '%s' does not exist\n" "$$$${f}" "$(1)"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
# The specified source configuration file and any additional configuration file
# fragments are merged together to .config, after the package has been patched.
# Since the file could be a defconfig file it needs to be expanded to a
# full .config first. We use 'make oldconfig' because this can be safely
# done even when the package does not support defconfigs.
$$($(2)_DIR)/.config: $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE) $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES)
support/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m -O $$(@D) \
$$(Q)yes "" | $$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_OPTS) oldconfig
# In order to get a usable, consistent configuration, some fixup may be needed.
# The exact rules are specified by the package .mk file.
define $(2)_FIXUP_DOT_CONFIG
$$(Q)yes "" | $$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_OPTS) oldconfig
$$(Q)touch $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done
$$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done: $$($(2)_DIR)/.config
$$(call $(2)_FIXUP_DOT_CONFIG)
# Before running configure, the configuration file should be present and fixed
$$($(2)_TARGET_CONFIGURE): $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done
# Only enable the foo-*config targets when the package is actually enabled.
# Note: the variable $(2)_KCONFIG_VAR is not related to the kconfig
# infrastructure, but defined by pkg-generic.mk. The generic infrastructure is
# already called above, so we can effectively use this variable.
ifeq ($$($$($(2)_KCONFIG_VAR)),y)
# FOO_KCONFIG_FILE is required
ifeq ($$(BR_BUILDING),y)
ifeq ($$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE),)
$$(error Internal error: no value specified for $(2)_KCONFIG_FILE)
# Configuration editors (menuconfig, ...)
# We need to apply the configuration fixups right after a configuration
# editor exits, so that it is possible to save the configuration right
# after exiting an editor, and so the user always sees a .config file
# that is clean wrt. our requirements.
# Because commands in $(1)_FIXUP_KCONFIG are probably using $(@D), we
# fake it for the configurators (otherwise it is set to just '.', i.e.
# the current directory where make is run, which happens to be in
# $(TOPDIR), because the target of the rule is not an actual file, so
# does not have any path component).
$$(addprefix $(1)-,$$($(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS)): @D=$$($(2)_DIR)
$$(addprefix $(1)-,$$($(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS)): $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done
$$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_OPTS) $$(subst $(1)-,,$$@)
rm -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_{kconfig_fixup_done,configured,built}
rm -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_{target,staging,images}_installed
$$(call $(2)_FIXUP_DOT_CONFIG)
# Saving back the configuration
# Ideally, that should directly depend on $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done,
# but that breaks the use-case in PR-8156 (from a clean tree):
# make menuconfig <- enable kernel, use an in-tree defconfig, save and exit
# make linux-menuconfig <- enable/disable whatever option, save and exit
# make menuconfig <- change to use a custom defconfig file, set a path, save and exit
# make linux-update-config <- should save to the new custom defconfig file
# Because of that use-case, saving the configuration can *not* directly
# depend on the stamp file, because it itself depends on the .config,
# which in turn depends on the (newly-set an non-existent) custom
# defconfig file.
# Instead, we use an PHONY rule that will catch that situation.
@if [ ! -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done ]; then \
echo "$(1) is not yet configured"; \
exit 1; \
$(1)-savedefconfig: $(1)-check-configuration-done
$$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_OPTS) savedefconfig
# Target to copy back the configuration to the source configuration file
# Even though we could use 'cp --preserve-timestamps' here, the separate
# cp and 'touch --reference' is used for symmetry with $(1)-update-defconfig.
$(1)-update-config: $(1)-check-configuration-done
@$$(if $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES), \
echo "Unable to perform $(1)-update-config when fragment files are set"; exit 1)
cp -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.config $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE)
touch --reference $$($(2)_DIR)/.config $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE)
# Note: make sure the timestamp of the stored configuration is not newer than
# the .config to avoid a useless rebuild. Note that, contrary to
# $(1)-update-config, the reference for 'touch' is _not_ the file from which
# we copy.
$(1)-update-defconfig: $(1)-savedefconfig
@$$(if $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES), \
echo "Unable to perform $(1)-update-defconfig when fragment files are set"; exit 1)
cp -f $$($(2)_DIR)/defconfig $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE)
touch --reference $$($(2)_DIR)/.config $$($(2)_KCONFIG_FILE)
endif # package enabled
$(1)-update-config \
$(1)-update-defconfig \
$(1)-savedefconfig \
$(1)-check-configuration-done \
$$(addprefix $(1)-,$$($(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS))
endef # inner-kconfig-package
# kconfig-package -- the target generator macro for kconfig packages
kconfig-package = $(call inner-kconfig-package,$(pkgname),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)),target)