This is a dependency of newer sysdig. It contains the driver, and also a few userspace components. The latter however are not meant to be installed in the sysroot; instead, the whole thing is meant to be included directly in the build of the project using it. Changing things so it does work in the normal way of installing to the sysroot turns out to be pretty complicated. Basically, falcosecurity-libs is just a component of sysdig. It's defined as a separate package only because that's an easier way to download it than defining extra download and extract commands in sysdig itself. For this reason, it's defined as a blind option in Signed-off-by: Francis Laniel <> Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <>
6 lines
428 B
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428 B
# sha256 locally computed
sha256 80903bc57b7f9c5f24298ecf1531cf66ef571681b4bd1e05f6e4db704ffb380b falcosecurity-libs-e5c53d648f3c4694385bbe488e7d47eaa36c229a.tar.gz
sha256 21ec9433a87459b3477faf542bacec419dc03af841309eac35edeffe481cf10b COPYING
sha256 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643 driver/GPL2.txt
sha256 f17d3f2c2d565a74a7d5bf96f880c43701e141897e8dff0c8aa13e5d07aaf226 driver/MIT.txt