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MX6X Udoo Neo board =================== http://www.udoo.org/udoo-neo/ Build: ====== To build a minimal support for these boards: $ make mx6sx_udoo_neo_defconfig $ make Files created in the output directory: ====================================== output/images . ├── boot.scr ├── imx6sx-udoo-neo-basic.dtb ├── imx6sx-udoo-neo-extended.dtb ├── imx6sx-udoo-neo-full.dtb ├── rootfs.ext2 ├── rootfs.ext4 -> rootfs.ext2 ├── rootfs.tar ├── sdcard.img ├── SPL ├── u-boot.bin ├── u-boot.img └── zImage Creating bootable SD card: ========================== Buildroot prepares a bootable "sdcard.img" image in the output/images/ directory, ready to be dumped on an SD card: dd if=output/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/<your-microsd-device> For details about the medium image layout, see the definition in board/freescale/common/imx/genimage.cfg.template_no_boot_part_spl. Booting: ======== Serial console: --------------- The Udoo Neo features the serial console "UART1" on the pin header "P7". The Uart pins are as follows (see board labels): pin 46: rx pin 47: tx Baudrate for this board is 115200. Login: ------ Enter 'root' as login user, and the prompt is ready. Documentation: ============== documentation link: ------------------- https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Introduction/Introduction.html forum link: ----------- https://www.udoo.org/forum/forums/udoo-neo.39/