The note above the erlang version instructs to refer to another note
further down the file. However, even if it is not too difficult to find,
it is still located a bit too far away, and the reference is not very
explicit what note we should look at.
When we introduced that variable in 6c1d128844
(package/erlang: export
EI_VSN so other packages can use it), the rationale for hard-coding it
was "to avoid spawning a shell every time the variable is dereferenced".
However, that can get a bit confusing and hard to follow. Also, that in
fact spawns a shell only once for each rebar-packages, so the overhead
is far from being too high.
The EI_VSN is only used by rebar-package packages, is derefrenced from
the rebar-infra and not the packages themselves, and is not needed by
erlang itself (it knows its own EI_VSN), so we can de-hard-code it, and
rely on build-time detection, by looking in the appropriate file.
We have two files where we could look:
- lib/erl_interface/ in the erlang source tree, but it is not
- .../lib/erlang/releases/$(ERLANG_RELASE)/installed_application_versions
as installed by erlang.
We use the second one, as it is cleaner, for a package, to look into
installed files, rather than to look in the source tree of another
Although both the host and target erlang are the same, we still look
into the corresponding file to extract the version. This is so that it
would be easier if in the future we ever manage to rely on a
system-installed erlang that could have a EI_VSN different from the
target one.
We can't re-use the variable ERLANG_EI_VSN, because it now needs to be
$(call)-ed with a parameter. Hopefully, external packages that use it
directly rather than through the rebar infra, are not legion...
Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <>
Cc: Will Newton <>
Cc: Johan Oudinet <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <>
257 lines
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257 lines
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# rebar package infrastructure for Erlang packages
# This file implements an infrastructure that eases development of
# package .mk files for rebar packages. It should be used for all
# packages that use rebar as their build system.
# In terms of implementation, this rebar infrastructure requires the
# .mk file to only specify metadata information about the package:
# name, version, download URL, etc.
# We still allow the package .mk file to override what the different
# steps are doing, if needed. For example, if <PKG>_BUILD_CMDS is
# already defined, it is used as the list of commands to perform to
# build the package, instead of the default rebar behaviour. The
# package can also define some post operation hooks.
# Directories to store rebar dependencies in.
# These directories actually only contain symbolic links to Erlang
# applications in either $(HOST_DIR) or $(STAGING_DIR). One needs
# them to avoid rebar complaining about missing dependencies, as this
# infrastructure tells rebar to NOT download dependencies during
# the build stage.
REBAR_HOST_DEPS_DIR = $(HOST_DIR)/share/rebar/deps
REBAR_TARGET_DEPS_DIR = $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/share/rebar/deps
# Tell rebar where to find the dependencies
ERL_EI_LIBDIR=$(HOST_DIR)/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-$(call erlang_ei_vsn,$(HOST_DIR))/lib
ERL_EI_LIBDIR=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-$(call erlang_ei_vsn,$(STAGING_DIR)/usr)/lib
# Helper functions
# Install an Erlang application from $(@D).
# i.e., define a recipe that installs the "bin ebin priv $(2)" directories
# from $(@D) to $(1)/$($(PKG)_ERLANG_LIBDIR).
# argument 1 should typically be $(HOST_DIR), $(TARGET_DIR),
# or $(STAGING_DIR).
# argument 2 is typically empty when installing in $(TARGET_DIR) and
# "include" when installing in $(HOST_DIR) or
# Note: calling this function must be done with $$(call ...) because it
# expands package-related variables.
define install-erlang-directories
for dir in bin ebin priv $(2); do \
if test -d $(@D)/$$dir; then \
cp -r $(@D)/$$dir $(1)/$($(PKG)_ERLANG_LIBDIR); \
fi; \
# Setup a symbolic link in rebar's deps_dir to the actual location
# where an Erlang application is installed.
# i.e., define a recipe that creates a symbolic link
# to $(1)$($(PKG)_ERLANG_LIBDIR).
# For target packages for example, one uses this to setup symbolic
# links from $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/share/rebar/deps/<erlang-app> to
# $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/<erlang-app>-<version>. This
# infrastructure points rebar at the former in order to tell rebar to
# NOT download dependencies during the build stage, and instead use
# the already available dependencies.
# Therefore,
# argument 1 is $(HOST_DIR) (for host packages) or
# $(STAGING_DIR) (for target packages).
# argument 2 is HOST (for host packages) or
# TARGET (for target packages).
# Note: calling this function must be done with $$(call ...) because it
# expands package-related variables.
define install-rebar-deps
ln -f -s $(1)/$($(PKG)_ERLANG_LIBDIR) \
# Remove the "deps" statement from a rebar.config file
define remove-rebar-config-dependencies
$(SED) '/^{deps.*}\.$$/d' -e '/^{deps/,/}\.$$/d' \
# inner-rebar-package -- defines how the configuration, compilation
# and installation of a rebar package should be done, implements a few
# hooks to tune the build process according to rebar specifities, and
# calls the generic package infrastructure to generate the necessary
# make targets.
# argument 1 is the lowercase package name
# argument 2 is the uppercase package name, including a HOST_ prefix
# for host packages
# argument 3 is the uppercase package name, without the HOST_ prefix
# for host packages
# argument 4 is the type (target or host)
define inner-rebar-package
# Extract just the raw package name, lowercase without the leading
# erlang- or host- prefix, as this is used by rebar to find the
# dependencies a package specifies.
$(2)_ERLANG_APP = $(subst -,_,$(patsubst erlang-%,%,$(patsubst host-%,%,$(1))))
# Path where to store the package's libs, relative to either $(HOST_DIR)
# for host packages, or $(STAGING_DIR)/usr for target packages.
# If a host package, inherit <pkg>_USE_BUNDLED_REBAR from the target
# package, if not explicitly defined. Otherwise, default to NO.
# If a host package, inherit <pkg>_USE_AUTOCONF from the target
# package, if not explicitly defined. Otherwise, default to NO.
ifndef $(2)_USE_AUTOCONF
ifdef $(3)_USE_AUTOCONF
# Define the build and install commands
ifeq ($(4),target)
# Target packages need the erlang interpreter on the target
$(2)_DEPENDENCIES += erlang
# Used only if the package uses autotools underneath; otherwise, ignored
ifndef $(2)_BUILD_CMDS
define $(2)_BUILD_CMDS
(cd $$(@D); \
CC="$$(TARGET_CC)" \
$$($$(PKG)_REBAR_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_REBAR) deps_dir=$$(REBAR_TARGET_DEPS_DIR) compile \
# We need to double-$ the 'call' because it wants to expand
# package-related variables
$$(call install-erlang-directories,$$(STAGING_DIR)/usr,include)
$$(call install-rebar-deps,$$(STAGING_DIR)/usr,TARGET)
# We need to double-$ the 'call' because it wants to expand
# package-related variables
$$(call install-erlang-directories,$$(TARGET_DIR)/usr)
else # !target
# Host packages need the erlang interpreter on the host
$(2)_DEPENDENCIES += host-erlang
# Used only if the package uses autotools underneath; otherwise, ignored
ifndef $(2)_BUILD_CMDS
define $(2)_BUILD_CMDS
(cd $$(@D); \
CC="$$(HOSTCC)" \
$$($$(PKG)_REBAR_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_REBAR) deps_dir=$$(REBAR_HOST_DEPS_DIR) compile \
# We need to double-$ the 'call' because it wants to expand
# package-related variables
ifndef $(2)_INSTALL_CMDS
define $(2)_INSTALL_CMDS
$$(call install-erlang-directories,$$(HOST_DIR),include)
$$(call install-rebar-deps,$$(HOST_DIR),HOST)
endif # !target
# Whether to use the generic rebar or the package's bundled rebar
ifeq ($$($(2)_USE_BUNDLED_REBAR),YES)
$(2)_REBAR = ./rebar
$(2)_REBAR = rebar
$(2)_DEPENDENCIES += host-erlang-rebar
# Remove dependencies listed in rebar.config unless the package says
# otherwise
ifeq ($$($(2)_KEEP_DEPENDENCIES),NO)
$(2)_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += remove-rebar-config-dependencies
# The package sub-infra to use
ifeq ($$($(2)_USE_AUTOCONF),YES)
$(call inner-autotools-package,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4))
$(call inner-generic-package,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4))
endef # inner-rebar-package
rebar-package = $(call inner-rebar-package,$(pkgname),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)),target)
host-rebar-package = $(call inner-rebar-package,host-$(pkgname),$(call UPPERCASE,host-$(pkgname)),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)),host)