Francois Perrad 602f0061ff support/scripts/graph-depends: cut on host-ccache
When selected, host-ccache is a dependency of almost all packages.
As such, it clutters the dependency graph uselessly.

Signed-off-by: Francois Perrad <francois.perrad@gadz.org>
Reviewed-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@bootlin.com>
2019-10-02 21:07:14 +02:00

358 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage (the graphviz package must be installed in your distribution)
# ./support/scripts/graph-depends [-p package-name] > test.dot
# dot -Tpdf test.dot -o test.pdf
# With no arguments, graph-depends will draw a complete graph of
# dependencies for the current configuration.
# If '-p <package-name>' is specified, graph-depends will draw a graph
# of dependencies for the given package name.
# If '-d <depth>' is specified, graph-depends will limit the depth of
# the dependency graph to 'depth' levels.
# Limitations
# * Some packages have dependencies that depend on the Buildroot
# configuration. For example, many packages have a dependency on
# openssl if openssl has been enabled. This tool will graph the
# dependencies as they are with the current Buildroot
# configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
import logging
import sys
import argparse
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import brpkgutil
# Modes of operation:
MODE_FULL = 1 # draw full dependency graph for all selected packages
MODE_PKG = 2 # draw dependency graph for a given package
allpkgs = []
# The Graphviz "dot" utility doesn't like dashes in node names. So for
# node names, we strip all dashes. Also, nodes can't start with a number,
# so we prepend an underscore.
def pkg_node_name(pkg):
return "_" + pkg.replace("-", "")
# Basic cache for the results of the is_dep() function, in order to
# optimize the execution time. The cache is a dict of dict of boolean
# values. The key to the primary dict is "pkg", and the key of the
# sub-dicts is "pkg2".
is_dep_cache = {}
def is_dep_cache_insert(pkg, pkg2, val):
is_dep_cache[pkg].update({pkg2: val})
except KeyError:
is_dep_cache[pkg] = {pkg2: val}
# Retrieves from the cache whether pkg2 is a transitive dependency
# of pkg.
# Note: raises a KeyError exception if the dependency is not known.
def is_dep_cache_lookup(pkg, pkg2):
return is_dep_cache[pkg][pkg2]
# This function return True if pkg is a dependency (direct or
# transitive) of pkg2, dependencies being listed in the deps
# dictionary. Returns False otherwise.
# This is the un-cached version.
def is_dep_uncached(pkg, pkg2, deps):
for p in deps[pkg2]:
if pkg == p:
return True
if is_dep(pkg, p, deps):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
# See is_dep_uncached() above; this is the cached version.
def is_dep(pkg, pkg2, deps):
return is_dep_cache_lookup(pkg, pkg2)
except KeyError:
val = is_dep_uncached(pkg, pkg2, deps)
is_dep_cache_insert(pkg, pkg2, val)
return val
# This function eliminates transitive dependencies; for example, given
# these dependency chain: A->{B,C} and B->{C}, the A->{C} dependency is
# already covered by B->{C}, so C is a transitive dependency of A, via B.
# The functions does:
# - for each dependency d[i] of the package pkg
# - if d[i] is a dependency of any of the other dependencies d[j]
# - do not keep d[i]
# - otherwise keep d[i]
def remove_transitive_deps(pkg, deps):
d = deps[pkg]
new_d = []
for i in range(len(d)):
keep_me = True
for j in range(len(d)):
if j == i:
if is_dep(d[i], d[j], deps):
keep_me = False
if keep_me:
return new_d
# List of dependencies that all/many packages have, and that we want
# to trim when generating the dependency graph.
MANDATORY_DEPS = ['toolchain', 'skeleton', 'host-skeleton', 'host-tar', 'host-gzip', 'host-ccache']
# This function removes the dependency on some 'mandatory' package, like the
# 'toolchain' package, or the 'skeleton' package
def remove_mandatory_deps(pkg, deps):
return [p for p in deps[pkg] if p not in MANDATORY_DEPS]
# This function returns all dependencies of pkg that are part of the
# mandatory dependencies:
def get_mandatory_deps(pkg, deps):
return [p for p in deps[pkg] if p in MANDATORY_DEPS]
# This function will check that there is no loop in the dependency chain
# As a side effect, it builds up the dependency cache.
def check_circular_deps(deps):
def recurse(pkg):
if pkg not in list(deps.keys()):
if pkg in not_loop:
for p in deps[pkg]:
if p in chain:
logging.warning("\nRecursion detected for : %s" % (p))
while True:
_p = chain.pop()
logging.warning("which is a dependency of: %s" % (_p))
if p == _p:
not_loop = []
chain = []
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
# This functions trims down the dependency list of all packages.
# It applies in sequence all the dependency-elimination methods.
def remove_extra_deps(deps, rootpkg, transitive, arrow_dir):
# For the direct dependencies, find and eliminate mandatory
# deps, and add them to the root package. Don't do it for a
# reverse graph, because mandatory deps are only direct deps.
if arrow_dir == "forward":
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
if not pkg == rootpkg:
for d in get_mandatory_deps(pkg, deps):
if d not in deps[rootpkg]:
deps[pkg] = remove_mandatory_deps(pkg, deps)
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
if not transitive or pkg == rootpkg:
deps[pkg] = remove_transitive_deps(pkg, deps)
return deps
# Print the attributes of a node: label and fill-color
def print_attrs(outfile, pkg, pkg_type, pkg_version, depth, colors):
name = pkg_node_name(pkg)
if pkg == 'all':
label = 'ALL'
label = pkg
if depth == 0:
color = colors[0]
if pkg_type == "host":
color = colors[2]
color = colors[1]
if pkg_version == "virtual":
outfile.write("%s [label = <<I>%s</I>>]\n" % (name, label))
outfile.write("%s [label = \"%s\"]\n" % (name, label))
outfile.write("%s [color=%s,style=filled]\n" % (name, color))
done_deps = []
# Print the dependency graph of a package
def print_pkg_deps(outfile, dict_deps, dict_types, dict_versions, stop_list, exclude_list,
arrow_dir, draw_graph, depth, max_depth, pkg, colors):
if pkg in done_deps:
if draw_graph:
print_attrs(outfile, pkg, dict_types[pkg], dict_versions[pkg], depth, colors)
elif depth != 0:
outfile.write("%s " % pkg)
if pkg not in dict_deps:
for p in stop_list:
if fnmatch(pkg, p):
if dict_versions[pkg] == "virtual" and "virtual" in stop_list:
if dict_types[pkg] == "host" and "host" in stop_list:
if max_depth == 0 or depth < max_depth:
for d in dict_deps[pkg]:
if dict_versions[d] == "virtual" and "virtual" in exclude_list:
if dict_types[d] == "host" and "host" in exclude_list:
add = True
for p in exclude_list:
if fnmatch(d, p):
add = False
if add:
if draw_graph:
outfile.write("%s -> %s [dir=%s]\n" % (pkg_node_name(pkg), pkg_node_name(d), arrow_dir))
print_pkg_deps(outfile, dict_deps, dict_types, dict_versions, stop_list, exclude_list,
arrow_dir, draw_graph, depth + 1, max_depth, d, colors)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Graph packages dependencies")
parser.add_argument("--check-only", "-C", dest="check_only", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Only do the dependency checks (circular deps...)")
parser.add_argument("--outfile", "-o", metavar="OUT_FILE", dest="outfile",
help="File in which to generate the dot representation")
parser.add_argument("--package", '-p', metavar="PACKAGE",
help="Graph the dependencies of PACKAGE")
parser.add_argument("--depth", '-d', metavar="DEPTH", dest="depth", type=int, default=0,
help="Limit the dependency graph to DEPTH levels; 0 means no limit.")
parser.add_argument("--stop-on", "-s", metavar="PACKAGE", dest="stop_list", action="append",
help="Do not graph past this package (can be given multiple times)." +
" Can be a package name or a glob, " +
" 'virtual' to stop on virtual packages, or " +
"'host' to stop on host packages.")
parser.add_argument("--exclude", "-x", metavar="PACKAGE", dest="exclude_list", action="append",
help="Like --stop-on, but do not add PACKAGE to the graph.")
parser.add_argument("--exclude-mandatory", "-X", action="store_true",
help="Like if -x was passed for all mandatory dependencies.")
parser.add_argument("--colors", "-c", metavar="COLOR_LIST", dest="colors",
help="Comma-separated list of the three colors to use" +
" to draw the top-level package, the target" +
" packages, and the host packages, in this order." +
" Defaults to: 'lightblue,grey,gainsboro'")
parser.add_argument("--transitive", dest="transitive", action='store_true',
parser.add_argument("--no-transitive", dest="transitive", action='store_false',
help="Draw (do not draw) transitive dependencies")
parser.add_argument("--direct", dest="direct", action='store_true', default=True,
help="Draw direct dependencies (the default)")
parser.add_argument("--reverse", dest="direct", action='store_false',
help="Draw reverse dependencies")
parser.add_argument("--quiet", '-q', dest="quiet", action='store_true',
parser.add_argument("--flat-list", '-f', dest="flat_list", action='store_true', default=False,
help="Do not draw graph, just print a flat list")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
check_only = args.check_only
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, format='%(message)s',
level=logging.WARNING if args.quiet else logging.INFO)
if args.outfile is None:
outfile = sys.stdout
if check_only:
logging.error("don't specify outfile and check-only at the same time")
outfile = open(args.outfile, "w")
if args.package is None:
mode = MODE_FULL
rootpkg = 'all'
mode = MODE_PKG
rootpkg = args.package
if args.stop_list is None:
stop_list = []
stop_list = args.stop_list
if args.exclude_list is None:
exclude_list = []
exclude_list = args.exclude_list
if args.exclude_mandatory:
exclude_list += MANDATORY_DEPS
if args.direct:
arrow_dir = "forward"
if mode == MODE_FULL:
logging.error("--reverse needs a package")
arrow_dir = "back"
draw_graph = not args.flat_list
# Get the colors: we need exactly three colors,
# so no need not split more than 4
# We'll let 'dot' validate the colors...
colors = args.colors.split(',', 4)
if len(colors) != 3:
logging.error("Error: incorrect color list '%s'" % args.colors)
deps, rdeps, dict_types, dict_versions = brpkgutil.get_dependency_tree()
dict_deps = deps if args.direct else rdeps
if check_only:
dict_deps = remove_extra_deps(dict_deps, rootpkg, args.transitive, arrow_dir)
# Start printing the graph data
if draw_graph:
outfile.write("digraph G {\n")
print_pkg_deps(outfile, dict_deps, dict_types, dict_versions, stop_list, exclude_list,
arrow_dir, draw_graph, 0, args.depth, rootpkg, colors)
if draw_graph:
if __name__ == "__main__":