Lots of people are using broken text editors that 1. do not naturally
terminate text files with a final \n as is customary in UNIX text files,
and 2. do not respect our .editorconfig settings, which explicitly
require adding that final newline. See this nice summary of what a text
file is (with references to applicable standards):
So, it is not surprising that read does not read the last "line" of a
file, when said "line" does not end with a newline, because it is thus
not really a line.
Even though we do mandate actual text files, let's be a little bit lax
in this respect, because people may write packages, and their hash
files, in a br2-external tree, and they may not have our .editorconfig
in the directory heierarchy (e.g. if buildroot is a submodule of their
br2-external tree, or whatever).
mapfile does not suffer from this limitation, though, and correctly
reads all lines from a file, even the final line-that-is-not-a-line.
mapfile was introduced in bash 4.0, released on 2009-01-20, more than
15 years ago. Debian squeeze, released in 2011 already had bash 4.1.
Those are really ancient. So, it means we can indeed expect bash
version 4.0 or later; which means mapfile is available.
"It should be fine!"
Fixes: #15976
Reported-by: masonwardle@gmail.com
Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout@mind.be>
(cherry picked from commit ac2e6b392791085bc29fa21901265a8eed4ae0ee)
Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <peter@korsgaard.com>