Cmake supports multiple generators. For now, Buildroot only uses the
venerable "GNU Makefile" generator, which generates Makefiles as the
build backend.
Cmake also has support for Ninja as a build backend, and provides the
corresponding generator. Ninja is a small build system with a focus on
speed. It is mainly used with the meson build system, but also cmake has
very good support for it.
Packages that are selecting Ninja (or over time another generator),
should also use the _BUILD_{ENV,OPTS} variables instead of the _MAKE
No _INSTALL{,_STAGING,_TARGET}_OPTS used so far, so reuse as cmake install opts:
$ grep '_INSTALL_OPTS' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
$ grep '_INSTALL_STAGING_OPTS' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
$ grep '_INSTALL_TARGET_OPTS' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
The _MAKE_{ENV,OPTS} are copied to _BUILD_{ENV,OPTS}, involved packages:
$ grep '_MAKE_ENV =' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
package/netopeer2/ = \
package/racehound/ = $(LINUX_MAKE_FLAGS)
(qt6, webkitgtk, and wpewebkit also match, but already use -Gninja)
$ grep '_MAKE_OPTS =' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
package/mariadb/ = import_executables
package/zeek/ = binpac bifcl
Only "musepack" seems to overwrite MAKE to enforce -j1, so replace it:
$ grep '_MAKE =' $(git grep -l -E '\$\(eval \$\((host-)?cmake-package))')
package/musepack/ = $(MAKE1)
Signed-off-by: Thomas Devoogdt <>
Reviewed-by: John Keeping <>
- switch to FOO_CMAKE_BACKEND = (make|ninja)
- use firstword of $(MAKE), not $(BR2_MAKE)
- explain why we use firstword of $(MAKE)
- update manual with the three new variables
- yweak commit log
Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <>