Samuel Martin ac031cfb97 support/scripts: fix graph-depends when run with python3
Make graph-depends script opening the output file in text mode since
only ascii characters will be written.

This change fixes the following error occuring when the default host
python interpreter is python3:

  make: Entering directory '/opt/buildroot'
  Getting targets
  Getting dependencies for ['toolchain-external', 'toolchain', 'busybox', ...]
  Getting dependencies for ['host-python3', 'host-pkgconf', 'host-gettext', ...]
  Getting dependencies for ['host-libxml2', 'host-swig', 'host-m4', ...]
  Getting version for ['toolchain-external', 'toolchain', 'busybox', ...]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/opt/buildroot/support/scripts/graph-depends", line 425, in <module>
      outfile.write("digraph G {\n")
  TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
  Makefile:807: recipe for target 'graph-depends' failed
  make[1]: *** [graph-depends] Error 1
  Makefile:84: recipe for target '_all' failed
  make: *** [_all] Error 2
  make: Leaving directory '/opt/buildroot'

While with python2, adding 'b' to the openning mode has no effect on
Linux (c.f. [2]), the above error is expected with python3 (c.f. [1]).

Therefore, just open the outfile in default (i.e. text) mode.

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#open
[2] https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#open

Signed-off-by: Samuel Martin <s.martin49@gmail.com>
Acked-by: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <arnout@mind.be>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
2016-04-18 11:34:33 +02:00

431 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

# Usage (the graphviz package must be installed in your distribution)
# ./support/scripts/graph-depends [-p package-name] > test.dot
# dot -Tpdf test.dot -o test.pdf
# With no arguments, graph-depends will draw a complete graph of
# dependencies for the current configuration.
# If '-p <package-name>' is specified, graph-depends will draw a graph
# of dependencies for the given package name.
# If '-d <depth>' is specified, graph-depends will limit the depth of
# the dependency graph to 'depth' levels.
# Limitations
# * Some packages have dependencies that depend on the Buildroot
# configuration. For example, many packages have a dependency on
# openssl if openssl has been enabled. This tool will graph the
# dependencies as they are with the current Buildroot
# configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
from fnmatch import fnmatch
# Modes of operation:
MODE_FULL = 1 # draw full dependency graph for all selected packages
MODE_PKG = 2 # draw dependency graph for a given package
mode = 0
# Limit drawing the dependency graph to this depth. 0 means 'no limit'.
max_depth = 0
# Whether to draw the transitive dependencies
transitive = True
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Graph packages dependencies")
parser.add_argument("--check-only", "-C", dest="check_only", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Only do the dependency checks (circular deps...)")
parser.add_argument("--outfile", "-o", metavar="OUT_FILE", dest="outfile",
help="File in which to generate the dot representation")
parser.add_argument("--package", '-p', metavar="PACKAGE",
help="Graph the dependencies of PACKAGE")
parser.add_argument("--depth", '-d', metavar="DEPTH", dest="depth", type=int, default=0,
help="Limit the dependency graph to DEPTH levels; 0 means no limit.")
parser.add_argument("--stop-on", "-s", metavar="PACKAGE", dest="stop_list", action="append",
help="Do not graph past this package (can be given multiple times)." \
+ " Can be a package name or a glob, " \
+ " 'virtual' to stop on virtual packages, or " \
+ "'host' to stop on host packages.")
parser.add_argument("--exclude", "-x", metavar="PACKAGE", dest="exclude_list", action="append",
help="Like --stop-on, but do not add PACKAGE to the graph.")
parser.add_argument("--colours", "-c", metavar="COLOR_LIST", dest="colours",
help="Comma-separated list of the three colours to use" \
+ " to draw the top-level package, the target" \
+ " packages, and the host packages, in this order." \
+ " Defaults to: 'lightblue,grey,gainsboro'")
parser.add_argument("--transitive", dest="transitive", action='store_true',
parser.add_argument("--no-transitive", dest="transitive", action='store_false',
help="Draw (do not draw) transitive dependencies")
args = parser.parse_args()
check_only = args.check_only
if args.outfile is None:
outfile = sys.stdout
if check_only:
sys.stderr.write("don't specify outfile and check-only at the same time\n")
outfile = open(args.outfile, "w")
if args.package is None:
mode = MODE_FULL
mode = MODE_PKG
rootpkg = args.package
max_depth = args.depth
if args.stop_list is None:
stop_list = []
stop_list = args.stop_list
if args.exclude_list is None:
exclude_list = []
exclude_list = args.exclude_list
transitive = args.transitive
# Get the colours: we need exactly three colours,
# so no need not split more than 4
# We'll let 'dot' validate the colours...
colours = args.colours.split(',',4)
if len(colours) != 3:
sys.stderr.write("Error: incorrect colour list '%s'\n" % args.colours)
root_colour = colours[0]
target_colour = colours[1]
host_colour = colours[2]
allpkgs = []
# Execute the "make <pkg>-show-version" command to get the version of a given
# list of packages, and return the version formatted as a Python dictionary.
def get_version(pkgs):
sys.stderr.write("Getting version for %s\n" % pkgs)
cmd = ["make", "-s", "--no-print-directory" ]
for pkg in pkgs:
cmd.append("%s-show-version" % pkg)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting version %s\n" % pkgs)
output = output.split("\n")
if len(output) != len(pkgs) + 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting version\n")
version = {}
for i in range(0, len(pkgs)):
pkg = pkgs[i]
version[pkg] = output[i]
return version
# Execute the "make show-targets" command to get the list of the main
# Buildroot PACKAGES and return it formatted as a Python list. This
# list is used as the starting point for full dependency graphs
def get_targets():
sys.stderr.write("Getting targets\n")
cmd = ["make", "-s", "--no-print-directory", "show-targets"]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = p.communicate()[0].strip()
if p.returncode != 0:
return None
if output == '':
return []
return output.split(' ')
# Execute the "make <pkg>-show-depends" command to get the list of
# dependencies of a given list of packages, and return the list of
# dependencies formatted as a Python dictionary.
def get_depends(pkgs):
sys.stderr.write("Getting dependencies for %s\n" % pkgs)
cmd = ["make", "-s", "--no-print-directory" ]
for pkg in pkgs:
cmd.append("%s-show-depends" % pkg)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting dependencies %s\n" % pkgs)
output = output.split("\n")
if len(output) != len(pkgs) + 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting dependencies\n")
deps = {}
for i in range(0, len(pkgs)):
pkg = pkgs[i]
pkg_deps = output[i].split(" ")
if pkg_deps == ['']:
deps[pkg] = []
deps[pkg] = pkg_deps
return deps
# Recursive function that builds the tree of dependencies for a given
# list of packages. The dependencies are built in a list called
# 'dependencies', which contains tuples of the form (pkg1 ->
# pkg2_on_which_pkg1_depends, pkg3 -> pkg4_on_which_pkg3_depends) and
# the function finally returns this list.
def get_all_depends(pkgs):
dependencies = []
# Filter the packages for which we already have the dependencies
filtered_pkgs = []
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg in allpkgs:
if len(filtered_pkgs) == 0:
return []
depends = get_depends(filtered_pkgs)
deps = set()
for pkg in filtered_pkgs:
pkg_deps = depends[pkg]
# This package has no dependency.
if pkg_deps == []:
# Add dependencies to the list of dependencies
for dep in pkg_deps:
dependencies.append((pkg, dep))
if len(deps) != 0:
newdeps = get_all_depends(deps)
if newdeps is not None:
dependencies += newdeps
return dependencies
# The Graphviz "dot" utility doesn't like dashes in node names. So for
# node names, we strip all dashes.
def pkg_node_name(pkg):
return pkg.replace("-","")
# In full mode, start with the result of get_targets() to get the main
# targets and then use get_all_depends() for all targets
if mode == MODE_FULL:
targets = get_targets()
dependencies = []
filtered_targets = []
for tg in targets:
# Skip uninteresting targets
dependencies.append(('all', tg))
deps = get_all_depends(filtered_targets)
if deps is not None:
dependencies += deps
rootpkg = 'all'
# In pkg mode, start directly with get_all_depends() on the requested
# package
elif mode == MODE_PKG:
dependencies = get_all_depends([rootpkg])
# Make the dependencies a dictionnary { 'pkg':[dep1, dep2, ...] }
dict_deps = {}
for dep in dependencies:
if dep[0] not in dict_deps:
dict_deps[dep[0]] = []
# Basic cache for the results of the is_dep() function, in order to
# optimize the execution time. The cache is a dict of dict of boolean
# values. The key to the primary dict is "pkg", and the key of the
# sub-dicts is "pkg2".
is_dep_cache = {}
def is_dep_cache_insert(pkg, pkg2, val):
is_dep_cache[pkg].update({pkg2: val})
except KeyError:
is_dep_cache[pkg] = {pkg2: val}
# Retrieves from the cache whether pkg2 is a transitive dependency
# of pkg.
# Note: raises a KeyError exception if the dependency is not known.
def is_dep_cache_lookup(pkg, pkg2):
return is_dep_cache[pkg][pkg2]
# This function return True if pkg is a dependency (direct or
# transitive) of pkg2, dependencies being listed in the deps
# dictionary. Returns False otherwise.
# This is the un-cached version.
def is_dep_uncached(pkg,pkg2,deps):
for p in deps[pkg2]:
if pkg == p:
return True
if is_dep(pkg,p,deps):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
# See is_dep_uncached() above; this is the cached version.
def is_dep(pkg,pkg2,deps):
return is_dep_cache_lookup(pkg, pkg2)
except KeyError:
val = is_dep_uncached(pkg, pkg2, deps)
is_dep_cache_insert(pkg, pkg2, val)
return val
# This function eliminates transitive dependencies; for example, given
# these dependency chain: A->{B,C} and B->{C}, the A->{C} dependency is
# already covered by B->{C}, so C is a transitive dependency of A, via B.
# The functions does:
# - for each dependency d[i] of the package pkg
# - if d[i] is a dependency of any of the other dependencies d[j]
# - do not keep d[i]
# - otherwise keep d[i]
def remove_transitive_deps(pkg,deps):
d = deps[pkg]
new_d = []
for i in range(len(d)):
keep_me = True
for j in range(len(d)):
if j==i:
if is_dep(d[i],d[j],deps):
keep_me = False
if keep_me:
return new_d
# This function removes the dependency on some 'mandatory' package, like the
# 'toolchain' package, or the 'skeleton' package
def remove_mandatory_deps(pkg,deps):
return [p for p in deps[pkg] if p not in ['toolchain', 'skeleton']]
# This function will check that there is no loop in the dependency chain
# As a side effect, it builds up the dependency cache.
def check_circular_deps(deps):
def recurse(pkg):
if not pkg in list(deps.keys()):
if pkg in not_loop:
for p in deps[pkg]:
if p in chain:
sys.stderr.write("\nRecursion detected for : %s\n" % (p))
while True:
_p = chain.pop()
sys.stderr.write("which is a dependency of: %s\n" % (_p))
if p == _p:
not_loop = []
chain = []
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
# This functions trims down the dependency list of all packages.
# It applies in sequence all the dependency-elimination methods.
def remove_extra_deps(deps):
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
if not pkg == 'all':
deps[pkg] = remove_mandatory_deps(pkg,deps)
for pkg in list(deps.keys()):
if not transitive or pkg == 'all':
deps[pkg] = remove_transitive_deps(pkg,deps)
return deps
if check_only:
dict_deps = remove_extra_deps(dict_deps)
dict_version = get_version([pkg for pkg in allpkgs
if pkg != "all" and not pkg.startswith("root")])
# Print the attributes of a node: label and fill-color
def print_attrs(pkg):
name = pkg_node_name(pkg)
if pkg == 'all':
label = 'ALL'
label = pkg
if pkg == 'all' or (mode == MODE_PKG and pkg == rootpkg):
color = root_colour
if pkg.startswith('host') \
or pkg.startswith('toolchain') \
or pkg.startswith('rootfs'):
color = host_colour
color = target_colour
version = dict_version.get(pkg)
if version == "virtual":
outfile.write("%s [label = <<I>%s</I>>]\n" % (name, label))
outfile.write("%s [label = \"%s\"]\n" % (name, label))
outfile.write("%s [color=%s,style=filled]\n" % (name, color))
# Print the dependency graph of a package
def print_pkg_deps(depth, pkg):
if pkg in done_deps:
if pkg not in dict_deps:
for p in stop_list:
if fnmatch(pkg, p):
if dict_version.get(pkg) == "virtual" and "virtual" in stop_list:
if pkg.startswith("host-") and "host" in stop_list:
if max_depth == 0 or depth < max_depth:
for d in dict_deps[pkg]:
if dict_version.get(d) == "virtual" \
and "virtual" in exclude_list:
if d.startswith("host-") \
and "host" in exclude_list:
add = True
for p in exclude_list:
if fnmatch(d,p):
add = False
if add:
outfile.write("%s -> %s\n" % (pkg_node_name(pkg), pkg_node_name(d)))
print_pkg_deps(depth+1, d)
# Start printing the graph data
outfile.write("digraph G {\n")
done_deps = []
print_pkg_deps(0, rootpkg)