Recent MIPS compilers have an stricter agreement between the compiler and the assembler on the ABI. The compiler now passes -msoft-float to the assembler where it previously did not. libffi uses MIPS hard-float instructions so when we try to build it for soft-float using a recent compiler it fails because of the explained above. This package should be fixed in order to add support for soft-float. In the meantime we can add a little hack in order to be able to build it for soft-float. Basically we add ".set hardfloat" so the assembler will not disable the hard-float instructions. The build will of course include some hard-float bits which shouldn't exist in a soft-float build, and that may cause runtime problems. But that's what we already had before and we had lived with it. We choose to apply this temporary fix because it only affects MIPS soft-float builds. Otherwise we would need to disable libffi and recursively all the packages depending on it (python, libglib2...) for MIPS soft-float, which would be a bit overkill. Fixes: Signed-off-by: Vicente Olivert Riera <> Tested-by: Thomas Petazzoni <> Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <> |
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Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy-to-use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross-compilation. The documentation can be found in docs/manual. You can generate a text document with 'make manual-text' and read output/docs/manual/manual.text. Online documentation can be found at To build and use the buildroot stuff, do the following: 1) run 'make menuconfig' 2) select the target architecture and the packages you wish to compile 3) run 'make' 4) wait while it compiles 5) find the kernel, bootloader, root filesystem, etc. in output/images You do not need to be root to build or run buildroot. Have fun! Buildroot comes with a basic configuration for a number of boards. Run 'make list-defconfigs' to view the list of provided configurations. Please feed suggestions, bug reports, insults, and bribes back to the buildroot mailing list: You can also find us on #buildroot on Freenode IRC.