Some file formats have well-established syntax checkers. One example of this is the tool 'shellcheck' that can analyse shell scripts for common mistakes. There is no reason to reimplement such tools in check-package, when we can just call them. Add the ability to check-package to call external tools that will run once for each file to be analysed. For simplicity, when the tool generated one or more warnings, count it as a single warning from check-package, that can display something like this: |$ ./utils/check-package package/unscd/S46unscd |package/unscd/S46unscd:0: run 'shellcheck' and fix the warnings |25 lines processed |1 warnings generated |$ ./utils/check-package -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv package/unscd/S46unscd |package/unscd/S46unscd:0: run 'shellcheck' and fix the warnings |In package/unscd/S46unscd line 9: | printf "Starting ${NAME}: " | ^------------------^ SC2059: Don't use variables in the printf format string. Use printf "..%s.." "$foo". |In package/unscd/S46unscd line 11: | [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "OK" || echo "FAIL" | ^-- SC2181: Check exit code directly with e.g. 'if mycmd;', not indirectly with $?. |In package/unscd/S46unscd line 14: | printf "Stopping ${NAME}: " | ^------------------^ SC2059: Don't use variables in the printf format string. Use printf "..%s.." "$foo". |In package/unscd/S46unscd line 16: | [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "OK" || echo "FAIL" | ^-- SC2181: Check exit code directly with e.g. 'if mycmd;', not indirectly with $?. |For more information: | https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2059 -- Don't use variables in the printf... | https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2181 -- Check exit code directly with e.g... |25 lines processed |1 warnings generated In this first commit, add only the ability for check-package to call external tools and not an example of such tool, as adding each tool to call may need update to the docker image and can lead to it's own discussion on how to implement. Signed-off-by: Ricardo Martincoski <ricardo.martincoski@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <arnout@mind.be>
216 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
216 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# See utils/checkpackagelib/readme.txt before editing this file.
import argparse
import inspect
import os
import re
import six
import sys
import checkpackagelib.base
import checkpackagelib.lib_config
import checkpackagelib.lib_hash
import checkpackagelib.lib_mk
import checkpackagelib.lib_patch
flags = None # Command line arguments.
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Do not use argparse.FileType("r") here because only files with known
# format will be open based on the filename.
parser.add_argument("files", metavar="F", type=str, nargs="*",
help="list of files")
parser.add_argument("--br2-external", "-b", dest='intree_only', action="store_false",
help="do not apply the pathname filters used for intree files")
parser.add_argument("--manual-url", action="store",
help="default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="count", default=0)
parser.add_argument("--quiet", "-q", action="count", default=0)
# Now the debug options in the order they are processed.
parser.add_argument("--include-only", dest="include_list", action="append",
help="run only the specified functions (debug)")
parser.add_argument("--exclude", dest="exclude_list", action="append",
help="do not run the specified functions (debug)")
parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="print the "
"functions that would be called for each file (debug)")
return parser.parse_args()
CONFIG_IN_FILENAME = re.compile(r"Config\.\S*$")
DO_CHECK_INTREE = re.compile(r"|".join([
DO_NOT_CHECK_INTREE = re.compile(r"|".join([
def get_lib_from_filename(fname):
if flags.intree_only:
if DO_CHECK_INTREE.match(fname) is None:
return None
if DO_NOT_CHECK_INTREE.match(fname):
return None
if os.path.basename(fname) == "external.mk" and \
os.path.exists(fname[:-2] + "desc"):
return None
if CONFIG_IN_FILENAME.search(fname):
return checkpackagelib.lib_config
if fname.endswith(".hash"):
return checkpackagelib.lib_hash
if fname.endswith(".mk"):
return checkpackagelib.lib_mk
if fname.endswith(".patch"):
return checkpackagelib.lib_patch
return None
def common_inspect_rules(m):
# do not call the base class
if m.__name__.startswith("_"):
return False
if flags.include_list and m.__name__ not in flags.include_list:
return False
if flags.exclude_list and m.__name__ in flags.exclude_list:
return False
return True
def is_a_check_function(m):
if not inspect.isclass(m):
return False
if not issubclass(m, checkpackagelib.base._CheckFunction):
return False
return common_inspect_rules(m)
def is_external_tool(m):
if not inspect.isclass(m):
return False
if not issubclass(m, checkpackagelib.base._Tool):
return False
return common_inspect_rules(m)
def print_warnings(warnings):
# Avoid the need to use 'return []' at the end of every check function.
if warnings is None:
return 0 # No warning generated.
for level, message in enumerate(warnings):
if flags.verbose >= level:
print(message.replace("\t", "< tab >").rstrip())
return 1 # One more warning to count.
def check_file_using_lib(fname):
# Count number of warnings generated and lines processed.
nwarnings = 0
nlines = 0
lib = get_lib_from_filename(fname)
if not lib:
print("{}: ignored".format(fname))
return nwarnings, nlines
internal_functions = inspect.getmembers(lib, is_a_check_function)
external_tools = inspect.getmembers(lib, is_external_tool)
all_checks = internal_functions + external_tools
if flags.dry_run:
functions_to_run = [c[0] for c in all_checks]
print("{}: would run: {}".format(fname, functions_to_run))
return nwarnings, nlines
objects = [c[1](fname, flags.manual_url) for c in internal_functions]
for cf in objects:
nwarnings += print_warnings(cf.before())
if six.PY3:
f = open(fname, "r", errors="surrogateescape")
f = open(fname, "r")
lastline = ""
for lineno, text in enumerate(f.readlines()):
nlines += 1
for cf in objects:
if cf.disable.search(lastline):
nwarnings += print_warnings(cf.check_line(lineno + 1, text))
lastline = text
for cf in objects:
nwarnings += print_warnings(cf.after())
tools = [c[1](fname) for c in external_tools]
for tool in tools:
nwarnings += print_warnings(tool.run())
return nwarnings, nlines
def __main__():
global flags
flags = parse_args()
if flags.intree_only:
# change all paths received to be relative to the base dir
base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
files_to_check = [os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(f), base_dir) for f in flags.files]
# move current dir so the script find the files
files_to_check = flags.files
if len(files_to_check) == 0:
print("No files to check style")
# Accumulate number of warnings generated and lines processed.
total_warnings = 0
total_lines = 0
for fname in files_to_check:
nwarnings, nlines = check_file_using_lib(fname)
total_warnings += nwarnings
total_lines += nlines
# The warning messages are printed to stdout and can be post-processed
# (e.g. counted by 'wc'), so for stats use stderr. Wait all warnings are
# printed, for the case there are many of them, before printing stats.
if not flags.quiet:
print("{} lines processed".format(total_lines), file=sys.stderr)
print("{} warnings generated".format(total_warnings), file=sys.stderr)
if total_warnings > 0: