MPD version 0.20 being affected by GCC PR libstdc++/64735 means no mpd package available in Buildroot for the architectures NIOSII, ARMv4, ARMv5 and SPARCv8 until GCC 7 is released. As the next Buildroot release is in 2017.02, which is before GCC 7 is expected to be finished we add hidden config symbols to select the version branch to use. Note, that we bumped the version from 0.19 to 0.20 quite recently within the current Buildroot release cycle. This way we can keep the support for mpd on the affected architectures, like ARMv5, until GCC 7 is out. Note, that for the version 0.19 MPD requires libglib2. Signed-off-by: Jörg Krause <> Cc: Thomas Petazzoni <> Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <>
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# Locally calculated after checking pgp signature
sha256 712b25351c12616630c580204e1c3dcba3ae2993a56cff1c346c87e334d69728 mpd-0.20.4.tar.xz
sha256 8305b8bc026f4b6bde28b8dd09bfdddbe5590acf36358eed4d083a396e301730 mpd-0.19.21.tar.xz