Yann E. MORIN 09d954fc4e package/doc-asciidoc: specify TOC depth for all formats
Commit 17feaf0016 (manual: set toc depth to 4 for html outputs) did
not explain why it set the depth of the table of content (TOC) only for
the html and split-html formats.

From memory, but it is a bit fuzzy after all those years, the TOC for
HTML documentation was by default deeper than for the other formats, so
it was really useless to expand it more than one-level deep, while for
other formats, the default was acceptable.

However, it does not make much sense to limit/enforce the depth of the
TOC only for specific formats, and keep the default for the others;
indeed, there is nothing that prevents the default to change with
various versions of asciidoc and the rendering backends.

Render all the formats with the same, explicit level of TOC.

We move the assignment of _A2X_OPTS above the comment, because the
comment does not apply to the TOC setting. Also note that the previous
assignment to an empty value was completely superfluous...

Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin@orange.com>
Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout@mind.be>
2023-04-10 21:46:08 +02:00

191 lines
7.4 KiB

# we can't use suitable-host-package here because that's not available in
# the context of 'make release'
.PHONY: asciidoc-check-dependencies
$(Q)if [ -z "$(shell support/dependencies/check-host-asciidoc.sh)" ]; then \
echo "You need a sufficiently recent asciidoc on your host" \
"to generate documents"; \
exit 1; \
$(Q)if [ -z "`which w3m 2>/dev/null`" ]; then \
echo "You need w3m on your host to generate documents"; \
exit 1; \
$(Q)if [ -z "`which dblatex 2>/dev/null`" ]; then \
echo "You need dblatex on your host to generate PDF documents"; \
exit 1; \
# PDF generation is broken because of a bug in xsltproc program provided
# by libxslt <=1.1.28, which does not honor an option we need to set.
# Fortunately, this bug is already fixed upstream:
# https://gitorious.org/libxslt/libxslt/commit/5af7ad745323004984287e48b42712e7305de35c
# So, bail out when trying to build a PDF using a buggy version of the
# xsltproc program.
# So, to overcome this issue and being able to build a PDF, you can
# build xsltproc from its source repository, then run:
# $ PATH=/path/to/custom-xsltproc/bin:${PATH} make manual
$(shell xsltproc --maxvars 0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || echo y)
# Apply this configuration to all documents
BR_ASCIIDOC_CONF = docs/conf/asciidoc.conf
# ASCIIDOC_INNER -- generates the make targets needed to build a specific type of
# asciidoc documentation.
# argument 1 is the name of the document and the top-level asciidoc file must
# have the same name
# argument 2 is the uppercase name of the document
# argument 3 is the type of document to generate (-f argument of a2x)
# argument 4 is the document type as used in the make target
# argument 5 is the output file extension for the document type
# argument 6 is the human text for the document type
# argument 7 (optional) are extra arguments for a2x
# The variable <DOCUMENT_NAME>_SOURCES defines the dependencies.
# Since this function will be called from within an $(eval ...)
# all variable references except the arguments must be $$-quoted.
$(1): $(1)-$(4)
.PHONY: $(1)-$(4)
$(1)-$(4): $$(O)/docs/$(1)/$(1).$(5)
.PHONY: $(1)-check-dependencies-$(4)
# Single line, because splitting a foreach is not easy...
$(1)-check-dependencies-$(4): asciidoc-check-dependencies-$(4)
$$(Q)$$(foreach hook,$$($(2)_CHECK_DEPENDENCIES_$$(call UPPERCASE,$(4))_HOOKS),$$(call $$(hook))$$(sep))
# Include Buildroot's AsciiDoc configuration first:
# - generic configuration,
# - then output-specific configuration
ifneq ($$(wildcard $$(BR_ASCIIDOC_CONF)),)
BR_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF = docs/conf/asciidoc-$(3).conf
ifneq ($$(wildcard $$(BR_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)),)
$(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_OPTS += -f $$(BR_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)
# Then include the document's AsciiDoc configuration:
# - generic configuration,
# - then output-specific configuration
ifneq ($$(wildcard $$($(2)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)),)
$(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_OPTS += -f $$($(2)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)
$(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF = $$($(2)_DOCDIR)/asciidoc-$(3).conf
ifneq ($$(wildcard $$($(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)),)
$(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_OPTS += -f $$($(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_CONF)
$(2)_$(3)_A2X_OPTS = \
--xsltproc-opts "--stringparam toc.section.depth 1"
# Handle a2x warning about --destination-dir option only applicable to HTML
# based outputs. So:
# - use the --destination-dir option if possible (html and split-html),
# - otherwise copy the generated document to the output directory
ifneq ($$(filter $(4),html split-html),)
$(2)_$(3)_A2X_OPTS += --destination-dir="$$(@D)"
define $(2)_$(3)_INSTALL_CMDS
$$(Q)cp -f $$(BUILD_DIR)/docs/$(1)/$(1).$(5) $$(@D)
$$(O)/docs/$(1)/$(1).$(5): export TZ=UTC
ifeq ($(5)-$$(GENDOC_XSLTPROC_IS_BROKEN),pdf-y)
$$(warning PDF generation is disabled because of a bug in \
xsltproc. To be able to generate a PDF, you should \
build xsltproc from the libxslt sources >=1.1.29 and pass it \
to make through the command line: \
'PATH=/path/to/custom-xsltproc/bin:$$$${PATH} make $(1)-pdf')
# -r $(@D) is there for documents that use external filters; those filters
# generate code at the same location it finds the document's source files.
$$(O)/docs/$(1)/$(1).$(5): $$($(2)_SOURCES) \
$(1)-check-dependencies \
$(1)-check-dependencies-$(4) \
$$(Q)$$(call MESSAGE,"Generating $(6) $(1)...")
$$(Q)mkdir -p $$(@D)
$$(Q)a2x $(7) -f $(3) -d book -L \
$$(foreach r,$$($(2)_RESOURCES) $$(@D), \
--resource="$$(abspath $$(r))") \
$$($(2)_$(3)_A2X_OPTS) \
--asciidoc-opts="$$($(2)_$(3)_ASCIIDOC_OPTS)" \
# install the generated document
# ASCIIDOC -- generates the make targets needed to build asciidoc documentation.
# argument 1 is the lowercase name of the document; the document's main file
# must have the same name, with the .txt extension
# argument 2 is the uppercase name of the document
# The variable <DOCUMENT_NAME>_SOURCES defines the dependencies.
# The variable <DOCUMENT_NAME>_RESOURCES defines where the document's
# resources, such as images, are located; must be an absolute path.
$(2)_DOCDIR = $(pkgdir)
# Single line, because splitting a foreach is not easy...
.PHONY: $(1)-check-dependencies
$(1)-check-dependencies: asciidoc-check-dependencies $$($(2)_DEPENDENCIES)
$$(Q)$$(foreach hook,$$($(2)_CHECK_DEPENDENCIES_HOOKS),$$(call $$(hook))$$(sep))
# Single line, because splitting a foreach is not easy...
# Do not touch the stamp file, so we get to rsync again every time we build
# the document.
$$(Q)$$(call MESSAGE,"Preparing the $(1) sources...")
$$(Q)mkdir -p $$(@D)
$$(Q)rsync -a $$($(2)_DOCDIR) $$(@D)
$$(Q)$$(foreach hook,$$($(2)_POST_RSYNC_HOOKS),$$(call $$(hook))$$(sep))
.PHONY: $(1)-prepare-sources
$(1)-prepare-sources: $$(BUILD_DIR)/docs/$(1)/.stamp_doc_rsynced
$(2)_ASCIIDOC_CONF = $$($(2)_DOCDIR)/asciidoc.conf
$(call ASCIIDOC_INNER,$(1),$(2),xhtml,html,html,HTML)
$(call ASCIIDOC_INNER,$(1),$(2),chunked,split-html,chunked,split HTML)
# dblatex needs to pass the '--maxvars ...' option to xsltproc to prevent it
# from reaching the template recursion limit when processing the (long) target
# package table and bailing out.
$(call ASCIIDOC_INNER,$(1),$(2),pdf,pdf,pdf,PDF,\
--dblatex-opts "-P latex.output.revhistory=0 -x '--maxvars 100000'")
$(call ASCIIDOC_INNER,$(1),$(2),text,text,text,text)
$(call ASCIIDOC_INNER,$(1),$(2),epub,epub,epub,ePUB)
clean: $(1)-clean
$$(Q)$$(RM) -rf $$(BUILD_DIR)/docs/$(1)
.PHONY: $(1) $(1)-clean
# asciidoc-document -- the target generator macro for asciidoc documents
asciidoc-document = $(call ASCIIDOC,$(pkgname),$(call UPPERCASE,$(pkgname)))