Checking simple C program: OK rpath library support: OK -Wl,--version-script support: OK Checking getconf LFS_CFLAGS: NO Checking for large file support without additional flags: OK Checking for -D_LARGE_FILES: OK Checking correct behavior of strtoll: NO Checking for working strptime: OK Checking for C99 vsnprintf: OK Checking for HAVE_SHARED_MMAP: OK Checking for HAVE_MREMAP: OK Checking for HAVE_INCOHERENT_MMAP: NO Checking for HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP: OK Checking for HAVE_IFACE_GETIFADDRS: OK Checking for kernel change notify support: OK Checking for Linux kernel oplocks: OK Checking for kernel share modes: OK Checking if can we convert from CP850 to UCS-2LE: OK Checking if can we convert from UTF-8 to UCS-2LE: OK Checking whether we can use Linux thread-specific credentials with 32-bit system calls: OK Checking whether we can use Linux thread-specific credentials: OK Checking whether setreuid is available: OK Checking whether setresuid is available: OK Checking whether seteuid is available: OK Checking whether fcntl locking is available: OK Checking for the maximum value of the 'time_t' type: OK Checking whether the realpath function allows a NULL argument: OK Checking whether POSIX capabilities are available: OK Checking for ftruncate extend: OK getcwd takes a NULL argument: OK Checking uname sysname type: "Linux" Checking uname release type: "3.0.0" Checking uname version type: "#1 Tue Nov 1 12:34:56 UTC 2013" Checking value of NSIG: "65" Checking value of _NSIG: "65" Checking value of SIGRTMAX: "64" Checking value of SIGRTMIN: "34"