comment "GCC Options" config BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool choice prompt "GCC compiler Version" default BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_4_X if BR2_sparc_sparchfleon || BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 || BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon || BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 default BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 if BR2_avr32 default BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_ARC if BR2_arc default BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_5_X if BR2_bfin default BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_7_X help Select the version of gcc you wish to use. config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 depends on BR2_avr32 bool "gcc 4.2.2-avr32-2.1.5" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_3_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 && !BR2_cortex_a5 && !BR2_cortex_a7 && !BR2_cortex_a8 && !BR2_cortex_a9 && !BR2_cortex_a15 && !BR2_x86_atom && !BR2_powerpc_e300c2 && !BR2_powerpc_e300c3 && !BR2_powerpc_e500mc && !BR2_powerpc_464 && !BR2_powerpc_464fp && !BR2_powerpc_476 && !BR2_powerpc_476fp && !BR2_fa526 && !BR2_pj4 depends on !BR2_ARM_EABIHF bool "gcc 4.3.x" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_4_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_cortex_a5 && !BR2_cortex_a7 && !BR2_cortex_a15 && !BR2_x86_atom && !BR2_powerpc_476 && !BR2_powerpc_476fp && !BR2_fa526 && !BR2_pj4 bool "gcc 4.4.x" # ARM EABIhf support appeared in gcc 4.6 depends on !BR2_ARM_EABIHF # VFPv4 support appeared in gcc 4.5 depends on !BR2_ARM_FPU_VFPV4 && !BR2_ARM_FPU_VFPV4D16 config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_5_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_cortex_a7 && !BR2_cortex_a15 && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 && !BR2_fa526 && !BR2_pj4 select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC # ARM EABIhf support appeared in gcc 4.6 depends on !BR2_ARM_EABIHF bool "gcc 4.5.x" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_6_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_bfin && !BR2_cortex_a7 && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 && !BR2_pj4 select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool "gcc 4.6.x" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_7_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_bfin && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 && !BR2_pj4 select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool "gcc 4.7.x" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_X depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_bfin && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool "gcc 4.8.x" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_ARC depends on BR2_arc select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool "gcc 4.8-arc" config BR2_GCC_VERSION_SNAP depends on !BR2_arc && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparchfleonv8 && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleon && !BR2_sparc_sparcsfleonv8 select BR2_GCC_NEEDS_MPC bool "gcc snapshot" endchoice config BR2_GCC_SUPPORTS_FINEGRAINEDMTUNE bool default y if !BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 config BR2_GCC_SNAP_DATE string "GCC snapshot date" default "4.8-20120429" depends on BR2_GCC_VERSION_SNAP help Enter snapshot date to use for gcc. Format is: A.B-YYYYMMDD A is GCC major version, for example 4. B is GCC minor version, for example 7. YYYYMMDD is snapshot date, for example 20110430. This way we'd get version 4.7-20110430 config BR2_GCC_VERSION string default "4.2.2-avr32-2.1.5" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 default "4.3.6" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_3_X default "4.4.7" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_4_X default "4.5.4" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_5_X default "4.6.4" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_6_X default "4.7.3" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_7_X default "4.8.1" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_X default "4.8-arc" if BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_ARC default $BR2_GCC_SNAP_DATE if BR2_GCC_VERSION_SNAP config BR2_EXTRA_GCC_CONFIG_OPTIONS string "Additional gcc options" default "" help Any additional gcc configure options you may want to include. Those options are applied for all of the gcc initial, gcc intermediate and gcc final passes. config BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_CXX bool "Enable C++ support" select BR2_INSTALL_LIBSTDCPP depends on !(BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 && \ BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_LOCALE) help Enable this option if you want your toolchain to support the C++ language and you want C++ libraries to be installed on your target system. comment "C++ support broken in uClibc with locale enabled with gcc 4.2" depends on BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_2_2_AVR32_2_1_5 && BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_LOCALE config BR2_INSTALL_OBJC bool "Enable Objective-C support" depends on !BR2_avr32 depends on BR2_DEPRECATED help Enable the support for the Objective-C language in the cross-compiler, and install the Objective-C runtime to the target. config BR2_INSTALL_FORTRAN bool "Enable Fortran support" depends on !BR2_avr32 depends on BR2_DEPRECATED select BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPFR help Enable the support for the Fortran language in the cross-compiler, and install the Fortran runtime to the target. config BR2_GCC_ENABLE_TLS bool "Enable compiler tls support" if BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_UCLIBC default y depends on BR2_PTHREADS_NATIVE || BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_EGLIBC || BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_GLIBC help Enable the compiler to generate code for accessing thread local storage variables config BR2_GCC_ENABLE_OPENMP bool "Enable compiler OpenMP support" depends on !BR2_PTHREADS_NONE && !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_arc help Enable OpenMP support for the compiler config BR2_GCC_ENABLE_LIBMUDFLAP bool "Enable libmudflap support" # There are architectures, or specific configurations for # which mudflap is not supported. depends on !BR2_avr32 && !BR2_bfin && !BR2_ARM_INSTRUCTIONS_THUMB && !BR2_powerpc_SPE help libmudflap is a gcc library used for the mudflap pointer debugging functionality. It is only needed if you intend to use the -fmudflap gcc flag. See and the help of the gcc -fmudflap option for more details. If you're unsure, leave this option disabled.