// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: === Infrastructure for Meson-based packages [[meson-package-tutorial]] ==== +meson-package+ tutorial http://mesonbuild.com[Meson] is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible. It uses https://ninja-build.org[Ninja] as a companion tool to perform the actual build operations. Let's see how to write a +.mk+ file for a Meson-based package, with an example: ---- 01: ################################################################################ 02: # 03: # foo 04: # 05: ################################################################################ 06: 07: FOO_VERSION = 1.0 08: FOO_SOURCE = foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz 09: FOO_SITE = http://www.foosoftware.org/download 10: FOO_LICENSE = GPL-3.0+ 11: FOO_LICENSE_FILES = COPYING 12: FOO_INSTALL_STAGING = YES 13: 14: FOO_DEPENDENCIES = host-pkgconf bar 15: 16: ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_BAZ),y) 17: FOO_CONF_OPTS += -Dbaz=true 18: FOO_DEPENDENCIES += baz 19: else 20: FOO_CONF_OPTS += -Dbaz=false 21: endif 22: 23: $(eval $(meson-package)) ---- The Makefile starts with the definition of the standard variables for package declaration (lines 7 to 11). On line line 23, we invoke the +meson-package+ macro that generates all the Makefile rules that actually allows the package to be built. In the example, +host-pkgconf+ and +bar+ are declared as dependencies in +FOO_DEPENDENCIES+ at line 14 because the Meson build file of +foo+ uses `pkg-config` to determine the compilation flags and libraries of package +bar+. Note that it is not necessary to add +host-meson+ in the +FOO_DEPENDENCIES+ variable of a package, since this basic dependency is automatically added as needed by the Meson package infrastructure. If the "baz" package is selected, then support for the "baz" feature in "foo" is activated by adding +-Dbaz=true+ to +FOO_CONF_OPTS+ at line 17, as specified in the +meson_options.txt+ file in "foo" source tree. The "baz" package is also added to +FOO_DEPENDENCIES+. Note that the support for +baz+ is explicitly disabled at line 20, if the package is not selected. To sum it up, to add a new meson-based package, the Makefile example can be copied verbatim then edited to replace all occurrences of +FOO+ with the uppercase name of the new package and update the values of the standard variables. [[meson-package-reference]] ==== +meson-package+ reference The main macro of the Meson package infrastructure is +meson-package+. It is similar to the +generic-package+ macro. The ability to have target and host packages is also available, with the +host-meson-package+ macro. Just like the generic infrastructure, the Meson infrastructure works by defining a number of variables before calling the +meson-package+ macro. All the package metadata information variables that exist in the xref:generic-package-reference[generic package infrastructure] also exist in the Meson infrastructure. A few additional variables, specific to the Meson infrastructure, can also be defined. Many of them are only useful in very specific cases, typical packages will therefore only use a few of them. * +FOO_SUBDIR+ may contain the name of a subdirectory inside the package that contains the main meson.build file. This is useful, if for example, the main meson.build file is not at the root of the tree extracted by the tarball. If +HOST_FOO_SUBDIR+ is not specified, it defaults to +FOO_SUBDIR+. * +FOO_CONF_ENV+, to specify additional environment variables to pass to +meson+ for the configuration step. By default, empty. * +FOO_CONF_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass to +meson+ for the configuration step. By default, empty. * +FOO_CFLAGS+, to specify compiler arguments added to the package specific +cross-compile.conf+ file +c_args+ property. By default, the value of +TARGET_CFLAGS+. * +FOO_CXXFLAGS+, to specify compiler arguments added to the package specific +cross-compile.conf+ file +cpp_args+ property. By default, the value of +TARGET_CXXFLAGS+. * +FOO_LDFLAGS+, to specify compiler arguments added to the package specific +cross-compile.conf+ file +c_link_args+ and +cpp_link_args+ properties. By default, the value of +TARGET_LDFLAGS+. * +FOO_MESON_EXTRA_BINARIES+, to specify a space-separated list of programs to add to the `[binaries]` section of the meson `cross-compilation.conf` configuration file. The format is `program-name='/path/to/program'`, with no space around the +=+ sign, and with the path of the program between single quotes. By default, empty. Note that Buildroot already sets the correct values for +c+, +cpp+, +ar+, +strip+, and +pkgconfig+. * +FOO_MESON_EXTRA_PROPERTIES+, to specify a space-separated list of properties to add to the `[properties]` section of the meson `cross-compilation.conf` configuration file. The format is `property-name=` with no space around the +=+ sign, and with single quotes around string values. By default, empty. Note that Buildroot already sets values for +needs_exe_wrapper+, +c_args+, +c_link_args+, +cpp_args+, +cpp_link_args+, +sys_root+, and +pkg_config_libdir+. * +FOO_NINJA_ENV+, to specify additional environment variables to pass to +ninja+, meson companion tool in charge of the build operations. By default, empty. * +FOO_NINJA_OPTS+, to specify a space-separated list of targets to build. By default, empty, to build the default target(s).