#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2011 by Thomas Petazzoni # Copyright (C) 2013 by Yann E. MORIN # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # This script generates graphs of packages build time, from the timing # data generated by Buildroot in the $(O)/build-time.log file. # # Example usage: # # cat $(O)/build-time.log | ./support/scripts/graph-build-time --type=histogram --output=foobar.pdf # # Three graph types are available : # # * histogram, which creates an histogram of the build time for each # package, decomposed by each step (extract, patch, configure, # etc.). The order in which the packages are shown is # configurable: by package name, by build order, or by duration # order. See the --order option. # # * pie-packages, which creates a pie chart of the build time of # each package (without decomposition in steps). Packages that # contributed to less than 1% of the overall build time are all # grouped together in an "Other" entry. # # * pie-steps, which creates a pie chart of the time spent globally # on each step (extract, patch, configure, etc...) # # The default is to generate an histogram ordered by package name. # # Requirements: # # * matplotlib (python-matplotlib on Debian/Ubuntu systems) # * numpy (python-numpy on Debian/Ubuntu systems) # * argparse (by default in Python 2.7, requires python-argparse if # Python 2.6 is used) import matplotlib import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.font_manager as fm import csv import argparse import sys steps = [ 'extract', 'patch', 'configure', 'build', 'install-target', 'install-staging', 'install-images', 'install-host'] default_colors = ['#e60004', '#009836', '#2e1d86', '#ffed00', '#0068b5', '#f28e00', '#940084', '#97c000'] alternate_colors = ['#00e0e0', '#3f7f7f', '#ff0000', '#00c000', '#0080ff', '#c000ff', '#00eeee', '#e0e000'] class Package: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.steps_duration = {} self.steps_start = {} self.steps_end = {} def add_step(self, step, state, time): if state == "start": self.steps_start[step] = time else: self.steps_end[step] = time if step in self.steps_start and step in self.steps_end: self.steps_duration[step] = self.steps_end[step] - self.steps_start[step] def get_duration(self, step=None): if step is None: duration = 0 for step in list(self.steps_duration.keys()): duration += self.steps_duration[step] return duration if step in self.steps_duration: return self.steps_duration[step] return 0 # Generate an histogram of the time spent in each step of each # package. def pkg_histogram(data, output, order="build"): n_pkgs = len(data) ind = numpy.arange(n_pkgs) if order == "duration": data = sorted(data, key=lambda p: p.get_duration(), reverse=True) elif order == "name": data = sorted(data, key=lambda p: p.name, reverse=False) # Prepare the vals array, containing one entry for each step vals = [] for step in steps: val = [] for p in data: val.append(p.get_duration(step)) vals.append(val) bottom = [0] * n_pkgs legenditems = [] plt.figure() # Draw the bars, step by step for i in range(0, len(vals)): b = plt.bar(ind+0.1, vals[i], width=0.8, color=colors[i], bottom=bottom, linewidth=0.25) legenditems.append(b[0]) bottom = [ bottom[j] + vals[i][j] for j in range(0, len(vals[i])) ] # Draw the package names plt.xticks(ind + .6, [ p.name for p in data ], rotation=-60, rotation_mode="anchor", fontsize=8, ha='left') # Adjust size of graph depending on the number of packages # Ensure a minimal size twice as the default # Magic Numbers do Magic Layout! ratio = max(((n_pkgs + 10) / 48, 2)) borders = 0.1 / ratio sz = plt.gcf().get_figwidth() plt.gcf().set_figwidth(sz * ratio) # Adjust space at borders, add more space for the # package names at the bottom plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=borders, right=1-borders) # Remove ticks in the graph for each package axes = plt.gcf().gca() for line in axes.get_xticklines(): line.set_markersize(0) axes.set_ylabel('Time (seconds)') # Reduce size of legend text leg_prop = fm.FontProperties(size=6) # Draw legend plt.legend(legenditems, steps, prop=leg_prop) if order == "name": plt.title('Build time of packages\n') elif order == "build": plt.title('Build time of packages, by build order\n') elif order == "duration": plt.title('Build time of packages, by duration order\n') # Save graph plt.savefig(output) # Generate a pie chart with the time spent building each package. def pkg_pie_time_per_package(data, output): # Compute total build duration total = 0 for p in data: total += p.get_duration() # Build the list of labels and values, and filter the packages # that account for less than 1% of the build time. labels = [] values = [] other_value = 0 for p in data: if p.get_duration() < (total * 0.01): other_value += p.get_duration() else: labels.append(p.name) values.append(p.get_duration()) labels.append('Other') values.append(other_value) plt.figure() # Draw pie graph patches, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(values, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, colors=colors) # Reduce text size proptease = fm.FontProperties() proptease.set_size('xx-small') plt.setp(autotexts, fontproperties=proptease) plt.setp(texts, fontproperties=proptease) plt.title('Build time per package') plt.savefig(output) # Generate a pie chart with a portion for the overall time spent in # each step for all packages. def pkg_pie_time_per_step(data, output): steps_values = [] for step in steps: val = 0 for p in data: val += p.get_duration(step) steps_values.append(val) plt.figure() # Draw pie graph patches, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(steps_values, labels=steps, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, colors=colors) # Reduce text size proptease = fm.FontProperties() proptease.set_size('xx-small') plt.setp(autotexts, fontproperties=proptease) plt.setp(texts, fontproperties=proptease) plt.title('Build time per step') plt.savefig(output) # Parses the csv file passed on standard input and returns a list of # Package objects, filed with the duration of each step and the total # duration of the package. def read_data(input_file): if input_file is None: input_file = sys.stdin else: input_file = open(input_file) reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=':') pkgs = [] # Auxilliary function to find a package by name in the list. def getpkg(name): for p in pkgs: if p.name == name: return p return None for row in reader: time = int(row[0].strip()) state = row[1].strip() step = row[2].strip() pkg = row[3].strip() p = getpkg(pkg) if p is None: p = Package(pkg) pkgs.append(p) p.add_step(step, state, time) return pkgs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Draw build time graphs') parser.add_argument("--type", '-t', metavar="GRAPH_TYPE", help="Type of graph (histogram, pie-packages, pie-steps)") parser.add_argument("--order", '-O', metavar="GRAPH_ORDER", help="Ordering of packages: build or duration (for histogram only)") parser.add_argument("--alternate-colors", '-c', action="store_true", help="Use alternate colour-scheme") parser.add_argument("--input", '-i', metavar="OUTPUT", help="Input file (usually $(O)/build/build-time.log)") parser.add_argument("--output", '-o', metavar="OUTPUT", required=True, help="Output file (.pdf or .png extension)") args = parser.parse_args() d = read_data(args.input) if args.alternate_colors: colors = alternate_colors else: colors = default_colors if args.type == "histogram" or args.type is None: if args.order == "build" or args.order == "duration" or args.order == "name": pkg_histogram(d, args.output, args.order) elif args.order is None: pkg_histogram(d, args.output, "name") else: sys.stderr.write("Unknown ordering: %s\n" % args.order) exit(1) elif args.type == "pie-packages": pkg_pie_time_per_package(d, args.output) elif args.type == "pie-steps": pkg_pie_time_per_step(d, args.output) else: sys.stderr.write("Unknown type: %s\n" % args.type) exit(1)