################################################################################ # # gpm # ################################################################################ GPM_VERSION = 1.20.7 GPM_SOURCE = gpm-$(GPM_VERSION).tar.bz2 GPM_SITE = http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/gpm/archives/ GPM_LICENSE = GPLv2+ GPM_LICENSE_FILES = COPYING GPM_INSTALL_STAGING = YES GPM_DEPENDENCIES = host-bison # if not already installed in staging dir, gpm Makefile may fail to find some # of the headers needed to generate build dependencies, the first time it is # built. CPPFLAGS is used to pass the right include path to dependency rules. GPM_CONF_ENV = CPPFLAGS="$(TARGET_CPPFLAGS) -I$(@D)/src/headers/" # gpm and ncurses have a circular dependency. As gpm function GPM_Wgetch() # (requiring ncurses) is not recommended for use by ncurses people themselves # and as it's better to have gpm support in ncurses that the contrary, we force # gpm to not look after ncurses explicitly. # http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.faq.html#using_gpm_lib GPM_CONF_OPT = --without-curses # configure is missing but gpm seems not compatible with our autoreconf # mechanism so we have to do it manually instead of using GPM_AUTORECONF = YES define GPM_RUN_AUTOGEN cd $(@D) && PATH=$(BR_PATH) ./autogen.sh endef GPM_PRE_CONFIGURE_HOOKS += GPM_RUN_AUTOGEN GPM_DEPENDENCIES += host-automake host-autoconf host-libtool # gpm tries to build/install .info doc even if makeinfo isn't installed on the # host, so we have to disable global doc installation to prevent autobuild # errors. define GPM_DISABLE_DOC_INSTALL $(SED) 's/SUBDIRS = src doc contrib/SUBDIRS = src contrib/' \ $(@D)/Makefile.in endef GPM_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += GPM_DISABLE_DOC_INSTALL ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_GPM_INSTALL_TEST_TOOLS),) define GPM_REMOVE_TEST_TOOLS_FROM_TARGET for tools in mev hltest mouse-test display-buttons \ get-versions display-coords; do \ rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/$$tools ; \ done endef GPM_POST_INSTALL_TARGET_HOOKS += GPM_REMOVE_TEST_TOOLS_FROM_TARGET endif define GPM_INSTALL_GPM_ROOT_CONF_ON_TARGET $(INSTALL) -m 0644 -D $(@D)/conf/gpm-root.conf $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/ endef GPM_POST_INSTALL_TARGET_HOOKS += GPM_INSTALL_GPM_ROOT_CONF_ON_TARGET $(eval $(autotools-package))