################################################################################ # # swig # ################################################################################ SWIG_VERSION_MAJOR = 4.1 SWIG_VERSION = $(SWIG_VERSION_MAJOR).1 SWIG_SITE = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/swig/swig/swig-$(SWIG_VERSION) HOST_SWIG_DEPENDENCIES = host-bison host-pcre2 HOST_SWIG_CONF_OPTS = \ --with-pcre \ --disable-ccache \ --without-octave SWIG_LICENSE = GPL-3.0+, BSD-2-Clause, BSD-3-Clause SWIG_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE LICENSE-GPL LICENSE-UNIVERSITIES # CMake looks first at swig3.0, then swig2.0 and then swig. However, # when doing the search, it will look into the PATH for swig2.0 first, # and then for swig. # While the PATH contains first our $(HOST_DIR)/bin, it also contains # /usr/bin and other system directories. Therefore, if there is an # installed swig3.0 on the system, it will get the preference over the # swig installed in $(HOST_DIR)/bin, which isn't nice. To prevent # this from happening we create a symbolic link swig3.0 -> swig, so that # our swig always gets used. define HOST_SWIG_INSTALL_SYMLINK ln -fs swig $(HOST_DIR)/bin/swig$(SWIG_VERSION_MAJOR) ln -fs swig $(HOST_DIR)/bin/swig3.0 endef HOST_SWIG_POST_INSTALL_HOOKS += HOST_SWIG_INSTALL_SYMLINK $(eval $(host-autotools-package)) SWIG = $(HOST_DIR)/bin/swig$(SWIG_VERSION_MAJOR)