# # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Swupdate Configuration # CONFIG_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y # # Swupdate Settings # # # General Configuration # # CONFIG_CURL is not set # CONFIG_CURL_SSL is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMD is not set CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/swupdate.cfg" CONFIG_SCRIPTS=y # CONFIG_HW_COMPATIBILITY is not set CONFIG_SW_VERSIONS_FILE="/etc/sw-versions" # # Socket Paths # CONFIG_SOCKET_CTRL_PATH="/tmp/sockinstctrl" CONFIG_SOCKET_PROGRESS_PATH="/tmp/swupdateprog" CONFIG_SOCKET_REMOTE_HANDLER_DIRECTORY="/tmp/" # # MTD support needs libmtd # # # Lua support needs a Lua interpreter # # CONFIG_FEATURE_SYSLOG is not set # # Build Options # CONFIG_CROSS_COMPILE="" CONFIG_SYSROOT="" CONFIG_EXTRA_CFLAGS="" CONFIG_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="" CONFIG_EXTRA_LDLIBS="" # # Debugging Options # # CONFIG_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_WERROR is not set # CONFIG_NOCLEANUP is not set # # EFI Boot Guard needs libebgenv and libz # CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_NONE=y # CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_GRUB is not set # # U-Boot support needs libubootenv, libz # CONFIG_SSL_IMPL_NONE=y # # Image downloading support needs libcurl # # # Hash checking needs an SSL implementation # # # Image signature verification needs an SSL implementation # # # Image encryption needs an SSL implementation # # CONFIG_SURICATTA is not set CONFIG_WEBSERVER=y CONFIG_MONGOOSE=y CONFIG_MONGOOSEIPV6=y # # SSL support needs an SSL implementation # # # Parser Features # CONFIG_LIBCONFIG=y CONFIG_PARSERROOT="" # # JSON config parser support needs json-c # # CONFIG_SETSWDESCRIPTION is not set # # Image Handlers # # # ubivol support needs libubi # # CONFIG_DISKPART is not set CONFIG_RAW=y # CONFIG_RDIFFHANDLER is not set # CONFIG_SHELLSCRIPTHANDLER is not set # # archive support needs libarchive # # # remote handler needs zeromq # # # swuforward handler needs json-c and curl # # # SWU forwarder requires libcurl # # # swuforward handler needs json-c and curl # # CONFIG_BOOTLOADERHANDLER is not set # # Microcontroller handler depends on libgpiod #