################################################################################ # # binutils # ################################################################################ # Version is set when using buildroot toolchain. # If not, we do like other packages BINUTILS_VERSION = $(call qstrip,$(BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION)) ifeq ($(BINUTILS_VERSION),) ifeq ($(BR2_arc),y) BINUTILS_VERSION = arc-2016.09-eng008 else BINUTILS_VERSION = 2.25.1 endif endif # BINUTILS_VERSION ifeq ($(BR2_arc),y) BINUTILS_SITE = $(call github,foss-for-synopsys-dwc-arc-processors,binutils-gdb,$(BINUTILS_VERSION)) BINUTILS_SOURCE = binutils-$(BINUTILS_VERSION).tar.gz BINUTILS_FROM_GIT = y endif BINUTILS_SITE ?= $(BR2_GNU_MIRROR)/binutils BINUTILS_SOURCE ?= binutils-$(BINUTILS_VERSION).tar.bz2 BINUTILS_EXTRA_CONFIG_OPTIONS = $(call qstrip,$(BR2_BINUTILS_EXTRA_CONFIG_OPTIONS)) BINUTILS_INSTALL_STAGING = YES BINUTILS_DEPENDENCIES = $(if $(BR2_NEEDS_GETTEXT_IF_LOCALE),gettext) BINUTILS_LICENSE = GPLv3+, libiberty LGPLv2.1+ BINUTILS_LICENSE_FILES = COPYING3 COPYING.LIB ifeq ($(BINUTILS_FROM_GIT),y) BINUTILS_DEPENDENCIES += host-flex host-bison host-texinfo HOST_BINUTILS_DEPENDENCIES += host-flex host-bison host-texinfo endif # The .info files in the 2.26 tarball have an incorrect timestamp, so # binutils tries to re-generate them. In order to avoid the dependency # on host-texinfo, we simply update the timestamps. ifeq ($(BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_26_X),y) define BINUTILS_FIXUP_INFO_TIMESTAMPS find $(@D) -name '*.info' -exec touch {} \; endef BINUTILS_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += BINUTILS_FIXUP_INFO_TIMESTAMPS HOST_BINUTILS_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += BINUTILS_FIXUP_INFO_TIMESTAMPS endif # When binutils sources are fetched from the binutils-gdb repository, # they also contain the gdb sources, but gdb shouldn't be built, so we # disable it. BINUTILS_DISABLE_GDB_CONF_OPTS = \ --disable-sim \ --disable-gdb # We need to specify host & target to avoid breaking ARM EABI BINUTILS_CONF_OPTS = \ --disable-multilib \ --disable-werror \ --host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --enable-install-libiberty \ --enable-build-warnings=no \ $(BINUTILS_DISABLE_GDB_CONF_OPTS) \ $(BINUTILS_EXTRA_CONFIG_OPTIONS) ifeq ($(BR2_STATIC_LIBS),y) BINUTILS_CONF_OPTS += --disable-plugins endif # Don't build documentation. It takes up extra space / build time, # and sometimes needs specific makeinfo versions to work BINUTILS_CONF_ENV += ac_cv_prog_MAKEINFO=missing HOST_BINUTILS_CONF_ENV += ac_cv_prog_MAKEINFO=missing # gcc bug with Os/O2/O3, PR77311 # error: unable to find a register to spill in class 'CCREGS' ifeq ($(BR2_bfin),y) BINUTILS_CONF_ENV += CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -O1" endif # Install binutils after busybox to prefer full-blown utilities ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX),y) BINUTILS_DEPENDENCIES += busybox endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_ZLIB),y) BINUTILS_DEPENDENCIES += zlib endif # "host" binutils should actually be "cross" # We just keep the convention of "host utility" for now HOST_BINUTILS_CONF_OPTS = \ --disable-multilib \ --disable-werror \ --target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --disable-shared \ --enable-static \ --with-sysroot=$(STAGING_DIR) \ --enable-poison-system-directories \ $(BINUTILS_DISABLE_GDB_CONF_OPTS) \ $(BINUTILS_EXTRA_CONFIG_OPTIONS) # binutils run configure script of subdirs at make time, so ensure # our TARGET_CONFIGURE_ARGS are taken into consideration for those define BINUTILS_BUILD_CMDS $(TARGET_MAKE_ENV) $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_ARGS) $(MAKE) -C $(@D) endef # We just want libbfd, libiberty and libopcodes, # not the full-blown binutils in staging define BINUTILS_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS $(MAKE) -C $(@D)/bfd DESTDIR=$(STAGING_DIR) install $(MAKE) -C $(@D)/opcodes DESTDIR=$(STAGING_DIR) install $(MAKE) -C $(@D)/libiberty DESTDIR=$(STAGING_DIR) install endef # If we don't want full binutils on target ifneq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_BINUTILS_TARGET),y) define BINUTILS_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS $(TARGET_MAKE_ENV) $(MAKE) -C $(@D)/bfd DESTDIR=$(TARGET_DIR) install $(MAKE) -C $(@D)/libiberty DESTDIR=$(STAGING_DIR) install endef endif XTENSA_CORE_NAME = $(call qstrip, $(BR2_XTENSA_CORE_NAME)) ifneq ($(XTENSA_CORE_NAME),) define BINUTILS_XTENSA_PRE_PATCH tar xf $(BR2_XTENSA_OVERLAY_DIR)/xtensa_$(XTENSA_CORE_NAME).tar \ -C $(@D) --strip-components=1 binutils endef BINUTILS_PRE_PATCH_HOOKS += BINUTILS_XTENSA_PRE_PATCH HOST_BINUTILS_PRE_PATCH_HOOKS += BINUTILS_XTENSA_PRE_PATCH endif ifeq ($(BR2_BINUTILS_ENABLE_LTO),y) HOST_BINUTILS_CONF_OPTS += --enable-plugins --enable-lto endif $(eval $(autotools-package)) $(eval $(host-autotools-package))