// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: [[rootfs-custom]] === Customizing the generated target filesystem Besides changing one or another configuration through +make *config+, there are a few ways to customize the resulting target filesystem. * Customize the target filesystem directly and rebuild the image. The target filesystem is available under +output/target/+. You can simply make your changes here and run make afterwards - this will rebuild the target filesystem image. This method allows you to do anything to the target filesystem, but if you decide to completely rebuild your toolchain and tools, these changes will be lost. This solution is therefore only useful for quick tests only: _changes do not survive the +make clean+ command_. Once you have validated your changes, you should make sure that they will persist after a +make clean+ by using one of the following methods. * Create a filesystem overlay: a tree of files that are copied directly over the target filesystem after it has been built. Set +BR2_ROOTFS_OVERLAY+ to the top of the tree. +.git+, +.svn+, +.hg+ directories, +.empty+ files and files ending with +~+ are excluded. _Among these first 3 methods, this one should be preferred_. * In the Buildroot configuration, you can specify the paths to one or more *post-build scripts*. These scripts are called in the given order, 'after' Buildroot builds all the selected software, but 'before' the rootfs images are assembled. The +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_BUILD_SCRIPT+ allows you to specify the location of your post-build scripts. This option can be found in the +System configuration+ menu. The destination root filesystem folder is given as the first argument to these scripts, and these scripts can then be used to remove or modify any file in your target filesystem. You should, however, use this feature with care. Whenever you find that a certain package generates wrong or unneeded files, you should fix that package rather than work around it with some post-build cleanup scripts. You may also use these variables in your post-build script: - +BR2_CONFIG+: the path to the Buildroot .config file - +HOST_DIR+, +STAGING_DIR+, +TARGET_DIR+: see xref:generic-package-reference[] - +BUILD_DIR+: the directory where packages are extracted and built - +BINARIES_DIR+: the place where all binary files (aka images) are stored - +BASE_DIR+: the base output directory * Create your own 'target skeleton'. You can start with the default skeleton available under +system/skeleton+ and then customize it to suit your needs. The +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM+ and +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM_PATH+ will allow you to specify the location of your custom skeleton. These options can be found in the +System configuration+ menu. At build time, the contents of the skeleton are copied to output/target before any package installation. Note that this method is *not recommended*, as it duplicates the entire skeleton, which prevents from taking advantage of the fixes or improvements brought to the default Buildroot skeleton. The recommended method is to use the _post-build scripts_ mechanism described in the previous item. Note also that you can use the *post-image scripts* if you want to perform some specific actions 'after' all filesystem images have been created (for example to automatically extract your root filesystem tarball in a location exported by your NFS server, or to create a special firmware image that bundles your root filesystem and kernel image, or any other custom action), you can specify a space-separated list of scripts in the +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT+ configuration option. This option can be found in the +System configuration+ menu as well. Each of those scripts will be called with the path to the +images+ output directory as first argument, and will be executed with the main Buildroot source directory as the current directory. Those scripts will be executed as the user that executes Buildroot, which should normally not be the root user. Therefore, any action requiring root permissions in one of these _post-image scripts_ will require special handling (usage of fakeroot or sudo), which is left to the script developer. Just like for the _post-build scripts_ mentioned above, you also have access to the following environment variables from your _post-image scripts_: +BR2_CONFIG+, +BUILD_DIR+, +HOST_DIR+, +STAGING_DIR+, +TARGET_DIR+, +BINARIES_DIR+ and +BASE_DIR+. Additionally, each of the +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_BUILD_SCRIPT+ and +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT+ scripts will be passed the arguments specified in +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT_ARGS+ (if that is not empty). All the scripts will be passed the exact same set of arguments, it is not possible to pass different sets of arguments to each script.