// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: = The Buildroot user manual :toc: Buildroot usage and documentation by Thomas Petazzoni. Contributions from Karsten Kruse, Ned Ludd, Martin Herren and others. The Buildroot manual is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. Refer to file http://git.buildroot.org/buildroot/tree/COPYING[COPYING] in the Buildroot sources for the full text of this license. Buildroot {sys:echo $\{BR2_VERSION%%-git*\}} manual generated on {localdate} {localtime} from git revision {sys:git rev-parse --short HEAD} image::logo.png[] :leveloffset: 1 include::introduction.txt[] include::starting-up.txt[] include::working-with.txt[] include::faq-troubleshooting.txt[] include::known-issues.txt[] include::going-further.txt[] include::developer-guide.txt[] include::legal-notice.txt[] include::beyond-buildroot.txt[] include::get-involved.txt[] include::contribute.txt[] include::appendix.txt[]