################################################################################ # # go # ################################################################################ GO_VERSION = 1.15.2 GO_SITE = https://storage.googleapis.com/golang GO_SOURCE = go$(GO_VERSION).src.tar.gz GO_LICENSE = BSD-3-Clause GO_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE HOST_GO_DEPENDENCIES = host-go-bootstrap HOST_GO_GOPATH = $(HOST_DIR)/usr/share/go-path HOST_GO_HOST_CACHE = $(HOST_DIR)/usr/share/host-go-cache HOST_GO_ROOT = $(HOST_DIR)/lib/go HOST_GO_TARGET_CACHE = $(HOST_DIR)/usr/share/go-cache # We pass an empty GOBIN, otherwise "go install: cannot install # cross-compiled binaries when GOBIN is set" HOST_GO_COMMON_ENV = \ GO111MODULE=on \ GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor \ GOROOT="$(HOST_GO_ROOT)" \ GOPATH="$(HOST_GO_GOPATH)" \ GOPROXY=off \ PATH=$(BR_PATH) \ GOBIN= \ CGO_ENABLED=$(HOST_GO_CGO_ENABLED) ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_TARGET_ARCH_SUPPORTS),y) ifeq ($(BR2_arm),y) GO_GOARCH = arm ifeq ($(BR2_ARM_CPU_ARMV5),y) GO_GOARM = 5 else ifeq ($(BR2_ARM_CPU_ARMV6),y) GO_GOARM = 6 else ifeq ($(BR2_ARM_CPU_ARMV7A),y) GO_GOARM = 7 endif else ifeq ($(BR2_aarch64),y) GO_GOARCH = arm64 else ifeq ($(BR2_i386),y) GO_GOARCH = 386 else ifeq ($(BR2_x86_64),y) GO_GOARCH = amd64 else ifeq ($(BR2_powerpc64),y) GO_GOARCH = ppc64 else ifeq ($(BR2_powerpc64le),y) GO_GOARCH = ppc64le else ifeq ($(BR2_mips64),y) GO_GOARCH = mips64 else ifeq ($(BR2_mips64el),y) GO_GOARCH = mips64le else ifeq ($(BR2_s390x),y) GO_GOARCH = s390x endif # For the convienience of target packages. HOST_GO_TOOLDIR = $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/pkg/tool/linux_$(GO_GOARCH) HOST_GO_TARGET_ENV = \ $(HOST_GO_COMMON_ENV) \ GOARCH=$(GO_GOARCH) \ GOCACHE="$(HOST_GO_TARGET_CACHE)" \ CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CXX="$(TARGET_CXX)" \ CGO_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(TARGET_CXXFLAGS)" \ CGO_LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)" \ GOTOOLDIR="$(HOST_GO_TOOLDIR)" # The go compiler's cgo support uses threads. If BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS is # set, build in cgo support for any go programs that may need it. Note that # any target package needing cgo support must include # 'depends on BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS' in its config file. ifeq ($(BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS),y) HOST_GO_CGO_ENABLED = 1 else HOST_GO_CGO_ENABLED = 0 endif HOST_GO_CROSS_ENV = \ CC_FOR_TARGET="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CXX_FOR_TARGET="$(TARGET_CXX)" \ GOARCH=$(GO_GOARCH) \ $(if $(GO_GOARM),GOARM=$(GO_GOARM)) \ GO_ASSUME_CROSSCOMPILING=1 else # !BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_TARGET_ARCH_SUPPORTS # host-go can still be used to build packages for the host. No need to set all # the arch stuff since we will not be cross-compiling. HOST_GO_CGO_ENABLED = 1 endif # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_TARGET_ARCH_SUPPORTS # For the convenience of host golang packages HOST_GO_HOST_ENV = \ $(HOST_GO_COMMON_ENV) \ GOARCH="" \ GOCACHE="$(HOST_GO_HOST_CACHE)" \ CC="$(HOST_CCNOCCACHE)" \ CXX="$(HOST_CXXNOCCACHE)" \ CGO_CFLAGS="$(HOST_CFLAGS)" \ CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(HOST_CXXFLAGS)" \ CGO_LDFLAGS="$(HOST_LDFLAGS)" # The go build system is not compatible with ccache, so use # HOSTCC_NOCCACHE. See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11685. HOST_GO_MAKE_ENV = \ GO111MODULE=off \ GOCACHE=$(HOST_GO_HOST_CACHE) \ GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$(HOST_GO_BOOTSTRAP_ROOT) \ GOROOT_FINAL=$(HOST_GO_ROOT) \ GOROOT="$(@D)" \ GOBIN="$(@D)/bin" \ GOOS=linux \ CC=$(HOSTCC_NOCCACHE) \ CXX=$(HOSTCXX_NOCCACHE) \ CGO_ENABLED=$(HOST_GO_CGO_ENABLED) \ $(HOST_GO_CROSS_ENV) define HOST_GO_BUILD_CMDS cd $(@D)/src && \ $(HOST_GO_MAKE_ENV) ./make.bash $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) endef define HOST_GO_INSTALL_CMDS $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(@D)/bin/go $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/bin/go $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(@D)/bin/gofmt $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/bin/gofmt ln -sf ../lib/go/bin/go $(HOST_DIR)/bin/ ln -sf ../lib/go/bin/gofmt $(HOST_DIR)/bin/ cp -a $(@D)/lib $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/ mkdir -p $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/pkg cp -a $(@D)/pkg/include $(@D)/pkg/linux_* $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/pkg/ cp -a $(@D)/pkg/tool $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/pkg/ # There is a known issue which requires the go sources to be installed # https://golang.org/issue/2775 cp -a $(@D)/src $(HOST_GO_ROOT)/ # Set all file timestamps to prevent the go compiler from rebuilding any # built in packages when programs are built. find $(HOST_GO_ROOT) -type f -exec touch -r $(@D)/bin/go {} \; endef $(eval $(host-generic-package))