################################################################################ # # lsof # ################################################################################ LSOF_VERSION = 4.89 LSOF_SOURCE = lsof_$(LSOF_VERSION).tar.bz2 # Use http mirror since master ftp site access is very draconian LSOF_SITE = http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof LSOF_LICENSE = lsof license # License is repeated in each file, this is a relatively small one. # It is also defined in 00README, but that contains a lot of other cruft. LSOF_LICENSE_FILES = dialects/linux/dproto.h # Make certain full-blown lsof gets built after the busybox version (1.20+) LSOF_DEPENDENCIES += $(if $(BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX),busybox) ifeq ($(BR2_USE_WCHAR),) define LSOF_CONFIGURE_WCHAR_FIXUPS $(SED) 's,^#define[[:space:]]*HASWIDECHAR.*,#undef HASWIDECHAR,' \ $(@D)/machine.h endef endif ifeq ($(BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE),) define LSOF_CONFIGURE_LOCALE_FIXUPS $(SED) 's,^#define[[:space:]]*HASSETLOCALE.*,#undef HASSETLOCALE,' \ $(@D)/machine.h endef endif # The .tar.bz2 contains another .tar, which contains the source code. define LSOF_EXTRACT_CMDS $(call suitable-extractor,$(LSOF_SOURCE)) $(LSOF_DL_DIR)/$(LSOF_SOURCE) | \ $(TAR) -O $(TAR_OPTIONS) - lsof_$(LSOF_VERSION)/lsof_$(LSOF_VERSION)_src.tar | \ $(TAR) --strip-components=1 -C $(LSOF_DIR) $(TAR_OPTIONS) - endef define LSOF_CONFIGURE_CMDS (cd $(@D) ; \ echo n | $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) DEBUG="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ LSOF_INCLUDE="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include" LSOF_CFLAGS_OVERRIDE=1 \ LINUX_CLIB=-DGLIBCV=2 ./Configure linux) $(LSOF_CONFIGURE_WCHAR_FIXUPS) $(LSOF_CONFIGURE_LOCALE_FIXUPS) endef define LSOF_BUILD_CMDS $(TARGET_MAKE_ENV) $(MAKE) $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) DEBUG="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" -C $(@D) endef define LSOF_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS $(INSTALL) -D -m 755 $(@D)/lsof $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/lsof endef $(eval $(generic-package))