################################################################################ # # gdal # ################################################################################ GDAL_VERSION = 3.5.1 GDAL_SITE = https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/$(GDAL_VERSION) GDAL_SOURCE = gdal-$(GDAL_VERSION).tar.xz GDAL_LICENSE = MIT, many others GDAL_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE.TXT GDAL_CPE_ID_VENDOR = osgeo GDAL_INSTALL_STAGING = YES GDAL_CONFIG_SCRIPTS = gdal-config # gdal at its core only needs host-pkgconf, libgeotiff, proj and tiff # but since by default mrf driver support is enabled, it also needs # jpeg, libpng and zlib. By default there are also many other drivers # enabled but it seems, in contrast to mrf driver support, that they # can be implicitly disabled, by configuring gdal without their # respectively needed dependencies. GDAL_DEPENDENCIES = host-pkgconf jpeg json-c libgeotiff libpng proj tiff zlib # Yes, even though they have --with options, these few libraries are # mandatory. If we don't provide them, bundled versions are used. GDAL_CONF_OPTS = \ --with-geotiff \ --with-jpeg \ --with-libjson-c=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr \ --with-libtool \ --with-libz \ --with-png \ --with-proj \ --without-armadillo \ --without-blosc \ --without-brunsli \ --without-cfitsio \ --without-crypto \ --without-cryptopp \ --without-curl \ --without-dds \ --without-ecw \ --without-expat \ --without-exr \ --without-fgdb \ --without-freexl \ --without-geos \ --without-gnm \ --without-libkml \ --without-lz4 \ --without-gta \ --without-hdf4 \ --without-hdf5 \ --without-hdfs \ --without-heif \ --without-idb \ --without-jp2lura \ --without-java \ --without-jpeg12 \ --without-jxl \ --without-kakadu \ --without-kea \ --without-lerc \ --without-gif \ --without-liblzma \ --without-libdeflate \ --without-mongocxxv3 \ --without-mrsid \ --without-jp2mrsid \ --without-macosx-framework \ --without-msg \ --without-mysql \ --without-netcdf \ --without-null \ --without-oci \ --without-odbc \ --without-ogdi \ --without-opencl \ --without-openjpeg \ --without-pam \ --without-pcidsk \ --without-pcraster \ --without-pcre \ --without-pcre2 \ --without-pdfium \ --without-podofo \ --without-poppler \ --without-python \ --without-qhull \ --without-rasdaman \ --without-rasterlite2 \ --without-rdb \ --without-sfcgal \ --without-sosi \ --without-spatialite \ --without-sqlite3 \ --without-teigha \ --without-tiledb \ --without-webp \ --without-xerces \ --without-zstd ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXML2),y) GDAL_DEPENDENCIES += libxml2 GDAL_CONF_OPTS += --with-xml2 else GDAL_CONF_OPTS += --without-xml2 endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_POSTGRESQL),y) GDAL_DEPENDENCIES += postgresql GDAL_CONF_OPTS += --with-pg else GDAL_CONF_OPTS += --without-pg endif $(eval $(autotools-package))