// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: ==== Using +gdb+ in Buildroot Buildroot allows to do cross-debugging, where the debugger runs on the build machine and communicates with +gdbserver+ on the target to control the execution of the program. To achieve this: * If you are using an _internal toolchain_ (built by Buildroot), you must enable +BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GDB+, +BR2_PACKAGE_GDB+ and +BR2_PACKAGE_GDB_SERVER+. This ensures that both the cross gdb and gdbserver get built, and that gdbserver gets installed to your target. * If you are using an _external toolchain_, you should enable +BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GDB_SERVER_COPY+, which will copy the gdbserver included with the external toolchain to the target. If your external toolchain does not have a cross gdb or gdbserver, it is also possible to let Buildroot build them, by enabling the same options as for the _internal toolchain backend_. Now, to start debugging a program called +foo+, you should run on the target: ---- gdbserver :2345 foo ---- This will cause +gdbserver+ to listen on TCP port 2345 for a connection from the cross gdb. Then, on the host, you should start the cross gdb using the following command line: ---- /output/host/bin/-gdb -ix /output/staging/usr/share/buildroot/gdbinit foo ---- Of course, +foo+ must be available in the current directory, built with debugging symbols. Typically you start this command from the directory where +foo+ is built (and not from +output/target/+ as the binaries in that directory are stripped). The +/output/staging/usr/share/buildroot/gdbinit+ file will tell the cross gdb where to find the libraries of the target. Finally, to connect to the target from the cross gdb: ---- (gdb) target remote :2345 ----