The struct i2c_msg definition in linux-libc-headers- has two extra
members not present in the kernel definition causing all kinds of problems.
This patch fixes that.
Use LINUX_HEADERS_VERSION instead of LINUX_VERSION as that variable is used
for the actual kernel version used which might be different than the headers
E.G. LINUX_VERSION is set in the target/device/* files. If this version
doesn't match the selected kernel headers version the patches won't be applied.
buildroot, the header files will be re-extracted, but they will not be put in
exactly the right place if the name of the extracted directory includes the
kernel version numbers.
For example, linux-libc-headers-2.4.25.tar.bz2 will be extracted to
$(TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_DIR)/linux-libc-headers-2.4.25, and then the mv command will
move the newly extracted headers into the already existing
$(TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_DIR)/linux directory, instead of replacing that directory as
The fix is to first remove the $(TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_DIR)/linux directory and then
do the mv command.