webif: remove deprecated

Signed-off-by: Gustavo Zacarias <gustavo@zacarias.com.ar>
Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <jacmet@sunsite.dk>
This commit is contained in:
Gustavo Zacarias 2011-11-09 00:00:05 +01:00 committed by Peter Korsgaard
parent 789a7cf406
commit f5e5aeb712
43 changed files with 0 additions and 5572 deletions

View File

@ -485,7 +485,6 @@ source "package/udpcast/Config.in"
source "package/vpnc/Config.in"
source "package/vsftpd/Config.in"
source "package/vtun/Config.in"
source "package/webif/Config.in"
source "package/wget/Config.in"

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
bool "webif - Status Console"
depends on BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX # httpd
depends on BR2_DEPRECATED
A web interface for showing different network status. This package
requires awk support on the system, either the one provided by
Busybox or gawk.
The default login on the status web pages are root/root and
admin/admin. This can be changed in the etc/httpd.conf file.
bool "instal index.html in /www which redirects to webif"
depends on BR2_PACKAGE_WEBIF
Installs a /www/index.html which redirects to the status console cgi
bool "install language support"
depends on BR2_PACKAGE_WEBIF
This option installs support for other languages than english.
Supported languages: ca, cz, de, dk, ee, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nl, no,
pl, pt, ru and se.

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
# Default handlers for config files
wireless) reload_wireless;;
network) reload_network;;
system) reload_system;;
hosts) rm -f /etc/hosts; mv $config /etc/hosts; killall -HUP dnsmasq ;;
ethers) rm -f /etc/ethers; mv $config /etc/ethers; killall -HUP dnsmasq ;;
firewall) mv /tmp/.webif/file-firewall /etc/config/firewall && /etc/init.d/S45firewall;;
# for some reason a for loop with "." doesn't work
eval "$(cat /usr/lib/webif/apply-*.sh 2>&-)"
reload_network() {
echo '@TR<<Reloading>> @TR<<networking settings>> ...'
grep '^wan_' config-network >&- 2>&- && {
ifdown wan
ifup wan
killall -HUP dnsmasq
grep '^lan_' config-network >&- 2>&- && {
ifdown lan
ifup lan
killall dnsmasq
reload_wireless() {
echo '@TR<<Reloading>> @TR<<wireless settings>> ...'
killall nas >&- 2>&- && sleep 2
[ -f /etc/init.d/S41wpa ] && /etc/init.d/S41wpa
) >&- 2>&- <&-
reload_system() {
echo '@TR<<Applying>> @TR<<system settings>> ...'
echo "$(nvram get wan_hostname)" > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
cd /tmp/.webif
# file-* other config files
for config in $(ls file-* 2>&-); do
echo "@TR<<Processing>> @TR<<config file>>: $name"
eval 'case "$name" in
# config-* simple config files
cd /proc/self
cat /tmp/.webif/config-* 2>&- | grep '=' >&- 2>&- && {
cat /tmp/.webif/config-* 2>&- | tee fd/1 | xargs -n1 nvram set
echo "@TR<<Committing>> NVRAM ..."
nvram commit
for config in $(ls config-* 2>&-); do
eval 'case "$name" in
sleep 2
rm -f config-*

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
n = 0
sel = 0
($3 == "category") && (categories !~ /:$4:/) {
categories = categories ":" $4 ":";
if ($4 ~ "^" selected "$") sel = n
c[n] = $4
if (f[$4] == "") f[$4] = rootdir "/" indexpage "?cat=" $4
($3 == "name") && ((p[$4] == 0) || (p[$4] > int($5))) {
gsub(/^.*\//, "", $1);
p[$4] = int($5) + 1
f[$4] = rootdir "/" $1
print "<div id=\"mainmenu\"><h3><strong>@TR<<Categories>>:</strong></h3><ul>"
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (sel == i) print "<li class=\"selected-maincat\"><a href=\"" f[c[i]] "\">&raquo;@TR<<" c[i] ">>&laquo;</a></li>"
else print "<li><a href=\"" f[c[i]] "\">&nbsp;@TR<<" c[i] ">>&nbsp;</a></li>";
print "</ul></div>"

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
function start_form(title, field_opts, field_opts2) {
print "<div class=\"settings\"" field_opts ">"
if (title != "") print "<div class=\"settings-title\"><h3><strong>" title "</strong></h3></div>"
print "<div class=\"settings-content\"" field_opts2 ">"
function end_form(form_help, form_help_link) {
print "</div>"
if (form_help != "") form_help = "<dl>" form_help "</dl>"
print "<div class=\"settings-help\"><blockquote><h3><strong>@TR<<Short help>>:</strong></h3>" form_help form_help_link "</blockquote></div>"
print "<div style=\"clear: both\">&nbsp;</div></div>"
function textinput(name, value) {
return "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" name "\" value=\"" value "\" />"
function hidden(name, value) {
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" name "\" value=\"" value "\" />"
function button(name, caption) {
return "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"" name "\" value=\"@TR<<" caption ">>\" />"
function helpitem(name) {
return "<dt>@TR<<" name ">>: </dt>"
function helptext(short, name) {
return "<dd>@TR<<" short "|" name ">>: </dd>"
function sel_option(name, caption, default, sel) {
if (default == name) sel = " selected=\"selected\""
else sel = ""
return "<option value=\"" name "\"" sel ">@TR<<" caption ">></option>"

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
# $1 = type
# $2 = form variable name
# $3 = form variable value
# $4 = (radio button) value of button
# $5 = string to append
# $6 = additional attributes
# trim leading whitespaces
gsub(/^[ \t]+/,"",$1)
$1 ~ /^onchange/ {
onchange = $2
($1 != "") && ($1 !~ /^option/) && (select_open == 1) {
select_open = 0
printf "</select>"
$1 ~ /^start_form/ {
if ($3 != "") field_opts=" id=\"" $3 "\""
else field_opts=""
if ($4 == "hidden") field_opts = field_opts " style=\"display: none\""
start_form($2, field_opts);
print "<table width=\"100%\" summary=\"Settings\">"
form_help = ""
form_help_link = ""
$1 ~ /^field/ {
if (field_open == 1) print "</td></tr>"
if ($3 != "") field_opts=" id=\"" $3 "\""
else field_opts=""
if ($4 == "hidden") field_opts = field_opts " style=\"display: none\""
print "<tr" field_opts ">"
if ($2 != "") print "<td width=\"50%\">" $2 "</td><td width=\"50%\">"
else print "<td colspan=\"2\">"
$1 ~ /^checkbox/ {
if ($3==$4) opts="checked=\"checked\" "
else opts=""
if (onchange != "") opts = opts " onClick=\"" onchange "()\" onChange=\"" onchange "()\""
print "<input id=\"" $2 "_" $4 "\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" $2 "\" value=\"" $4 "\" " opts " />"
$1 ~ /^radio/ {
if ($3==$4) opts="checked=\"checked\" "
else opts=""
if (onchange != "") opts = opts " onClick=\"" onchange "()\" onChange=\"" onchange "()\""
print "<input id=\"" $2 "_" $4 "\" type=\"radio\" name=\"" $2 "\" value=\"" $4 "\" " opts " />"
$1 ~ /^select/ {
opts = ""
if (onchange != "") opts = opts " onClick=\"" onchange "()\" onChange=\"" onchange "()\""
print "<select id=\"" $2 "\" name=\"" $2 "\"" opts ">"
select_id = $2
select_open = 1
select_default = $3
($1 ~ /^option/) && (select_open == 1) {
if ($2 == select_default) option_selected=" selected=\"selected\""
else option_selected=""
if ($3 != "") option_title = $3
else option_title = $2
print "<option id=\"" select_id "_" $2 "\"" option_selected " value=\"" $2 "\">" option_title "&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>"
($1 ~ /^listedit/) {
n = split($4 " ", items, " ")
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (items[i] != "") print "<tr><td width=\"50%\">" items[i] "</td><td>&nbsp;<a href=\"" $3 $2 "remove=" items[i] "\">@TR<<Remove>></a></td></tr>"
print "<tr><td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"" $2 "add\" value=\"" $5 "\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"" $2 "submit\" value=\"@TR<<Add>>\" /></td></tr>"
$1 ~ /^caption/ { print "<b>" $2 "</b>" }
$1 ~ /^string/ { print $2 }
$1 ~ /^text/ { print "<input id=\"" $2 "\" type=\"text\" name=\"" $2 "\" value=\"" $3 "\" />" $4 }
$1 ~ /^password/ { print "<input id=\"" $2 "\" type=\"password\" name=\"" $2 "\" value=\"" $3 "\" />" $4 }
$1 ~ /^upload/ { print "<input id=\"" $2 "\" type=\"file\" name=\"" $2 "\"/>" }
$1 ~ /^submit/ { print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"" $2 "\" value=\"" $3 "\" />" }
$1 ~ /^helpitem/ { form_help = form_help "<dt>@TR<<" $2 ">>: </dt>" }
$1 ~ /^helptext/ { form_help = form_help "<dd>@TR<<" $2 ">> </dd>" }
$1 ~ /^helplink/ { form_help_link = "<div class=\"more-help\"><a href=\"" $2 "\">@TR<<more...>></a></div>" }
($1 ~ /^checkbox/) || ($1 ~ /^radio/) {
print $5
$1 ~ /^end_form/ {
if (field_open == 1) print "</td></tr>"
field_open = 0
print "</table>"
end_form(form_help, form_help_link);
form_help = ""
form_help_link = ""

View File

@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
lang => Català
# Common
Settings saved => Canvis desats
Settings not saved => No s'han pogut desar els canvis
Save Changes => Desar canvis
Apply Changes => Aplicar canvis
Clear Changes => Desfer canvis
Review Changes => Comprovar canvis
Host Name => Nom de l'equip
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Càrrega del sistema
Version => Versió
Categories => Categories
Subcategories => Subcategories
more... => més...
Add => Afegir
Remove => Eliminar
Warning => Atenció
Password_warning => No heu establert una clau d'accés pel router (accés web i ssh). Per favor, elegiu-ne una ara (el nom d'usuari serà 'root')
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Quant a
Router Info => Informació del router
Status => Estat
Connections => Connexions
Wireless => Wi-Fi
System => Sistema
Password => Clau
Settings => Configuració
Installed Software => Programes instal·lats
Firmware Upgrade => Actualitzar Firmware
Network => Xarxa
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Wi-Fi
Advanced Wireless => Wi-Fi (avançat)
Hosts => Configuració de hosts
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Aquest programa és programari lliure; podeu redistribuir-lo i/o <br />modificar-lo baix els termes de la General Public License<br /> tal i com està publicada per la Free Sofware Foundation; bé la versió 2 d'aquesta Llicència o bé (segons la seva elecció) de qualsevol posterior.
Contributions by => Contribuidors
Layout based on => Aspecte basat en
by => realitzat per
No config change. => No hi ha hagut canvis a la configuració.
Config discarded. => Els canvis no s'han acceptat.
Config changes: => Configuració actual:
Updating config... => Actualitzant la configuració...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Versió del firmware
Kernel Version => Versió del Kernel
Current Date/Time => Data/Hora
MAC Address => Adreça MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Estat de les connexions
Physical Connections => Connexions físiques
Router Connections => Connexions del router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => Préstecs DHCP
IP Address => Adreça IP
Name => Nom
Expires in => Caduca d'ara a
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Estat del Wi-Fi
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Canvi de la clau
New Password => Nova clau
Confirm Password => Confirmeu la clau
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Paràmetres del sistema
Host Name => Nom de l'host
Language => Idioma
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Paquets instal·lats
Update package lists => Actualització de la llista de paquets
Uninstall => Desinstal·lar
Install => Instal·lar
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Format del firmware
Error => Error
done => fet
Invalid_formt => Format del firmware invàlid
Erase_JFFS2 => Esborrar la partició JFFS2
Options => Opcions
Firmware_image => Fitxer del firmware
Upgrade => Actualitzar
Upgrading... => Actualitzant...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Opcions LAN
LAN Configuration => Configuració LAN
Netmask => Màscara de subxarxa
Default Gateway => Porta d'enllaç (gateway)
DNS Servers => Servidor DNS
DNS Address => Adreça IP del DNS
Note => Nota
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Opcions d'Internet
WAN Configuration => Configuració d'Internet
PPTP Server IP => Adreça IP del servidor PPTP
Connection Type => Tipus de connexió
No WAN => Sense configuració d'Internet
Static IP => IP estàtica
IP Settings => Opcions IP
PPP Settings => Opcions PPP
Redial Policy => Política de reconnexió
Connect on Demand => Baix demanda
Keep Alive => Connexió permanent
Maximum Idle Time => Temps màxim d'inactivitat
Redial Timeout => Temps de reconnexió
MTU => MTU (mida dels paquets)
Username => Nom d'usuari
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Configuració Wi-Fi
Wireless Interface => Interfície Wi-Fi
WEP Key => Clau WEP
Selected WEP Key => Clau WEP seleccionada
Channel => Canal
RADIUS IP Address => Adreça IP del servidor RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Secret RADIUS
Enabled => Actiu
Disabled => Inactiu
ESSID Broadcast => Difusió del SSID
Show => Mostrar
Hide => Ocultar
WLAN Mode => Mode Wi-Fi
Access Point => Punt d'accés
Client => Client
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Mode de funcionament
Encryption Settings => Paràmetres d'enriptació
Encryption Type => Tipus d'encriptació
WPA Mode => Mode WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algoritmes WPA
WEP Keys => Clau WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Configuració Wi-Fi avançada
WDS Connections => Connexions WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtrat per adreça MAC
Filter Mode => Mode de filtrat
Allow => Autoritzar
Deny => Denegar
Set => Establir
Settings => Paràmetres
Automatic WDS => WDS automàtic
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Adreça MAC
Configured Hosts => Equips configurats
DHCP Static => Entrades DHCP estàtiques
Host Names => Nom dels equips
Up => Pujar
Down => Baixar
Edit => Editar
Delete => Esborrar
Save => Desar
Cancel => Rebutjar
Forward => Redirigir
Accept => Acceptar
Drop => Rebutjar
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Regles del Firewall
Firewall Configuration => Configuració del Firewall
New Rule => Nova regla
Match => Filtrar
Target => Acció
Port => Port
Protocol => Protocol
Source IP => IP origen
Destination IP => IP destí
Source Ports => Ports origen
Destination Ports => Ports destí
Forward to => Redirigir a
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => SSID
Helptext DNS save => És recomanable desar els canvis abans d'afegir o eliminar servidors DNS a la llista
Helptext Operation mode => Estableix el mode d'operació de la xarxa inalàmbrica (Wi-Fi) 'Client (bridge)' no canviarà la configuració de la interfície de xarxa. Simplement afegirà uns paràmetres que permetran que la interfície wireless actui en certa mida com un bridge.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' només pot emprar-se en mode Punt d'Accés.<br /> 'WPA (PSK)' no funciona en mode Ad-Hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => Les opcions IP són opcionals per a DHCP y PPTP. Si les elegiu, s'empraran per defecte en cas de que la configuració automàtica falli.
Helptext Idle Time => Nombre de segons sense activitat amb Internet que ha d'esperar el router abans de desconectar-se. (Només pel mode Baix Demanda).
Helptext Redial Timeout => Nombre de segons sense rebre resposta del servidor que ha d'esperar el router per a tornar a connectar-se.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Paquets disponibles

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
lang => &#268;esky
# Common
Settings saved => Nastaven&#237; ulo&#382;eno
Settings not saved => Nastaven&#237; nebylo ulo&#382;eno
Save Changes => Ulo&#382;it zm&#277;ny
Apply Changes => Prov&#233;st zm&#277;ny
Clear Changes => Vymazat zm&#277;ny
Review Changes => Prohl&#233;dnout zm&#277;ny
Host Name => Hostname
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Zat&#237;&#382;en&#237;
Version => Verze
Categories => Kategorie
Subcategories => Podkategorie
more... => v&#237;ce...
Add => P&#345;idat
Remove => Odebrat
Warning => Varov&#225;n&#237;
Password_warning => nen&#237; nastaveno &#382;&#225;dn&#233; heslo pro p&#345;&#237;stup do webov&#233; administrace a p&#345;es SSH.<br />Nastavte jej pros&#237;m nyn&#237; (Login ve webu pou&#382;&#237;vejte: 'root').
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Projekt
Router Info => Router
Status => Stav
Connections => P&#345;ipojen&#237;
Wireless => WLAN
System => Syst&#233;m
Password => Heslo
Settings => Nastaven&#237;
Installed Software => Nainstalovan&#253; software
Firmware Upgrade => Flashnut&#237; firmware
Network => S&#237;&#357;
WAN => WAN port
Wireless => WLAN
Advanced Wireless => WLAN (podrobn&#233;)
Hosts => Stanice (hosts)
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Tento program pat&#345;&#237; mezi voln&#253; software, m&#367;&#382;ete jej distribuovat a/nebo m&#277;nit pod podm&#237;nkami uveden&#253;mi <br /> v licenci GNU GPL (General Public License) vydan&#253;mi Nadac&#237; pro svobodn&#253; software (Free Software Foundation), <br /> jej&#237; druh&#233; verze, p&#345;&#237;padn&#277; pozd&#277;j&#353;&#237;ch verz&#237;.
Contributions by => S p&#345;isp&#277;n&#237;m
Layout based on => Layout postaven na
by => od
No config change. => Nebyly provedeny &#382;&#225;dn&#233; zm&#277;ny konfigurace.
Config discarded. => Va&#353;e nastaven&#237; byla zahozena.
Config changes: => Aktu&#225;ln&#237; zm&#277;ny konfigurace:
Updating config... => Aktualizuji konfiguraci...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Verze firmware
Kernel Version => Verze j&#225;dra
Current Date/Time => Aktu&#225;ln&#237; datum/&#269;as
MAC Address => MAC adresa
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Stav spojen&#237;
Physical Connections => Obsah ARP cache - aktivn&#237; MAC/IP adresy
Router Connections => Spojen&#237; na router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP v&#253;p&#367;j&#269;ky
IP Address => IP adresa
Name => Jm&#233;no
Expires in => Vypr&#353;&#237;
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Stav wifi
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Zm&#277;na hesla
New Password => Nov&#233; heslo
Confirm Password => Nov&#233; heslo (potvrzen&#237;)
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Syst&#233;mov&#225; nastaven&#237;
Host Name => Hostname
Language => Jazyk
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Nainstalovan&#233; bal&#237;&#269;ky
Available packages => Dostupn&#233; bal&#237;&#269;ky
Update package lists => Aktualizovat seznam bal&#237;&#269;k&#367;
Uninstall => Odinstalovat
Install => Nainstalovat
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Form&#225;t firmware
Error => Chyba
done => hotovo
Invalid_format => Form&#225;t firmware je nezn&#225;m&#253;
Erase_JFFS2 => Smazat JFFS2 oblast
Options => Mo&#382;nosti
Firmware_image => Soubor firmware:
Upgrade => Flashnout
Upgrading... => Flashuji...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Nastaven&#237; LAN
LAN Configuration => Konfigurace LAN
Netmask => Maska
Default Gateway => Br&#225;na
DNS Servers => DNS servery
DNS Address => Adresa DNS serveru
Note => Pozn&#225;mka
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Nastaven&#237; WAN portu
WAN Configuration => Konfigurace
PPTP Server IP => Adresa PPTP serveru
Connection Type => Typ p&#345;ipojen&#237;
No WAN => Odpojeno
Static IP => Pevn&#225; IP
IP Settings => Nastaven&#237; IP
PPP Settings => Nastaven&#237; PPP
Redial Policy => Nav&#225;z&#225;n&#237; spojen&#237;
Connect on Demand => Na vy&#382;&#225;d&#225;n&#237; (Connect on Demand)
Keep Alive => St&#225;le p&#345;ipojen (Keep Alive)
Maximum Idle Time => Maxim&#225;ln&#237; &#269;as bez aktivity (Maximum Idle Time)
Redial Timeout => Prodleva znovunav&#225;z&#225;n&#237; spojen&#237; po jeho ztr&#225;t&#277; (Redial Timeout)
MTU => Maxim&#225;ln&#237; velikost paketu (MTU)
Username => U&#382;ivatelsk&#233; jm&#233;no
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Konfigurace wifi
Wireless Interface => Wifi rozhran&#237;
WEP Key => WEP kl&#237;&#269;
Selected WEP Key => Vybran&#253; WEP kl&#237;&#269;
WPA PSK => WPA kl&#237;&#269;
Channel => Kan&#225;l
RADIUS IP Address => Adresa RADIUS serveru
RADIUS Server Key => Heslo RADIUS serveru
Enabled => Zapnuto
Disabled => Vypnuto
ESSID Broadcast => Skryt&#237; ESSID (ESSID-Broadcast)
Show => Zobrazeno
Hide => Skryto
WLAN Mode => Opera&#269;n&#237; m&#243;d
Access Point => Access Point
Client => Klient
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => &#352;ifrov&#225;n&#237; p&#345;enosu
Encryption Type => Typ &#353;ifrov&#225;n&#237;
WPA Mode => M&#243;d WPA
WPA Algorithms => WPA algoritmus
WEP Keys => WEP kl&#237;&#269;e
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Roz&#353;&#237;&#345;en&#233; nastaven&#237; wifi
WDS Connections => WDS spojen&#237;
MAC Filter List => Seznam MAC filtru
Filter Mode => M&#243;d MAC filtru
Allow => Povolit MAC v seznamu
Deny => Zak&#225;zat MAC s seznamu
Set => Nastavit
Settings => Nastaven&#237;
Automatic WDS => Automatick&#233; WDS spojen&#237; (LazyWDS)
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC adresa
Configured Hosts => Konfigurace stanic (hosts)
DHCP Static => Pevn&#233; p&#345;id&#277;len&#237; IP podle MAC (DHCP)
Host Names => Jm&#233;na stanic (hosts)
Up => Nahoru
Down => Dol&#367;
Edit => Editovat
Delete => Smazat
Save => Ulo&#382;it
Cancel => Storno
Forward => Forward
Accept => Accept
Drop => Drop
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Pravidla firewallu
Firewall Configuration => Konfigurace firewallu
New Rule => Nov&#233; pravidlo
Match => Filtr
Target => C&#237;l
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokol
Source IP => Zdrojov&#225; IP
Destination IP => C&#237;lov&#225; IP
Source Ports => Zdrojov&#253; port
Destination Ports => C&#237;lov&#253; port
Forward to => Forward na
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => N&#225;zev Va&#353;&#237; bezdr&#225;tov&#233; s&#237;t&#277;
Helptext DNS save => P&#345;ed &#250;pravou nastaven&#237; DNS server&#367; ulo&#382;te ostatn&#237; zm&#277;ny na t&#233;to str&#225;nce.
Helptext Operation mode => Toto nastaven&#237; m&#277;n&#237; m&#243;d bezdr&#225;tov&#233; s&#237;t&#277;. Volbou Klient (bridge) se nezm&#277;n&#237; nastaven&#237; s&#237;&#357;ov&#253;ch rozhran&#237;, pouze se nastav&#237; n&#277;kter&#233; parametry ovlada&#269;e wifi, kter&#233; umo&#382;n&#237; funk&#269;n&#277; omezenou mo&#382;nost vytvo&#345;en&#237; bridge nad rozhran&#237;mi.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' lze pou&#382;&#237;t pouze v m&#243;du Access Point. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' nelze pou&#382;&#237;t v Ad-Hoc m&#243;du.
Helptext IP Settings => Nastaven&#237; IP je pro mo&#382;nost DHCP a PPTP voliteln&#233;. Zadan&#225; adresa se pou&#382;ije v p&#345;&#237;pad&#277;, &#382;e nen&#237; DHCP server dostupn&#253;.
Helptext Idle Time => &#268;as v sekund&#225;ch, po kter&#253; kdy&#382; nedojde k &#382;&#225;dn&#233; aktivit&#277;, je spojen&#237; do Internetu uzav&#345;eno. (pouze pro volbu Connect on Demand)
Helptext Redial Timeout => &#268;as po odpojen&#237;, po kter&#253; router &#269;ek&#225;, ne&#382; se pokus&#237; znovu nav&#225;zat spojen&#237;.

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@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
lang => Deutsch
# Common
Settings saved => Einstellungen gespeichert
Settings not saved => Einstellungen nicht gespeichert
Save Changes => Speichern
Apply Changes => &Uuml;bernehmen
Clear Changes => Verwerfen
Review Changes => Anzeigen
Host Name => Hostname
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Systemlast
Version => Version
Categories => Kategorien
Subcategories => Unterkategorien
more... => Weitere Informationen...
Add => Hinzuf&uuml;gen
Remove => Entfernen
Warning => Warnung
Password_warning => es wurde noch kein Passwort f&uuml;r Web-Administration und SSH gesetzt.<br />Bitte geben Sie jetzt ein neues Passwort ein (Benutzername im Browser: 'root').
# Categories
Info => Info
About => &Uuml;ber
Router Info => Routerinformationen
Status => Status
Connections => Netzwerkverbindungen
Wireless => WLAN
System => System
Password => Passwort
Settings => Einstellungen
Installed Software => Installierte Software
Firmware Upgrade => Firmware aktualisieren
Network => Netzwerk
WAN => Internet
Wireless => WLAN
Advanced Wireless => WLAN (erweitert)
Hosts => Host-Konfiguration
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie k&ouml;nnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License,<br /> wie von der Free Software Foundation ver&ouml;ffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren,<br /> entweder gem&auml;&szlig; Version 2 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder sp&auml;teren Version.
Contributions by => Mit Beitr&auml;gen von
Layout based on => Layout basiert auf
by => von
No config change. => Es wurden keine Konfigurations&auml;nderungen vorgenommen.
Config discarded. => Ihre Konfigurations&auml;nderungen wurden verworfen.
Config changes: => Aktuelle Konfigurations&auml;nderungen:
Updating config... => Aktualisiere die Konfiguration...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmwareversion
Kernel Version => Kernelversion
Current Date/Time => Datum/Uhrzeit
MAC Address => MAC-Adresse
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Verbindungsstatus
Physical Connections => Netzwerkschnittstellen
Router Connections => Netzwerkverbindungen auf dem Router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP-Leases
IP Address => IP-Adresse
Name => Name
Expires in => G&uuml;ltigkeitsdauer
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => WLAN-Status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Passwort &auml;ndern
New Password => Neues Passwort
Confirm Password => Passwort best&auml;tigen
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Systemeinstellungen
Host Name => Hostname
Language => Sprache
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Installierte Pakete
Update package lists => Paketlisten aktualisieren
Uninstall => Deinstallieren
Install => Installieren
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmware-Format
Error => Fehler
done => fertig
Invalid_format => Das Dateiformat der Firmware ist ung&uuml;ltig
Erase_JFFS2 => JFFS2-Partition l&ouml;schen
Options => Optionen
Firmware_image => Firmware-Datei:
Upgrade => Aktualisieren
Upgrading... => Aktualisiere...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Netzwerkeinstellungen
LAN Configuration => Netzwerkkonfiguration
Netmask => Subnetzmaske
Default Gateway => Standardgateway
DNS Servers => DNS-Server
DNS Address => DNS-Serveradresse
Note => Hinweis
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Internet-Einstellungen
WAN Configuration => Internet-Konfiguration
PPTP Server IP => PPTP-Serveradresse
Connection Type => Verbindungsart
No WAN => Keine Verbindung
Static IP => Statische Konfiguration
IP Settings => IP-Konfiguration
PPP Settings => PPP-Einstellungen
Redial Policy => Verbindungsaufbau
Connect on Demand => Bei Bedarf
Keep Alive => Verbindung aufrechterhalten
Maximum Idle Time => Wartezeit bei Inaktivit&auml;t
Redial Timeout => Wartezeit bei unterbrochener Verbindung
MTU => Maximale Paketgr&ouml;&szlig;e
Username => Benutzername
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => WLAN-Konfiguration
Wireless Interface => WLAN-Interface
WEP Key => WEP-Schl&uuml;ssel
Selected WEP Key => Ausgew&auml;hlter WEP Schl&uuml;ssel
WPA PSK => WPA-Schl&uuml;ssel
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS-Serveradresse
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS-Serverpasswort
Enabled => Aktiviert
Disabled => Deaktiviert
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID-Broadcast
Show => Anzeigen
Hide => Verstecken
WLAN Mode => Betriebsmodus
Access Point => Access Point
Client => Client
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Verschl&uuml;sselungseinstellungen
Encryption Type => Verschl&uuml;sselungsart
PSK => Passwort
WPA Mode => WPA-Modus
WPA Algorithms => WPA-Verschl&uuml;sselungsalgorithmen
WEP Keys => WEP-Schl&uuml;ssel
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => WLAN-Konfiguration (erweitert)
WDS Connections => WDS-Verbindungen
MAC Filter List => Zugriffsbeschr&auml;nkung (MAC-Adresse)
Filter Mode => Filtermodus
Allow => Erlauben
Deny => Verweigern
Set => Setzen
Settings => Einstellungen
Automatic WDS => Automatische WDS-Verbindung
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC-Adresse
Configured Hosts => Konfigurierte Hosts
DHCP Static => Statische DHCP-Eintr&auml;ge
Host Names => Host-Eintr&auml;ge
Up => Hoch
Down => Runter
Edit => Bearbeiten
Delete => L&ouml;schen
Save => Speichern
Cancel => Abbrechen
Forward => Weiterleiten
Accept => Zulassen
Drop => Verweigern
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Firewall-Regeln
Firewall Configuration => Firewall-Konfiguration
New Rule => Neue Regel
Match => Filter
Target => Ziel
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokoll
Source IP => Quell-IP
Destination IP => Ziel-IP
Source Ports => Quell-Ports
Destination Ports => Ziel-Ports
Forward to => Weiterleiten an
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Name des Funknetzwerks
Helptext DNS save => Sie m&uuml;ssen Ihre &Auml;nderungen an dieser Seite speichern, bevor Sie DNS-Server hinzuf&uuml;gen oder entfernen
Helptext Operation mode => Setzt den Betriebsmodus f&uuml;r das WLAN-Interface. Die Einstellung 'Client (Bridge)' &auml;ndert nichts an den eigentlichen Netzwerkeinstellungen, es &auml;ndert lediglich einige Parameter im WLAN-Treiber, damit man das Interface eingeschr&auml;nkt in einer Bridge verwenden kann.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' wird nur im Access-Point-Modus unterstützt. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' funktioniert nicht im Ad-Hoc-Modus.
Helptext IP Settings => IP-Einstellungen sind optional für DHCP und PPTP. Wenn sie gesetzt sind, werden sie als Standardwerte verwendet, falls kein DHCP-Server erreichbar ist.
Helptext Idle Time => Wartezeit in Sekunden, nach der bei Inaktivität die Internetverbindung getrennt wird.
Helptext Redial Timeout => Maximale Zeit, die der Router auf Antwort vom Provider warten soll, bevor die Verbindung neu aufgebaut wird.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Verf&uuml;gbare Pakete

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@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
lang => Dansk
# Common
Settings saved => Indstillingerne er gemt
Settings not saved => Indstillinger er ikke gemt
Save Changes => Gem &aelig;ndringerne
Apply Changes => Aktiver &aelig;ndringer
Clear Changes => Glem &aelig;ndringerne
Review Changes => Se &aelig;ndringer
Host Name => V&aelig;rtsnavn
Uptime => Oppetid
Load => Systembelastning
Version => Version
Categories => Kategorier
Subcategories => Underkategorier
more... => mere...
Add => Tilf&oslash;je
Remove => Fjern
Warning => Advarsel
Password_warning => Der er ikke sat noget kodeord eller l&oslash;sen p&aring; hverken Webadministration eller SSH.<br />V&aelig;r venlig at v&aelig;lge og/eller indtaste dit kodeord (Brugernavn er 'root' med sm&aring; bogstaver).
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Om
Router Info => Routerinformation
Status => Status
Connections => Netv&aelig;rksforbindelser
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
System => System
Password => Kodeord
Settings => Indstillinger
Installed Software => Installeret programmel
Firmware Upgrade => Firmware opgradering
Network => Netv&aelig;rk
LAN => Lokalnet
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
Advanced Wireless => Avanceret tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
Hosts => V&aelig;rtsnavne
# 'About' page
Copyright => Ophavsret
GPL_Text => Dette program er fri software. De m&aring; bruge, &aelig;ndre og videredistribuere det under betingelserne for "GNU General Public License",<br /> som offentliggjort af "Free Software Foundation" (Den frie softwarebev&aelig;gelse), enten i version 2 af licensen eller (efter deres valg), en hvilkensomhelst senere version.
Contributions by => Bidrag fra
Layout based on => Layoutet er baseret p&aring;
by => af
No config change. => Ingen konfigurations&aelig;ndring foretaget
Config discarded. => Konfigurations&aelig;ndringerne blev kasseret
Config changes: => Forel&oslash;bige &aelig;ndringer
Updating config... => S&aelig;tter &aelig;ndringerne i kraft
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmwareversion
Kernel Version => Kerneversion
Current Date/Time => Aktuel dato/tid
MAC Address => MAC adresse
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Forbindelsesstatus
Physical Connections => Fysiske forbindelser
Router Connections => Routerens forbindelser
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP leasinger
IP Address => IP adresse
Name => Navn
Expires in => Udl&oslash;bstid
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => &AElig;ndre kodeord
New Password => Nyt kodeord
Confirm Password => Nyt kodeord igen
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Systemindstillinger
Host Name => V&aelig;rtsnavn
Language => Sprog
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Installerede pakker
Update package lists => Opdater pakkelisten
Uninstall => Afindstaller
Install => Installer
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmwareformat
Error => Fejl
done => f&aelig;rdig
Invalid_format => Ubrugelig_format
Erase_JFFS2 => Slet JFFS2 partitionen
Options => Tilvalg
Firmware_image => Firmwarefil:
Upgrade => Opgradere
Upgrading... => Opgraderer...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Lokale netindstillinger
LAN Configuration => Lokal netv&aelig;rkskonfiguration
Netmask => Undernetmaske
Default Gateway => Standard gateway
DNS Servers => DNS-Server
DNS Address => DNS-Serveradresse
Note => Bem&aelig;rk
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Internet indstillinger
WAN Configuration => Internetkonfiguration
PPTP Server IP => PPTP-serveradresse
Connection Type => Forbindelsestype
No WAN => Ingen Internetops&aelig;tning
Static IP => Statisk IP
IP Settings => IP indstillinger
PPP Settings => PPP indstillinger
Redial Policy => Genopkaldspolitik
Connect on Demand => Forbind n&aring;r behovet er der
Keep Alive => Hold forbindelsen i live (keep alive)
Maximum Idle Time => Maksimal tid i tomgang (max idle)
Redial Timeout => Opkaldstimeout
MTU => Maksimal pakkest&oslash;relse (MTU)
Username => Brugernavn
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s konfiguration
Wireless Interface => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s netkort
WEP Key => WEP n&oslash;gle
Selected WEP Key => Valgt WEP n&oslash;gle
WPA PSK => WPA n&oslash;gle
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => IP adressen p&aring; RADIUS server
RADIUS Server Key => Kodeord til RADIUS server
Enabled => Aktiveret
Disabled => Deaktiveret
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID-Broadcast
Show => Vis
Hide => Skjul
WLAN Mode => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s tilstand
Access Point => Access Point
Client => Klient
Bridge => bro
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Krypteringsindstillinger
Encryption Type => Krypteringstype
PSK => PSK kode
WPA Mode => WPA tilstand
WPA Algorithms => WPA krypteringsalgoritme
WEP Keys => WEP n&oslash;gler
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Avanceret ops&aelig;tning af tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
WDS Connections => WDS forbindelser (WDS repeater)
MAC Filter List => Filteringsliste (MAC-numre)
Filter Mode => Filtreingstilstand
Allow => Tillad
Deny => Forbyd
Set => S&aelig;t
Settings => Indstillinger
Automatic WDS => Automatisk WDS forbindelse
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC adresse
Configured Hosts => V&aelig;rtsnavne
DHCP Static => Statiske IP adresser til DHCP
Host Names => V&aelig;rtsnavne
Up => Op
Down => Ned
Edit => Rette
Delete => Slette
Save => Gemme
Cancel => Annullere
Forward => Forward (videresend)
Accept => Accept (tillad)
Drop => Drop (smid v&aelig;k)
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Firewall regler
Firewall Configuration => Firewallkonfiguration
New Rule => Ny regel
Match => Match (sammenlign)
Target => Target (G&aring; til)
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokol
Source IP => Afsenders IP
Destination IP => Modtagers IP
Source Ports => Afsender porte
Destination Ports => Modtager porte
Forward to => Send videre til
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Navn p&aring; tr&aring;dl&oslash;s netv&aelig;rk
Helptext DNS save => Gem &aelig;ndringer p&aring; denne side f&oslash;r du tilf&oslash;jer eller fjerner DNS servere. (Hvis ikke du vil miste dem.)
Helptext Operation mode => S&aelig;tter driftstilstanden for den tr&aring;dl&oslash;se del af routeren. 'Klient' og 'Klient (bro)' bruges til at forbinde 2 tr&aring;dl&oslash;se routere. I mange tilf&aelig;lde er WDS en bedre (men mere avanceret) l&oslash;sning. 'Klient' udnytter dog b&aring;ndbredden bedst, hvis du vitterlig kun har en maskine tilsluttet. <br /> Indstillingen 'Klient (bro)' &aelig;ndrer ikke direkte ved netv&aelig;rksindstillingerne. Det er et beskidt hack som f&aring;r routeren til at foregiver at kun en maskine (et MAC nummer) er tilsluttet. Det sker for at overvinde et problem i 802.11 protokollen, som forhindrer at man problemfrit (i almindelig 'Klient'-tilstand) kan bruge den tr&aring;dl&oslash;se forbindelse fra flere maskiner samtidig. <br /> AP bruges til en standalone router, hvor f.eks. b&aelig;rbare computere skal have adgang til Internet og/eller lokalnet. <br /> Hvis du ikke ved hvad 'Ad Hoc' tilstanden g&oslash;r, har du h&oslash;jst sandsynligt ikke brug for den.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' er kun underst&oslash;ttet i AP (Access Point) tilstand. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' fungerer ikke i 'Ad-Hoc' tilstand.
Helptext IP Settings => IP indstilinger er frivillig for DHCP og PPTP. N&aring;r de er sat, bliver de brugt som standv&aelig;rdiger, hvis der ikke er en tilg&aelig;ngelig DHCP server.
Helptext Idle Time => Ventetid i sekunder f&oslash;r inaktivitet bliver &aring;rsagen til at forbindelsen afbrydes.
Helptext Redial Timeout => Ventetid f&oslash;r der pr&oslash;ves at ringe op igen.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Available packages

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@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
lang => Eesti
Settings saved => S&auml;tted salvestatud
Settings not saved => S&auml;tted on salvestamata
Save Changes => Salvesta muudatused
Apply Changes => Rakenda muudatused
Clear Changes => Kustuta muudatused
Review Changes => Vaata tehtud muudatusi
Host Name => Hostinimi
Uptime => T&ouml;&ouml;v&otilde;imeaega seni
Load => Koormus
Version => Versioon
Categories => Kategooriad
Subcategories => Alamkategooriad
more... => veel...
Add => Lisa
Remove => Eemalda
Warning => Hoiatus
Password_warning => veebilidese ja SSH salas&otilde;na on seadmata<br />Palun, sisesta see (veebiliidese kasutajanimi on 'root').
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Teavet
Router Info => Marsruuteri info
Status => Olek
Connections => &Uuml;hendused
Wireless => Raadioliides
System => S&uuml;steem
Password => Parool
Settings => S&auml;tted
Installed Software => Installitud tarkvara
Firmware Upgrade => P&uuml;sivara uuendamine
Network => V&otilde;rk
Wireless => Raadioliides
Advanced Wireless => Raadioliidese t&auml;psemad s&auml;tted
Hosts => Hostid
# About page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => K&auml;esolev programm on vabavara; seda v&otilde;ib levitada ja/v&otilde;i <br >modifitseerida vastavalt Free Software Foundationi <br > avaldatud avaliku litsentsi GNU General Public License 2. versiooni v&otilde;i <br > (teie valikul) mis tahes uuema versiooni tingimustele.
Contributions by => Kaasaaitajad
Layout based on => Kujunduse idee
by => autor
No config change. => Konfiguratsioon muutmata.
Config discarded. => Konfiguratsioon h&uuml;ljatud.
Config changes: => Konfiguratsiooni muudatused:
Updating config... => Uuendan konfiguratsiooni...
# Router Info page
Firmware Version => P&uuml;sivara versioon
Kernel Version => Kerneli versioon
Current Date/Time => Praegune kuup&auml;ev/kellaaeg
MAC Address => MAC-aadress
# Connections page
Connection Status => &Uuml;henduse olek
Physical Connections => F&uuml;&uuml;silised &uuml;hendused
Router Connections => Marsruuteri&uuml;hendused
# DHCP page
DHCP leases => DHCP antud aadressid
IP Address => IP-aadress
Name => Nimi
Expires in => Aegub
# Wireless Status page
Wireless Status => Raadioliidese olek
# Password page
Password Change => Parooli muutmine
New Password => Uus parool
Confirm Password => Korrake parooli
# System Settings page
System Settings => S&uuml;steemi s&auml;tted
Host Name => Hostinimi
Language => Keel
# Installed Software page
Installed Packages => Installitud paketid
Update package lists => V&auml;rskenda paketiloendit
Uninstall => Desinstalli
Install => Installi
Available packages => Saadaolevad paketid
# Firmware Upgrade page
Firmware format => P&uuml;sivara vorming
Error => T&otilde;rge
done => valmis
Invalid_format => Vale vorming
Erase_JFFS2 => Kustuta JFFS2
Options => Valikud
Firmware_image => P&uuml;sivara t&otilde;mmis
Upgrade => Versiooniuuendus
Upgrading... => Uuendan...
# LAN Settings page
LAN Settings => LAN-i s&auml;tted
LAN Configuration => LAN-i konfiguratsioon
Netmask => V&otilde;rgu mask
Default Gateway => Vaikel&uuml;&uuml;s
DNS Servers => DNS-serverid
DNS Address => DNS-i aadress
Note => M&auml;rkus
# WAN Settings page
WAN Settings => WAN-i s&auml;tted
WAN Configuration => WAN-i konfiguratsioon
PPTP Server IP => PPTP-serveri IP
Connection Type => &Uuml;henduse t&uuml;&uuml;p
No WAN => WAN-i ei kasutata
Static IP => Staatiline IP
IP Settings => IP-s&auml;tted
PPP Settings => PPP-s&auml;tted
Redial Policy => Kordusvalimispoliitika
Connect on Demand => &Uuml;henda n&otilde;udmisel
Keep Alive => Hoia &uuml;hendust t&ouml;&ouml;s
Maximum Idle Time => Maksimaalne j&otilde;udeaeg
Redial Timeout => Kordusvalimise aegumine
Username => Kasutajanimi
# Wireless Configuration page
Wireless Configuration => Raadioliidese konfiguratsioon
Wireless Interface => Raadioliides
WEP Key => WEP-v&otilde;ti
Selected WEP Key => Valitud WEP-v&otilde;ti
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS IP-aadress
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS-serveri v&otilde;ti
Enabled => Lubatud
Disabled => Keelatud
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID-i levindamine
Show => N&auml;ita
Hide => Peida
WLAN Mode => WLAN-i rez"iim
Access Point => AP
Client => Klient
Bridge => Sild
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Kr&uuml;pteerimise s&auml;tted
Encryption Type => Kr&uuml;pteerimise t&uuml;&uuml;p
WPA Mode => WPA rez"iim
WPA Algorithms => WPA algoritmid
WEP Keys => WEP-v&otilde;tmed
# Advanced Wireless Configuration page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Raadioliidese t&auml;psem konfiguratsioon
WDS Connections => WDS-&uuml;hendused
MAC Filter List => MAC-filtri loend
Filter Mode => Filtri rez"iim
Allow => Luba
Deny => Keela
Set => Sea
Settings => S&auml;tted
Automatic WDS => Automaatne WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC-aadress
Configured Hosts => Konfigureeritud hostid
DHCP Static => Staatiline DHCP
Host Names => Hostinimed
Up => &Uuml;les
Down => Alla
Edit => Muuda
Delete => Kustuta
Save => Salvesta
Cancel => Loobu
Forward => Forward
Accept => Accept
Drop => Drop
Firewall => Tulem&uuml;&uuml;r
Firewall Rules => Tulem&uuml;&uuml;ri reeglid
Firewall Configuration => Tulem&uuml;&uuml;ri konfiguratsioon
New Rule => Uus reegel
Match => Vastavus
Target => Sihtkoht
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokoll
Source IP => Saatja IP
Destination IP => Saaja IP
Source Ports => Saatja pordid
Destination Ports => Saaja pordid
Forward to => Suuna:
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Teie traadita v&otilde;rgu v&otilde;rgunimi
Helptext DNS save => Sellel lehel tehtud muudatused tuleb enne DNS-serverite lisamist/eemaldamist salvestada
Helptext Operation mode => M&auml;&auml;rab teie traadita v&otilde;rgu t&ouml;&ouml;reziimi. S&auml;te "Klient (Sild)" ei muuda v&otilde;rguliidese s&auml;tteid. Muudetakse ainult raadioliidese draiveri teatud parameetreid, mis on seotud liidese sillarez"iimi piirangute lubamisega
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' on lubatud ainult rez"iimis "AP". <br /> S&auml;te 'WPA (PSK)' ei t&ouml;&ouml;ta v&otilde;rd&otilde;igusv&otilde;rgurez"iimis (Ad-Hoc)
Helptext IP Settings => IP-s&auml;tted on DHCP ja PPTP puhul valikulised. Kui muudate neid s&auml;tteid, siis rakendatakse need vaikes&auml;tetena juhul, kui DHCP-server pole saadaval.
Helptext Idle Time => Aeg sekundites, mille v&auml;ltel marsruuter enne Interneti-&uuml;henduse katkestamist ootab (ainult s&auml;tte Connect on Demand puhul).
Helptext Redial Timeout => Aeg sekundites, kui kaua marsruuter p&auml;rast teenusepakkuja v&otilde;rgust teate "pole vastust" saamist ootab, enne kui asub &uuml;hendust taastama.

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@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
lang => Espa&ntilde;ol
# Common
Settings saved => Cambios guardados
Settings not saved => No se han podido guardar los cambios
Save Changes => Guardar cambios
Apply Changes => Aplicar cambios
Clear Changes => Deshacer cambios
Review Changes => Comprobar cambios
Host Name => Nombre del equipo
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Carga del sistema
Version => Versi&oacute;n
Categories => Categor&iacute;as
Subcategories => Subcategor&iacute;s
more... => m&aacute;s...
Add => A&ntilde;adir
Remove => Eliminar
Warning => Atenci&oacute;n
Password_warning => no has establecido una contrase&ntilde;a de protecci&oacute;n para el router (acceso web y ssh). Por favor, elija una ahora (el nombre de usuario ser&aacute; 'root')
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Acerca de
Router Info => Informaci&oacute;n del router
Status => Estado
Connections => Conexiones
Wireless => Wi-Fi
System => Sistema
Password => Contrase&ntilde;a
Settings => Configuraci&oacute;n
Installed Software => Programas instalados
Firmware Upgrade => Actualizar Firmware
Network => Red
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Wi-Fi
Advanced Wireless => Wi-Fi (avanzado)
Hosts => Configuration de hosts
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Este programa es software libre; Usted puede distribuirlo y/o <br />modificarlo bajo los t&eacute;rminos de la General Public License<br />como est&aacute; publicada por la Free Sofware Foundation; bien de la versi&oacute;n 2 de dicha Licencia o bien (seg&uacute;n su elecci&oacute;n) de cualquier versi&oacute;n posterior.
Contributions by => Contribuidores
Layout based on => Aspecto basado en
by => por
No config change. => No ha habido cambios de configuraci&oacute;n.
Config discarded. => Los cambios no se han aceptado.
Config changes: => Configuraci&oacute;n actual:
Updating config... => Actualizando la configuraci&oacute;n...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Versi&oacute;n del firmware
Kernel Version => Versi&oacute;n del Kernel
Current Date/Time => Fecha/Hora
MAC Address => Direcci&oacute;n MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Estado de las conexiones
Physical Connections => Conexiones f&iacute;sicas
Router Connections => Conexiones del router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => Pr&eacute;stamos DHCP
IP Address => Direcci&oacute;n IP
Name => Nombre
Expires in => Caduca en
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Estado del Wi-Fi
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Cambio de la contrase&ntilde;a
New Password => Nueva contrase&ntilde;a
Confirm Password => Confirme la contrase&ntilde;a
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Par&aacute;metros del sistema
Host Name => Nombre del host
Language => Idioma
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Paquetes instalados
Update package lists => Actualizaci&oacute;n de la lista de paquetes
Uninstall => Desinstalar
Install => Instalar
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Formato del firmware
Error => Error
done => hecho
Invalid_formt => Formato del firmware inv&aacute;lido
Erase_JFFS2 => Borrar la partici&oacute;n JFFS2
Options => Opciones
Firmware_image => Archivo del firmware
Upgrade => Actualizar
Upgrading... => Actualizaci&oacute;n...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Configuraci&oacute;n LAN
LAN Configuration => Configuraci&oacute;n LAN
Netmask => M&aacute;scara de subred
Default Gateway => Puerta de enlace (gateway)
DNS Servers => Servidor DNS
DNS Address => Direcci&oacute;n IP del DNS
Note => Nota
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Configuraci&oacute;n de Internet
WAN Configuration => Configuraci&oacute;n de Internet
PPTP Server IP => Direcci&oacute;n IP del servidor PPTP
Connection Type => Tipo de conexi&oacute;n
No WAN => Sin configuraci&oacute;n de Internet
Static IP => IP est&aacute;tica
IP Settings => Configuraci&oacute;n IP
PPP Settings => Configuraci&oacute;n PPP
Redial Policy => Opciones de reconexi&oacute;n
Connect on Demand => Bajo demanda
Keep Alive => Conexi&oacute;n permanente
Maximum Idle Time => Tiempo m&aacute;ximo de inactividad
Redial Timeout => Tiempo de reconexi&oacute;n
MTU => MTU (tama&ntilde;o de los paquetes)
Username => Nombre de usuario
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Configuraci&oacute;n Wi-Fi
Wireless Interface => Interfaz Wi-Fi
WEP Key => Clave WEP
Selected WEP Key => Clave WEP seleccionada
Channel => Canal
RADIUS IP Address => Direcci&oacute;n IP del servidor RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Secreto RADIUS
Enabled => Activado
Disabled => Desactivado
ESSID Broadcast => Difusi&oacute;n del SSID
Show => Mostrar
Hide => Ocultar
WLAN Mode => Modo Wi-Fi
Access Point => Punto de acceso
Client => Cliente
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Modo de funcionamiento
Encryption Settings => Par&aacute;metros de enriptaci&oacute;n
Encryption Type => Tipo de encriptaci&oacute;n
WPA Mode => Modo WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algoritmos WPA
WEP Keys => Clave WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Configuraci&oacute;n Wi-Fi avanzada
WDS Connections => Conexiones WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtrar por direcci&oacute;n MAC
Filter Mode => Modo de filtrado
Allow => Autorizar
Deny => Denegar
Set => Establecer
Settings => Par&aacute;metros
Automatic WDS => WDS autom&aacute;tico
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Direcci&oacute;n MAC
Configured Hosts => Equipos configurados
DHCP Static => Entradas DHCP est&aacute;ticas
Host Names => Nombre de los equipos
Up => Subir
Down => Bajar
Edit => Editar
Delete => Borrar
Save => Guardar
Cancel => Cancelar
Forward => Redirigir
Accept => Aceptar
Drop => Descartar
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Reglas del Firewall
Firewall Configuration => Configuraci&oacute;n del Firewall
New Rule => Nueva regla
Match => Filtrar
Target => Acci&oacute;n
Port => Puerto
Protocol => Protocolo
Source IP => IP origen
Destination IP => IP destino
Source Ports => Puertos origen
Destination Ports => Puertos destino
Forward to => Redirigir a
Port => Puerto
Helptext ESSID => SSID
Helptext DNS save => Es recomendable guardar los cambios antes de a&ntilde;adir o eliminar servidores de DNS de la lista
Helptext Operation mode => Establece el modo de operaci&oacute;n de tu red wireless. Eligiendo 'Client (bridge)' no cambiar&aacute; la configuraci&oacute;n de la interfaz de red. Simplemente a&ntilde;adir&aacute; unos par&aacute;metros que permitir&aacute;n que la interfaz wireless act&uacute;e en cierta medida en modo bridge.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' s&oacute;lo puede usarse en modo Punto de Acceso.<br /> 'WPA (PSK)' no funciona en modo Ad-Hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => Las opciones IP son opcionales para DHCP y PPTP. Si las eliges, se utilizar&aacute;n por defecto en caso de que la configuraci&oacute;n autom&aacute;tica falle.
Helptext Idle Time => N&uacute;mero de segundos sin actividad con Internet que debe esperar el router antes de desconectarse. (S&oacute;lo para el modo Bajo Demanda).
Helptext Redial Timeout => N&uacute;mero de segundos sin recibir respuesta del servidor que debe esperar el router para volver a conectarse.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Available packages

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@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
lang => Fran&ccedil;ais
Encoding => UTF-8
# Common
Settings saved => Sauvegard&eacute;
Settings not saved => Non sauvegard&eacute;
Save Changes => Sauvegarder
Apply Changes => Appliquer
Clear Changes => Effacer
Review Changes => Revoir
Host Name => Nom de machine
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Charge syst&egrave;me
Version => Version
Categories => Cat&eacute;gories
Subcategories => Sous-cat&eacute;tgories
more... => davantage...
Add => Ajouter
Remove => Enlever
Warning => Attention
Password_warning => vous n'avez pas configur&eacute; de mot de passe pour l'interface Web et l'acc&egrave;s SSH<br /> Entrez en un maintenant (le nom d'utilisateur dans le navigateur sera 'root').
# Categories
Info => Info
About => A propos
Router Info => Informations routeur
Status => Statut
Connections => Connexions r&eacute;seau
Wireless => Wi-Fi
System => Syst&egrave;me
Password => Mot de passe
Settings => Param&egrave;tres
Installed Software => Logiciels install&eacute;s
Firmware Upgrade => Mise &agrave; jour firmware
Network => R&eacute;seau
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Wi-Fi
Advanced Wireless => Wi-Fi (avanc&eacute;)
Hosts => Configuration des h&ocirc;tes
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Ce programme est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer
et/ou le modifier sous les termes de la General Public License telle qu'elle
est publi&eacute;e par la Free Sofware Foundation; que ce soit sous la version
2 de la license, ou (&agrave; votre convenance) une version ult&eacute;rieure
Contributions by => Contributions par
Layout based on => Pr&eacute;sentation bas&eacute;e sur
by => par
No config change. => Pas de changements.
Config discarded. => Pas de prise en compte.
Config changes: => Configuration actuelle:
Updating config... => Mise &agrave; jour...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Version du firmware
Kernel Version => Version du noyau
Current Date/Time => Date et heure
MAC Address => Adresse MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Etat des connexions
Physical Connections => Connexions physiques
Router Connections => Connexions au routeur
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => Baux DHCP
IP Address => Adresse IP
Name => Nom
Expires in => Expire dans
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Etat du Wi-Fi
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Changement du mot de passe
New Password => Nouveau mot de passe
Confirm Password => Confirmez le mot de passe
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Param&egrave;tres du syst&egrave;me
Host Name => Nom d'h&ocirc;te
Language => Langue
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Paquets logiciels install&eacute;s
Update package lists => Mise &agrave; jour de la liste des paquets
Uninstall => D&eacute;sinstaller
Install => Installer
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Format du firmware
Error => Erreur
done => prêt
Invalid_formt => Le firmware n'a pas un format valide
Erase_JFFS2 => Effacer la partition JFFS2
Options => Options
Firmware_image => Fichier firmware
Upgrade => Mettre &agrave; jour
Upgrading... => Mise &agrave; jour en cours...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Param&egrave;tres LAN
LAN Configuration => Configuration LAN
Netmask => Masque r&eacute;seau
Default Gateway => Passerelle par d&eacute;faut
DNS Servers => Serveur DNS
DNS Address => Addresse DNS
Note => Note
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Param&egrave;tres Internet
WAN Configuration => Configuration Internet
PPTP Server IP => Adresse IP du serveur PPTP
Connection Type => Type de connexion
No WAN => Pas de configuration WAN
Static IP => IP statique
IP Settings => Param&egrave;tres IP
PPP Settings => Param&egrave;tres PPP
Redial Policy => Options de renum&eacute;rotation
Connect on Demand => Sur demande
Keep Alive => Toujours connect&eacute;
Maximum Idle Time => D&eacute;lai maximal d'inactivt&eacute;
Redial Timeout => D&eacute;lai avant renumérotation
MTU => Taille maximale des paquets
Username => Nom d'utilisateur
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Configuration Wi-Fi
Wireless Interface => Interface Wi-Fi
WEP Key => Cl&eacute; WEP
Selected WEP Key => Choix de la cl&eacute; WEP
WPA PSK => WPA cl&eacute; pr&eacute;-partag&eacute;e
Channel => Canal
RADIUS IP Address => Adresse IP du serveur RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Secret partag&eacute; avec le serveur RADIUS
Enabled => Activ&eacute;
Disabled => D&eacute;sactiv&eacute;
ESSID Broadcast => Diffusion du SSID
Show => Montrer
Hide => Cacher
WLAN Mode => Mode de fonctionnement Wi-Fi
Access Point => Point d'acc&egrave;s
Client => Client
Bridge => Pont-r&eacute;seau
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Param&egrave;tres de chiffrement
Encryption Type => Type de chiffrement
PSK => Cl&eacute; pr&eacute;-partag&eacute;e
WPA Mode => Mode WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algorithmes WPA
WEP Keys => Cl&eacute;s WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Configuration Wi-Fi avanc&eacute;e
WDS Connections => Connexions WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtre par adresses MAC
Filter Mode => Mode de filtrage
Allow => Autoriser
Deny => Refuser
Set => Param&egrave;trer
Settings => Param&egrave;tres
Automatic WDS => WDS automatique
WDS watchdog timeout => D&eacute;lai d'inactivit&eacute; WDS
Antenna selection => S&eacute;lection de l'antenne
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Adresse MAC
Configured Hosts => H&ocirc;tes configur&eacute;s
DHCP Static => Entr&eacute;es DHCP statiques
Host Names => Noms d'h&ocirc;tes
Up => Monter
Down => Descendre
Edit => Editer
Delete => Effacer
Save => Sauvegarder
Cancel => Annuler
Forward => Transf&eacute;rer
Accept => Accepter
Drop => Ignorer
Firewall => Pare-feu
Firewall Rules => R&egrave;gles du pare-feu
Firewall Configuration => Configuration du pare-feu
New Rule => Nouvelle r&egrave;gle
Match => Concordance
Target => Destination
Port => Port
Protocol => Protocole
Source IP => IP source
Destination IP => IP de destination
Source Ports => Ports source
Destination Ports => Ports de destination
Forward to => Transf&eacute;rer vers
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Nom du r&eacute;seau sans-fil
Helptext DNS save => Il est recommand&eacute; de sauvegarder vos param&egrave;tres avant d'ajouter/enlever des serveurs DNS
Helptext Operation mode => Configure le mode de fonctionnement de votre
r&eacute;seau sans-fil. Le mode Client (Pont r&eacute;seau sans-fil) ne changera pas les param&egrave;tres de votre interface. Certains param&egrave;tres de la carte Wi-Fi seront modifi&eacute;s de mani&egrave;re &agrave; pouvoir fonctionner en mode r&eacute;seau sans-fil.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' ne fonctionne qu'en mode point d'acc&egrave;s. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' ne fonctionne pas en mode Ad-hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => Les param&egrave;tres IP sont optionnels pour DHCP et PPTP. Si vous les configurez, ils seront utilis&eacute; comme param&egrave;tres par d&eacute;faut dans le cas o&uacute; le serveur DHCP ne r&eacute;pond< pas.
Helptext Idle Time => Nombre de secondes sans traffic internet &agrave; attendre avant que le routeur d&eacute;connecte d'Internet (Connexion &agrave; la demande)
Helptext Redial Timeout => Nombre de secondes &agrave; attendre apr&egrave;s n'avoir recu aucune r&eacute;ponse du fournisseur avant un nouvel &eacute;ssai de connexion.
Available packages => Paquetages disponibles

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@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
lang => Hrvatski
Encoding => UTF-8
# Common
Settings saved => Postavke Spremljene
Settings not saved => Postavke Nisu Spremljene
Save Changes => Spremi Postavke
Apply Changes => Primijeni Postavke
Clear Changes => Obri&scaron;i Postavke
Review Changes => Pregledaj Izmjene
Host Name => Naziv Hosta
Uptime => U Pogonu Od
Load => Optere&aelig;enje
Version => Verzija
Categories => Kategorije
Subcategories => Podkategorije
more... => nastavak...
Add => Dodaj
Remove => Makni
Warning => Upozorenje
Password_warning => Niste postavili lozinku za Web su&egrave;elje i SSH pristup
Molimo vas unesite lozinku (korisni&egrave;ko ime u va&scaron;em pregledniku &aelig; biti 'root').
# Categories
Info => Informacije
About => Opis
Router Info => O ure&eth;aju
Status => Status
Connections => Veze
Wireless => Wireless
System => Sustav
Password => Lozinka
Settings => Postavke
Installed Software => Instalirani Softver
Firmware Upgrade => Nadogradnja Firmware-a
Network => Mre&zcaron;a
Wireless => Wireless
Advanced Wireless => Napredne Wireless Postavke
Hosts => Konfigurirani Hostovi
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Contributions by => Contributions by SL SOLUCIJE d.o.o.
Layout based on => Layout based on SmartHop webif
by => by Silvije Filipovic - silvije.filipovic@slsolucije.hr
No config change. => Nema nikakvih promjena konfiguracije.
Config discarded. => Va&scaron;e promjene konfiguracije su opozvane.
Config changes: => Trenutne promjene konfiguracije:
Updating config... => Konfiguracija se nadogra&eth;uje...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmware Verzija
Kernel Version => Kernel Verzija
Current Date/Time => Trenutni Datum/ Vrijeme
MAC Address => Mac Adresa
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Status Veza
Physical Connections => Fizi&egrave;ke Veze
Router Connections => Usmjeravanje
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP dodjela
IP Address => IP Adresa
Name => Naziv
Expires in => Rok istjecanja
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Wireless Status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Promjena Lozinke
New Password => Nova Lozinka
Confirm Password => Potvrdi Lozinku
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Postavke Sustava
Host Name => Naziv Hosta
Language => Jezik
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Instalirani Paketi
Update package lists => A&zcaron;uriraj listu paketa
Uninstall => Deinstaliraj
Install => Instaliraj
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmware format
Error => Gre&scaron;ka
done => gotovo
Invalid_formt => Neispravan Firmware Format
Erase_JFFS2 => Izbri&scaron;i JFFS2 particiju
Options => Opcije
Firmware_image => Firmware image za upload
Upgrade => Nadogradi
Upgrading... => Nadogradnja u tijeku...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => LAN Postavke
LAN Configuration => LAN Konfiguracija
Netmask => Netmask
Default Gateway => Default Gateway
DNS Servers => DNS Serveri
DNS Address => DNS Adresa
Note => Bilje&scaron;ke
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => WAN Postavke
WAN Configuration => WAN Konfiguracija
PPTP Server IP => PPTP Server IP
Connection Type => Tip Konekcije
No WAN => Bez WAN Konekcije
Static IP => Stati&egrave;ki IP
IP Settings => IP Postavke
PPP Settings => PPP Postavke
Redial Policy => Redial Policy
Connect on Demand => Spajanje na Zahtjev
Keep Alive => Keep Alive
Maximum Idle Time => Dozvoljeni Max. Idle Time
Redial Timeout => Redial Timeout
Username => Korisni&egrave;ko Ime
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Wireless Konfiguracija
Wireless Interface => Wireless Interface
WEP Key => WEP Key
Selected WEP Key => Odabrani WEP Key
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS IP Adresa
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS Server Key
Enabled => Omogu&aelig;eno
Disabled => Onemogu&aelig;eno
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID Broadcast
Show => Neskriveni
Hide => Skriveni
WLAN Mode => WLAN Mod
Access Point => Access Point
Client => Client
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Operaativni mod
Encryption Settings => Postavke Enkripcije
Encryption Type => Tip Enkripcije
WPA Mode => WPA Mod
WPA Algorithms => WPA Algoritmi
WEP Keys => WEP Keys
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Napredne Wireless Postavke
WDS Connections => WDS Veze
MAC Filter List => MAC Filter Lista
Filter Mode => Filter Mod
Allow => Dozvoli
Deny => Zabrani
Set => Postavi
Settings => Postavke
Automatic WDS => Automatski WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC Adresa
Configured Hosts => Konfigurirani Hostovi
DHCP Static => Stati&egrave;ki DHCP
Host Names => Nazivi Hostova
Up => Gore
Down => Dolje
Edit => Uredi
Delete => Bri&scaron;i
Save => Spremi
Cancel => Odustani
Forward => Naprijed
Accept => Prihvati
Drop => Otka&zcaron;i
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Firewall Pravila
Firewall Configuration => Firewall Konfiguracija
New Rule => Novo Pravilo
Match => Uvjet
Target => Cilj
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokol
Source IP => Ishodi&scaron;ni IP
Destination IP => Odredi&scaron;ni IP
Source Ports => Ishodi&scaron;ni Portovi
Destination Ports => Odredi&scaron;ni Portovi
Forward to => Preusmjeravanje na
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Naziv Wireless Mre&zcaron;e
Helptext DNS save => Trebali biste spremiti va&scaron;e postavke na ovoj stranici prije dodavanja/brisanja DNS poslju&zcaron;itelja
Helptext Operation mode => Ova opcija odre&eth;uje operativni mod rada va&scaron;e wireless mre&zcaron;e. Odabir 'Client (Bridge)' ne&aelig;e promijeniti postavke mre&zcaron;nog su&egrave;elja. Samo &aelig;e biti dodani parametri u pogonski program koji omogu&aelig;avaju ograni&egrave;ene bridging funkcije su&egrave;elja.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' je podr&zcaron;an samo u Access Point modu.
'WPA (PSK)' ne radi u Ad-Hoc modu.
Helptext IP Settings => IP Postavke su opcionalne za DHCP i PPTP. Ukoliko su postavljene, koriste se kao pretpostavljene, u slu&egrave;aju kada DHCP poslu&zcaron;itelj nije dostupan.
Helptext Idle Time => Vrijeme u sekundama bez internet prometa do kojeg ure&eth;aj treba &egrave;ekati prije prekida veze (samo kod Spajanja na Zahtjev)
Helptext Redial Timeout => Vrijeme u sekundama za prijem odgovora od prividera prije ponovnog spajanja

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@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
lang => Magyar
# Common
Settings saved => Be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok elmentve
Settings not saved => Be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok ment&eacute;s&eacute;nek mell&#337;z&eacute;se
Save Changes => V&aacute;ltozat&aacute;sok ment&eacute;se
Apply Changes => V&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok alkalmaz&aacute;sa
Clear Changes => V&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok eldob&aacute;sa
Review Changes => V&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok megtekint&eacute;se
Host Name => Host n&eacute;v
Uptime => &Uuml;zemid&#337;
Load => Rendszer terhel&eacute;s
Version => Verzi&oacute;
Categories => Kategori&aacute;k
Subcategories => Alkateg&oacute;ri&aacute;k
more... => Tov&aacute;bbi inform&aacute;ci&oacute;k...
Add => Hozz&aacute;ad
Remove => Elt&aacute;vol&iacute;t
Warning => Vigy&aacute;zat
Password_warning => A Web-Adminisztr&aacute;toenak &eacute;s az SSH hozz&aacute;f&eacute;r&eacute;shez m&eacute;g nincs jelsz&oacute; be&aacute;ll&iacute;tva.<br />Adjon meg most egy &uacute;j jelsz&oacute;t (felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;n&eacute;v a b&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&#337;ben: 'root').
# Categories
Info => Inform&aacute;ci&oacute;
About => R&oacute;lunk
Router Info => Router inform&aacute;ci&oacute;
Status => &Aacute;llapot
Connections => H&aacute;l&oacute;zati kapcsolatok
Wireless => WLAN
System => Rendszer
Password => Jelsz&oacute;
Settings => Be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Installed Software => Telep&iacute;t&eacute;s
Firmware Upgrade => Firmware friss&iacute;t&eacute;s
Network => H&aacute;l&oacute;zat
WAN => Internet
Wireless => WLAN
Advanced Wireless => WLAN (halad&oacute;)
Hosts => Host konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or <br >modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <br >as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 <br > of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Contributions by => Contributions by
Layout based on => Layout based on
by => by
No config change. => A konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;ban nincs v&aacute;ltoz&aacute;s.
Config discarded. => Konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute; v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok eldobva.
Config changes: => Konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute; m&oacute;dod&iacute;t&aacute;sok:
Updating config... => Konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute; friss&iacute;t&eacute;se...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmware verzi&oacute;
Kernel Version => Kernel verzi&oacute;
Current Date/Time => Aktu&aacute;lis d&aacute;tum/id&#337;
MAC Address => MAC Address
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Kapcsolatok
Physical Connections => Fizikai kapcsolatok
Router Connections => Router kapcsolatok
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP b&eacute;rletek
IP Address => IP c&iacute;m
Name => N&eacute;v
Expires in => Lej&aacute;r
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => WLAN &aacute;llapot
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Jelsz&oacute; csere
New Password => &Uacute;j jelsz&oacute;
Confirm Password => Jelsz&oacute; m&eacute;gegyszer
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Rendszer be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Host Name => Host n&eacute;v
Language => Nyelv
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Telep&iacute;tett csomagok
Update package lists => Csomaglista friss&iacute;t&eacute;se
Uninstall => Elt&aacute;vol&iacute;t&aacute;s
Install => Telep&iacute;t&eacute;s
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmware format
Error => Hiba
done => K&eacute;sz
Invalid_format => &Eacute;rv&eacute;nytelen Firmware
Erase_JFFS2 => JFFS2 part&iacute;ci&oacute; t&ouml;rl&eacute;se
Options => Opci&oacute;k
Firmware_image => Firmware
Upgrade => Friss&iacute;t&eacute;s
Upgrading... => Friss&iacute;t&eacute;s folyamatban...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => H&aacute;l&oacute;zat be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
LAN Configuration => H&aacute;l&oacute;zat konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
Netmask => H&aacute;l&oacute;zati maszk
Default Gateway => Alap&eacute;rtelmezett &aacute;tj&aacute;r&oacute;
DNS Servers => DNS szerverek
DNS Address => DNS szerver c&iacute;m
Note => Megjegyz&eacute;s
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Internet be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
WAN Configuration => Internet konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
PPTP Server IP => PPTP szerver c&iacute;m
Connection Type => Kapcsolat t&iacute;pusa
No WAN => Nincs internet
Static IP => Statikus IP konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
IP Settings => IP be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
PPP Settings => PPP be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Redial Policy => &Uacute;jrat&aacute;rcs&aacute;z&aacute;s szab&aacute;lya
Connect on Demand => Csatlakoz&aacute;s k&eacute;r&eacute;s eset&eacute;n
Keep Alive => Tartsd &eacute;letben
Maximum Idle Time => Maximum inakt&iacute;v &iacute;d&#337;
Redial Timeout => &Uacute;jrat&aacute;rcs&aacute;z&aacute;si id&#337;
MTU => Maximal Transfer Unit
Username => Felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => WLAN konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
Wireless Interface => WLAN interf&eacute;sz
WEP Key => WEP kulcs
Selected WEP Key => V&aacute;lasztott WEP kulcs
Channel => Csatorna
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS szerver c&iacute;m
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS szerver kulcs
Enabled => Enged&eacute;lyezve
Disabled => Tiltva
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID hirdet&eacute;se (sz&oacute;r&aacute;sa)
Show => Enged&eacute;lyezve
Hide => Tiltva
WLAN Mode => WLAN m&oacute;d
Access Point => Access Point
Client => Client
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Titkos&iacute;t&aacute;s be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Encryption Type => Titkos&iacute;t&aacute;s t&iacute;pusa
WPA Mode => WPA m&oacute;d
WPA Algorithms => WPA algoritmus
WEP Keys => WEP kulcsok
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => WLAN konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute; (halad&oacute;)
WDS Connections => WDS kapcsolatok
MAC Filter List => MAC Address sz&uuml;r&eacute;s
Filter Mode => Sz&uuml;r&#337; m&oacute;d
Allow => Enged&eacute;lyez&#337;
Deny => Tilt&oacute;
Set => Be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s
Settings => Be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Automatic WDS => Automatikus WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC-Address
Configured Hosts => Konfigur&aacute;lt g&eacute;pek
DHCP Static => Statikus DHCP be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok
Host Names => Host nevek
Up => Fel
Down => Le
Edit => Szerkeszt&eacute;s
Delete => T&ouml;rl&eacute;s
Save => Ment&eacute;s
Cancel => M&eacute;gse
Forward => Tov&aacute;bb&iacute;t
Accept => Elfogad
Drop => Eldob
Firewall => T&#369;zfal
Firewall Rules => T&#369;zfal szab&aacute;lyok
Firewall Configuration => T&#369;zfal konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;
New Rule => &Uacute;j szab&aacute;ly
Match => Illeszt
Target => C&eacute;l
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokoll
Source IP => Forr&aacute;s-IP
Destination IP => C&eacute;l-IP
Source Ports => Forr&aacute;s-Portok
Destination Ports => C&eacute;l-Portok
Forward to => Tov&aacute;bb&iacute;t
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => A vezet&eacute;k n&eacute;lk&uuml;li h&aacute;l&oacute;zat neve.
Helptext DNS save => Mentsd el a be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sokat, miel&#337;tt ezen az oldalon hozz&aacute;adsz ill. elt&aacute;vol&iacute;tasz DNS szervert.
Helptext Operation mode => Ezek a be&aacute;ll&iacute;tsok a vezet&eacute;k n&eacute;lk&uuml;li h&aacute;lozat m&#369;k&ouml;d&eacute;s&eacute;t hat&aacute;rozz&aacute;k meg. A 'Client (Bridge)' m&oacute;d a h&aacute;l&oacute;zati csatol&oacute; be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sait nem m&oacute;dos&iacute;tja. Csak n&eacute;h&aacute;ny param&eacute;tert &aacute;ll&iacute;t a vezet&eacute;kn&eacute;lk&uuml;li eszk&ouml;zmeghajt&oacute;ban, a korl&aacute;tozott &aacute;thidal&aacute;shoz.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' csak Access-Pont m&oacute;dban t&aacute;mogatott. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' nem m&#369;k&ouml;dik Ad-Hoc m&oacute;dban.
Helptext IP Settings => IP be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok opcion&aacute;lisak a DHCP-hez &eacute;s a PPTP-hez. Az itt be&aacute;ll&iacute;tott &eacute;rt&eacute;kek lesznek az alap&eacute;rtelmezettek, ha a DHCP szerver nem el&eacute;rhet&#337;.
Helptext Idle Time => Maxim&aacute;lis id&#337; m&aacute;sodpercben internet forgalom n&eacute;lk&uuml;l, amennyit a router v&aacute;r miel&#337;tt bontja a kapcsolatot (csak 'Csatlakoz&aacute;s k&eacute;r&eacute;s eset&eacute;n' m&oacute;dban).
Helptext Redial Timeout => Maxim&aacute;lis id&#337; m&aacute;sodpercben az &uacute;jrat&aacute;rcs&aacute;z&aacute;s el&#337;tt, ha a szolg&aacute;ltat&oacute; nem v&aacute;laszol.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Haszn&aacute;lhat&oacute; csomagok

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@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
lang => Italiano
# Common
Settings saved => Cambiamenti salvati
Settings not saved => Cambiamenti non salvati
Save Changes => Salva cambiamenti
Apply Changes => Applica cambiamenti
Clear Changes => Elimina cambiamenti
Review Changes => Controlla cambiamenti
Host Name => Nome Host
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Caricamento del sistema
Version => Versione
Categories => Categoria
Subcategories => Sottocategoria
more... => altro...
Add => Aggiungi
Remove => Elimina
Warning => Attenzione
Password_warning => non e' stata ancora impostata una password di protezione per il router (accesso web o ssh). Per favore, inseriscine una ora (il nome utente sara': 'root')
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Ringraziamenti
Router Info => Informazioni del router
Status => Stato
Connections => Connessioni
Wireless => Wireless
System => Sistema
Password => Password
Settings => Configurazione
Installed Software => Programmi installati
Firmware Upgrade => Aggiornamento Firmware
Network => Rete
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Wireless
Advanced Wireless => Wireless (avanzato)
Hosts => Configurazione Host
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Questo programma software libero; lecito ridistribuirlo e/o <br />modificarlo secondo i termini della Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU <br />come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation; o la versione 2 della licenza o (a scelta) una versione successiva.
Contributions by => Contributi
Layout based on => Interfaccia basata su
by => da
No config change. => Nessun cambiamento della configurazione.
Config discarded. => I cambiamenti non sono stati accettati.
Config changes: => Cambiamenti configurazione:
Updating config... => Aggiornamento configurazione...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Versione del firmware
Kernel Version => Versione del Kernel
Current Date/Time => Data/Ora
MAC Address => Indirizzo MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Stato della connessione
Physical Connections => Connessioni fisiche
Router Connections => Connessioni del router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => lease DHCP
IP Address => Indirizzo IP
Name => Nome
Expires in => Scade il
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Stato Wireless
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Cambio password
New Password => Nuova password
Confirm Password => Confema password
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Parametri di sistema
Host Name => Nome dell'host
Language => Linguaggio
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Pacchetti installati
Update package lists => Aggiorna la lista dei pacchetti
Uninstall => Disinstalla
Install => Installa
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Formato del firmware
Error => Errore
done => eseguito
Invalid_formt => Formato del firmware invalido
Erase_JFFS2 => Cancella la partizione JFFS2
Options => Opzioni
Firmware_image => Immagine del firmware
Upgrade => Aggiorna
Upgrading... => Aggiornamento in corso...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Parametri LAN
LAN Configuration => Configuzione LAN
Netmask => Netmask
Default Gateway => Default Gateway
DNS Servers => Server DNS
DNS Address => Indirizzo IP del DNS
Note => Nota
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Parametri Internet
WAN Configuration => Configurazione Internet
PPTP Server IP => Indirizzo IP del server PPTP
Connection Type => Tipo di connessione
No WAN => No WAN
Static IP => IP statico
IP Settings => Paramentri IP
PPP Settings => Parametri PPP
Redial Policy => Opzioni di riconnessione
Connect on Demand => Connessione su richiesta
Keep Alive => Connessione permanente
Maximum Idle Time => Tempo di inattivita' massimo
Redial Timeout => Tempo di riconnessione
MTU => MTU (grandezza pacchetti)
Username => Nome utente
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Parametri Wireless
Wireless Interface => Interfaccia Wireless
WEP Key => Chiave WEP
Selected WEP Key => Chiave WEP selezionata
Channel => Canale
RADIUS IP Address => Indirizzo IP del server RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Server Key RADIUS
Enabled => Attivato
Disabled => Disattivato
ESSID Broadcast => SSID Broadcast
Show => Mostra
Hide => Nascondi
WLAN Mode => Modo WLAN
Access Point => Punto di accesso
Client => Client
Bridge => Bridge
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Modo di funzionamento
Encryption Settings => Parametri di encryption
Encryption Type => Tipo di encryption
WPA Mode => Modo WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algoritmo WPA
WEP Keys => Chiave WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Configurazione Wireless avanzata
WDS Connections => Connessioni WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtro per indirizzo MAC
Filter Mode => Metodo di filtraggio
Allow => Autorizza
Deny => Nega
Set => Setta
Settings => Parametri
Automatic WDS => WDS Automatico
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Indirizzo MAC
Configured Hosts => Host configurati
DHCP Static => DHCP Statico
Host Names => Nome Host
Up => Su
Down => Giu'
Edit => Edita
Delete => Elimina
Save => Salva
Cancel => Cancella
Forward => Ridirigi
Accept => Accetta
Drop => Scarta
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Regole del Firewall
Firewall Configuration => Configurazione del Firewall
New Rule => Nuova regola
Match => Filtro
Target => Obiettivo
Port => Porta
Protocol => Protocollo
Source IP => IP di origine
Destination IP => IP di destinazione
Source Ports => Porta di origine
Destination Ports => Porta di destinazione
Forward to => Redirigi su
Port => Porta
Helptext ESSID => SSID
Helptext DNS save => E' consigliabile salvare i cambiamenti prima di aggiungere o eliminare server DNS dalla lista
Helptext Operation mode => Imposta il metodo di utilizzo della rete wireless. Scegliendo 'Client (bridge)' non cambiera' la configurazione dell'interfaccia di rete.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' puo' essere usato solo nel modo Access Point.<br /> 'WPA (PSK)' non funziona nel modo Ad-Hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => Le opzioni IP sono opzioni per DHCP e PPTP.
Helptext Idle Time => Numero di secondi che deve aspettare il router prima di disconnettersi. (Solo nel metodo ' Connessione su richiesta').
Helptext Redial Timeout => Numero di secondi che il router deve aspettare per effettuare una nuova riconnessione.
# untranslated:
Available packages => Available packages

View File

@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
lang => Nederlands
# Common
Settings saved => Instellingen bewaard
Settings not saved => Instellingen niet bewaard
Save Changes => Bewaar wijzigingen
Apply Changes => Gebruik wijzigingen
Clear Changes => Wis wijzigingen
Review Changes => Bekijk wijzigingen
Host Name => Host naam
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Laad
Version => Versie
Categories => Categorie
Subcategories => Subcategorie
more... => meer...
Add => Bijvoegen
Remove => Verwijder
Warning => Waarschuwing
Password_warning => U hebt nog geen wachtwoord ingesteld voor de Web interface en SSH toegang. Gelieve er nu een in te geven (de gebruikersnaam in uw browser zal 'root' zijn).
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Over
Router Info => Router Info
Status => Status
Connections => Connecties
Wireless => Draadloos
System => Systeem
Password => Wachtwoord
Settings => Instellingen
Installed Software => Geinstalleerde Software
Firmware Upgrade => Firmware Upgrade
Network => Netwerk
Wireless => Draadloos
Advanced Wireless => Geavanceerd Draadloos
Hosts => Geconfigureerde Hosts
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Dit programma is vrije software; u mag het verdelen en/of wijzigen onder de voorwaarden van GNU General Public License zoals gepubliceerd door de Free Software Foundation; ofwel versie 2 van de licentie, of (volgens Uw keuze) iedere latere versie.
Contributions by => Bijdragen door
Layout based on => Layout gebasseerd op
by => door
No config change. => Er werden geen configuratie wijzigingen aangebracht.
Config discarded. => Uw configuratie wijzigingen werden verworpen.
Config changes: => Huidige configuratie wijzigingen:
Updating config... => Uw configuratie wordt aangepast...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmware Versie
Kernel Version => Kernel Versie
Current Date/Time => Huidige Datum/Tijd
MAC Address => MAC Adres
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Verbindings Status
Physical Connections => Fysieke Verbindingen
Router Connections => Router Verbindingen
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP leases
IP Address => IP Adres
Name => Naam
Expires in => Vervalt binnen
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Draadloos Status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Wachtwoord Wijzigen
New Password => Nieuw Wachtwoord
Confirm Password => Bevestig Wachtwoord
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Systeem Instellingen
Host Name => Host naam
Language => Taal
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Geinstalleerde Pakketten
Available packages => Beschikbare pakketten
Update package lists => Aanpassen Pakketlijst
Uninstall => Deinstalleren
Install => Installeren
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmware Formaat
Error => Fout
done => voltooid
Erase_JFFS2 => Wis JFFS2 partitie
Options => Opties
Firmware_image => Firmware image om te laden
Upgrade => Upgrade
Upgrading... => Upgrading...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => LAN Instellingen
LAN Configuration => LAN Configuratie
Netmask => Netmask
Default Gateway => Standaard Gateway
DNS Servers => DNS Servers
DNS Address => DNS Adres
Note => Nota
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => WAN Instellingen
WAN Configuration => WAN configuratie
PPTP Server IP => PPTP Server IP
Connection Type => Connectie Type
No WAN => Geen WAN
Static IP => Statisch IP
IP Settings => IP Instellingen
PPP Settings => PPP Instellingen
Redial Policy => Opnieuw bel beleid
Redial Timeout => Bel vertraging
Connect on Demand => Verbinden op Aanvraag
Keep Alive => Hou actief
Maximum Idle Time => Maximale Idle Time
Username => Gebruikersnaam
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Draadloos Configuratie
Wireless Interface => Draadloos Interface
WEP Key => WEP Sleutel
Selected WEP Key => Geselecteerde WEP sleutely
Channel => Kanaal
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS IP Adres
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS Server Sleutel
Enabled => Ingeschakeld
Disabled => Uitgeschakeld
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID Broadcast
Show => Toon
Hide => Verberg
WLAN Mode => WLAN Mode
Access Point => Toegangs Punt
# Was "Klant" first which can only be translated as an economical client, i.e. a customer. AFAIK Dutch doesn't provide any true translation for Client in this context
Client => Client
Bridge => Brug
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Operation mode
Encryption Settings => Encryptie Instelligen
Encryption Type => Encryptie Type
WPA Mode => WPA Mode
WPA Algorithms => WPA Algoritmen
WEP Keys => WEP Sleutels
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Geavanceerde Draadloze Configuratie
WDS Connections => WDS Verbindingen
MAC Filter List => MAC Filter Lijst
Filter Mode => Filter Mode
Allow => Toelaten
Deny => Weigeren
Set => Stel
Settings => Instellingen
Automatic WDS => Automatische WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC Adres
Configured Hosts => Geconfigureerde Hosts
DHCP Static => DHCP Statisch
Host Names => Host Namen
Up => Op
Down => Neer
Edit => Wijzig
Delete => Wis
Save => Bewaar
Cancel => Afbreken
Forward => Doorsturen
Accept => Accepteren
Drop => Negeren
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Firewall Regels
Firewall Configuration => Firewall Configuratie
New Rule => Nieuwe Regel
Match => Overeenstemmen
Target => Doel
Port => Poort
Protocol => Protocol
Source IP => Bron IP
Destination IP => Bestemmings IP
Source Ports => Bron Poorten
Destination Ports => Bestemmings Poorten
Forward to => Doorsturen naar
Port => Poort
Helptext ESSID => Naam van uw Draadloos Netwerk
Helptext DNS save => U moet de instellingen op deze pagina bewaren alvorens DNS servers te wijzigen/verwijderen
Helptext Operation mode => Dit stelt de Operatie Mode voor uw draadloos netwerk in. Door 'Client (Brug)' te kiezen zullen uw network interface instellingen niet wijzigen. Er zullen alleen enkele parameters ingesteld worden in de draadloze driver die gelimiteerde overbrugging van de interface mogelijk maakt.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' wordt enkel ondersteund in de Toegangs Punt mode.<br />'WPA (PSK)' werkt niet in Ad-Hoc mode.
Helptext IP Settings => IP instellingen zijn optioneel voor DHCP en PPTP. Indien U ze instelt dan worden ze als standaardwaarden gebruikt indien de DHCP server onbeschikbaar is.
Helptext Idle Time => Het aantal seconden zonder internet verkeer dat de router zou moeten wachten alvorens zich af te sluiten van het Internet (Alleen bij Verbinden op Aanvraag)
Helptext Redial Timeout => Het aantal seconden dat gewacht moet worden alvorens opnieuw een verbinding wordt gemaakt indien deze geweigerd werd door uw ISP.

View File

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
lang => Norsk
# Common
Settings saved => Innstillingene ble lagret
Settings not saved => Innstillingene ble ikke lagret
Save Changes => Lagre endringer
Apply Changes => Aktiver endringer
Clear Changes => Glem endringer
Review Changes => Se endringer
Host Name => Vertsnavn
Uptime => Oppetid
Load => Systembelastning
Version => Versjon
Categories => Kategorier
Subcategories => Underkategorier
more... => mer...
Add => Legg til
Remove => Fjern
Warning => Advarsel
Password_warning => Det er ikke satt et passord p&aring; hverken Webadministrasjon eller SSH.<br />Vennligst velg eller tast inn ditt passord (Brukernavn er 'root' med sm&aring; bokstaver).
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Om
Router Info => Routerinformasjon
Status => Status
Connections => Nettverksforbindelser
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
System => System
Password => Passord
Settings => Innstillinger
Installed Software => Installerte programmer
Firmware Upgrade => Firmwareoppgradering
Network => Nettverk
LAN => Lokalnett
WAN => Internett
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
Advanced Wireless => Avansert tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
Hosts => Vertsnavn
# 'About' page
Copyright => Opphavsrett
GPL_Text => Dette programmet er fri programvare. Du m&aring; bruke, endre og videredistribuere det under betingelsene i "GNU General Public License",<br /> som offentliggjort av "Free Software Foundation" (Den frie programbevegelse), enten i versjon 2 av lisensen eller (etter ditt valg), en hvilkensomhelst senere versjon.
Contributions by => Bidrag fra
Layout based on => Layout er basert p&aring;
by => av
No config change. => Ingen konfigurasjonsendring foretatt
Config discarded. => Konfigurasjonsendringerne ble forkastet
Config changes: => Forel&oslash;pige endringer
Updating config... => Oppdaterer konfigurasjonen
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmwareversjon
Kernel Version => Kjerneversjon
Current Date/Time => N&aring;v&aelig;rende tid/dato
MAC Address => MAC adresse
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Forbindelsesstatus
Physical Connections => Fysiske forbindelser
Router Connections => Routerens forbindelser
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP leasinger
IP Address => IP adresse
Name => Navn
Expires in => Utl&oslash;pstid
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Endre passord
New Password => Nytt passord
Confirm Password => Nytt passord igjen
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Systeminnstillinger
Host Name => Vertsnavn
Language => Spr&aring;k
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Installerte pakker
Update package lists => Oppdater pakkelisten
Uninstall => Avinstaller
Install => Installer
Available packages => Tilgjengelige pakker
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmwareformat
Error => Feil
done => ferdig
Invalid_format => Ugyldig_format
Erase_JFFS2 => Slett_JFFS2_partisjonen
Options => Alternativer
Firmware_image => Firmwarefil
Upgrade => Oppgrader
Upgrading... => Oppgraderer...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Lokale nettinnstillinger
LAN Configuration => Lokal nettverkskonfigurasjon
Netmask => Undernettmaske
Default Gateway => Standard gateway
DNS Servers => DNS-tjenere
DNS Address => DNS-tjeneradresse
Note => Merk
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => WAN-innstillinger
WAN Configuration => WAN-konfigurasjon
PPTP Server IP => PPTP-tjeneradresse
Connection Type => Forbindelsestype
No WAN => Ingen WAN
Static IP => Statisk IP
IP Settings => IP-innstillinger
PPP Settings => PPP-innstillinger
Redial Policy => Gjenoppringingspolise
Connect on Demand => Ring opp n&aring;r behovet er der
Keep Alive => Hold forbindelsen i live (keep alive)
Maximum Idle Time => Maksimal tid i tomgang (max idle)
Redial Timeout => Gjenoppringningsavbrekkstid
Username => Brukernavn
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s konfigurasjon
Wireless Interface => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;st nettkort
WEP Key => WEP n&oslash;kler
Selected WEP Key => Valgt WEP n&oslash;kkel
WPA PSK => WPA n&oslash;kler
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => IP adressen p&aring; RADIUS server
RADIUS Server Key => Passord til RADIUS server
Enabled => Aktivert
Disabled => Deaktivert
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID-Kringkasting
Show => Vis
Hide => Skjul
WLAN Mode => Tr&aring;dl&oslash;s tilstand
Access Point => Tilgangspunkt
Client => Klient
Bridge => Bro
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Krypteringsinnstillinger
Encryption Type => Krypteringstype
PSK => PSK-kode
WPA Mode => WPA tilstand
WPA Algorithms => WPA krypteringsalgoritme
WEP Keys => WEP n&oslash;kler
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Avansert oppsett av tr&aring;dl&oslash;s
WDS Connections => WDS forbindelser (WDS repeater)
MAC Filter List => Filteringsliste (MAC-nummer)
Filter Mode => Filtreringstilstand
Allow => Tillat
Deny => Forby
Set => Sett
Settings => Innstillinger
Automatic WDS => Automatisk WDS-forbindelse
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC-adresse
Configured Hosts => Vertsnavn
DHCP Static => Statiske IP adresser til DHCP
Host Names => Vertsnavn
Up => Opp
Down => Ned
Edit => Endre
Delete => Slette
Save => Lagre
Cancel => Annuller
Forward => Forward (videresend)
Accept => Accept (tillat)
Drop => Drop (kast)
Firewall => Brannmur
Firewall Rules => Brannmurregler
Firewall Configuration => Brannmurkonfigurasjon
New Rule => Ny regel
Match => Match (sammenlign)
Target => Target (G&aring; til)
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokoll
Source IP => Avsenders IP
Destination IP => Mottakers IP
Source Ports => Avsenders porter
Destination Ports => Mottakers porter
Forward to => Send videre til
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Navn p&aring; tr&aring;dl&oslash;s nettverk
Helptext DNS save => Lagre endringer p&aring; denne siden f&oslash;r du legger til eller fjerner DNS-tjenere (Hvis du ikke vil miste dem.)
Helptext Operation mode => Setter driftstilstanden for den tr&aring;dl&oslash;se delen av routeren. 'Klient' og 'Klient (bro)' brukes for &aring; koble 2 tr&aring;dl&oslash;se routere. I mange tilfeller er WDS en bedre (men mer avansert) l&oslash;ning. 'Klient' utnytter dog b&aring;ndbredden best, hvis du kun har en maskin tilkoblet. <br /> Innstillingen 'Klient (bro)' endrer ikke direkte ved nettverksinnstillingene. Det er et lite 'hack' som f&aring; routeren til &aring; tro at kun en maskin (en MAC-adresse) er tilkoblet. Det er gjort for &aring; overvinne begrensninger i 802.11-protokollen, som forhindrer at man problemfritt (i vanlig 'Klient'-tilstand) kan bruke den tr&aring;dl&oslash;se forbindelsen fra flere maskiner samtidig. <br /> AP brukes til en standalone router, hvor f.eks b&aelig;rbare pc'er skal ha tilgang til Internett og/eller lokalt nettverk. <br /> Hvis du ikke vet hva 'Ad Hoc'-tilstanden gj&oslash;, har du sannsynligvis ikke bruk for den.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' er kun st&oslash;ttet i AP (Tilgangspunkt)-tilstand. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' fungerer ikke i 'Ad-Hoc' tilstand.
Helptext IP Settings => IP-innstillinger er frivillig for DHCP og PPTP. N&aring; de er satt, blir de brukt som standardverdier hvis en DHCP-tjener ikke er tilgjengelig.
Helptext Idle Time => Ventetid med inaktivitet f&oslash;r routeren kobler ned forbindelesen.
Helptext Redial Timeout => Ventetid f&oslash;r routeren fors&oslash;ker &aring; ringe opp igjen.

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@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
lang => Polski
# Common
Settings saved => Ustawienia zosta&#322;y zapisane
Settings not saved => Ustawienia niezosta&#322;y zapisane
Save Changes => Zapisz zmiany
Apply Changes => Zastosuj zmiany
Clear Changes => Czy&#347;&#263; zmiany
Review Changes => Przej&#380;yj zmiany
Host Name => Hostname
Uptime => Czas pracy
Load => Obci&#261;&#380;enie
Version => Wersja
Categories => Kategorie
Subcategories => Podkategorie
more... => Wi&#281;cej Informacji...
Add => Dodaj
Remove => Usu&#324;
Warning => Uwaga
Password_warning => Niemasz ustawionego has&#322;a dost&#281;pu do WWW oraz SSH<br />Prosze wpisz je teraz(nazwa u&#380;ytkownika to 'root')
# Categories
Info => Info
About => O Autorze
Router Info => Info o WRT
Status => Status
Connections => Po&#322;aczenia
Wireless => WLAN
System => System
Password => Has&#322;o
Settings => Ustawienia
Installed Software => Zainstalowane pakiety
Firmware Upgrade => Aktualizacja opr.
Network => Sie&#263;
WAN => Internet(WAN)
Wireless => WLAN
Advanced Wireless => Zaawansowane WLAN
Hosts => Konfiguracja Hostów
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or <br >modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <br >as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 <br > of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Contributions by => Wspólpracownicy
Layout based on => Layout bazuje na
by => by
No config change. => Nie dokonano zmian.
Config discarded. => Zmiany zosta&#322;y anulowane.
Config changes: => Aktualna konfiguracja:
Updating config... => Aktualizacja konfiguracji...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Wersja Opr.
Kernel Version => Wersja kernela
Current Date/Time => Aktualna Data/Czas
MAC Address => Adres MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Stan po&#322;acze&#324;
Physical Connections => Po&#322;&#261;czenia fizyczne
Router Connections => Po&#322;&#261;czenia do routera
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => Dzier&#380;awa DHCP
IP Address => Adres IP
Name => Nazwa
Expires in => Wygasa za
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Status WLAN
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Zmien has&#322;o
New Password => Nowe has&#322;o
Confirm Password => Potwierdz has&#322;o
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Ustawienia Systemu
Host Name => Hostname
Language => J&#281;zyk
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Zainstalowane pakiety
Update package lists => Aktualizuj liste pakietów
Uninstall => Usu&#324;
Install => Instaluj
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Format pliku firmware
Error => B&#322;&#261;d
done => Gotowe
Invalid_format => B&#322;&#281;dny format firmware
Erase_JFFS2 => Formatuj JFFS2
Options => Opcje
Firmware_image => Obraz FW:
Upgrade => Aktualizuj
Upgrading... => Aktualizuje...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Ustawienia LAN
LAN Configuration => Konfiguracja LAN
Netmask => Maska sieci
Default Gateway => Brama domy&#347;lna
DNS Servers => Serwer DNS
DNS Address => Adres DNS
Note => Notatka
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Ustawienia WAN
WAN Configuration => Konfiguracja WAN
PPTP Server IP => Adres serwera PPTP
Connection Type => Po&#322;aczenie
No WAN => Bez WAN
Static IP => Statyczne IP
IP Settings => Ustawienia IP
PPP Settings => Ustawienia PPP
Redial Policy => Rodzaj wydzwaniania
Connect on Demand => Po&#322;&#261;czenia na &#380;adanie
Keep Alive => Trzymaj po&#322;&#261;czenie
Maximum Idle Time => Max. czas bezczynno&#347;ci
Username => Nazwa uzyt.
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => WLAN-Konfiguracja
Wireless Interface => Intefejs WLAN
WEP Key => Klucz WEP
Selected WEP Key => Wybrany klucz WEP
Channel => Kana&#322;
RADIUS IP Address => Adres IP RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Klucz RADIUS
Enabled => W&#322;aczone
Disabled => Wy&#322;&#261;czone
ESSID Broadcast => Rozsy&#322;anie ESSID
Show => Poka&#380;
Hide => Ukryj
WLAN Mode => Tryb Radiowy
Access Point => Punkt Dost&#281;powy
Client => Klient
Bridge => Most
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Encryption Settings => Ustawienia kodowania
Encryption Type => Rodzaj kodowania
WPA Mode => Tryb WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algorytm WPA
WEP Keys => Klucze WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Zaawansowane WLAN
WDS Connections => Po&#322;&#261;czenie WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtrowanie MAC
Filter Mode => Rodzaj filtra
Allow => Udzielaj dost&#281;pu
Deny => Odrzucaj dost&#281;p
Set => Ustaw
Settings => Ustawienia
Automatic WDS => Automatyczny WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Adres MAC
Configured Hosts => Konfiguracja Host&#243;w
DHCP Static => Statyczne DHCP
Host Names => Lista Host&#243;w
Up => W g&#243;r&#281;
Down => W d&#243;&#322;
Edit => Edytuj
Delete => Kasuj
Save => Zapisz
Cancel => Anuluj
Forward => Przekieruj
Accept => Akceptuj
Drop => Odrzu&#263;
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Regu&#322;y Firewalla
Firewall Configuration => Konfiguracja Firewalla
New Rule => Nowa regu&#322;a
Match => Dotyczy
Target => Cel
Port => Port
Protocol => Protok&#243;&#322;
Source IP => IP &#380;r&#243;d&#322;owe
Destination IP => IP docelowe
Source Ports => Port &#380;r&#243;d&#322;owy
Destination Ports => Port docelowy
Forward to => Przekieruj do
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Nazwa sieci radiowej
Helptext DNS save => Musisz zapisa&#263; ustawienia przed dodaniem/usuni&#281;ciem serwera DNS
Helptext Operation mode => Umo&#380;liwia wyb&#243;r pracy urz&#261;dzenia.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' dzia&#322;a tylko w trybie Access Point <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' nie dzia&#322;a w trybie Ad-Hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => Ustawienia numeru IP dla DHCP i PPTP jest niekonieczne. Je&#380;eli je ustawisz, b&#281;da u&#380;ywane jako domy&#347;lnje w przypadku , gdy serwer DHCP bedzie niedost&#281;pny.
Helptext Idle Time => Czas w sekundach bezruchu internetowego, po up&#322;ywie kt&#243;rych nast&#281;puje roz&#322;aczenie (tylko Po&#322;&#261;czenie na z&#261;danie)
Helptext Redial Timeout => Liczba sekund, kt&#243;re trzeba odczekac po tym, jak nie otrzymales odpowiedzi od providera (przed ponowna proba podlaczenia)
# untranslated:
Available packages => Available packages

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@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
lang => Português
# Common
Settings saved => Alterações guardadas
Settings not saved => Alterações não foram guardadas
Save Changes => Guardar alterações
Apply Changes => Aplicar alterações
Clear Changes => Eliminar alterações
Review Changes => Verificar alterações
Host Name => Nome do sistema
Uptime => Uptime
Load => Carga do sistema
Version => Versão
Categories => Categorias
Subcategories => Subcategorias
more... => mais
Add => Adicionar
Remove => Eliminar
Warning => Atenção
Password_warning => Não foi estabelecida uma palavra-chave para o acesso ao router (acesso web e ssh). Por favor, estabeleça uma palavra-chave agora (o nome de utilizador será root)
# Categories
Info => Informação
About => Acerca de
Router Info => Informações do router
Status => Estado
Connections => Ligações
Wireless => Wi-Fi
System => Sistema
Password => Palavra-chave
Settings => Configurações
Installed Software => Software instalado
Firmware Upgrade => Actualizar Firmware
Network => Rede
WAN => Internet
Wireless => Rede sem fios
Advanced Wireless => Rede sem fios (avançado)
Hosts => Configuração de sistemas (hosts)
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Este programa é livre e poderá ser distribuído e/ou <br>modificado segundo os termos da licença GPL (General Public License)<br>tal como publicada pela Free Software Foundation como está publicada por la Free Sofware Foundation; quer pela versão 2<br> quer por qualquer versão posterior (à sua escolha).
Contributions by => Contribuidores
Layout based on => Layout baseado em
by => por
No config change. => Não existem alterações de configurações.
Config discarded. => As alterações foram ignoradas.
Config changes: => Configuração actual:
Updating config... => Actualizando as alterações...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Versão do firmware
Kernel Version => Versão do Kernel
Current Date/Time => Data/Hora
MAC Address => Endereço MAC
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Estado das ligações
Physical Connections => Ligações físicas
Router Connections => Ligações do router
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => Préstimos de DHCP
IP Address => Endereço IP
Name => Nome
Expires in => Expira em
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Estado da rede sem fios
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Alteração da palavra-chave
New Password => Nova palavra-chave
Confirm Password => Confirme a palavra-chave
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => Parâmetros do sistema
Host Name => Nome do sistema
Language => Idioma
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Pacotes (packages) instalados
Update package lists => Actualização da lista de pacotes
Uninstall => Remover
Install => Instalar
Available packages => Pacotes disponíveis
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Formato do firmware
Error => Erro
done => terminado
Invalid_formt => Formato de firmware inválido
Erase_JFFS2 => Apagar partição JFFS2
Options => Opções
Firmware_image => Ficheiro de firmware
Upgrade => Actualizar
Upgrading... => Actualizando...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => Configurações da LAN (rede local)
LAN Configuration => Parâmetros LAN
Netmask => Máscara da sub rede (netmask)
Default Gateway => Gateway
DNS Servers => Servidor DNS
DNS Address => Endereço IP do DNS
Note => Nota
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => Configurações Internet
WAN Configuration => Parâmetros de Internet
PPTP Server IP => Endereço IP do servidor PPTP
Connection Type => Tipo de ligação
No WAN => Sem ligação à Internet
Static IP => IP estático
IP Settings => Configurações IP
PPP Settings => Configurações PPP
Redial Policy => Opções de restabelecimento da ligação
Connect on Demand => Ligar quando necessário
Keep Alive => Manter ligação sempre activa
Maximum Idle Time => Tempo máximo de inactividade
Redial Timeout => Tempo de restabelecimento da ligação
MTU => MTU (tamanho dos pacotes)
Username => Nome do utilizador
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Configurações rede sem fios
Wireless Interface => Interface rede sem fios
WEP Key => Chave WEP
Selected WEP Key => Palavra-chave WEP seleccionada
Channel => Canal
RADIUS IP Address => Endereço IP do servidor RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => Palavra-chave RADIUS
Enabled => Activo
Disabled => Inactivo
ESSID Broadcast => Difusão do SSID
Show => Mostrar
Hide => Ocultar
WLAN Mode => Modo rede sem fios
Access Point => Ponto de acesso
Client => Cliente
Bridge => Ponte (Bridge)
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Modo de funcionamento
Encryption Settings => Parâmetros de encriptação
Encryption Type => Tipo de encriptação
WPA Mode => Modo WPA
WPA Algorithms => Algoritmos WPA
WEP Keys => Palavra-chave WEP
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Configurações rede sem fios (avançadas)
WDS Connections => Ligações WDS
MAC Filter List => Filtrar por endereço MAC
Filter Mode => Tipo de filtro
Allow => Autorizar
Deny => Negar
Set => Estabelecer
Settings => Parâmetros
Automatic WDS => WDS automático
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => Endereço MAC
Configured Hosts => Sistemas configurados
DHCP Static => DHCP estático
Host Names => Nome dos sistemas
Up => Subir
Down => Baixar
Edit => Editar
Delete => eliminar
Save => Guardar
Cancel => Cancelar
Forward => Redireccionar
Accept => Aceitar
Drop => Descartar
Firewall => Firewall
Firewall Rules => Regras da Firewall
Firewall Configuration => Configurações da Firewall
New Rule => Nova regra
Match => Filtrar
Target => Destino
Port => Porta
Protocol => Protocolo
Source IP => IP de origem
Destination IP => IP de destino
Source Ports => Portas de origem
Destination Ports => Portas de destino
Forward to => Redireccionar para
Port => Porta
Helptext ESSID => SSID
Helptext DNS save => É recomendável guardar as alterações antes de adicionar ou eliminar servidores DNS
Helptext Operation mode => Estabelece o modo de operação da rede sem fios. Escolhendo Client (bridge) não altera a configuração da interface de rede. Irá simplesmente configurar alguns parâmetros da rede sem fios para operar em modo ponte (bridge).
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' só pode ser usado em modo Ponto de acesso.<br /> 'WPA (PSK)' não funciona em modo Ad-Hoc.
Helptext IP Settings => As opções IP são opcionais para os modos DHCP e PPTP. Apenas serão usadas caso alguma das configurações automática falhe
Helptext Idle Time => Número de segundos sem actividade na Internet que o router deve esperar antes de se desligar da Internet.
(Apenas para o modo Ligar quando necessário (connect on demand))
Helptext Redial Timeout => Número de segundo sem receber resposta que o router deve esperar para voltar a estabelecer ligação à Internet.

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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
lang => &#x420;&#x443;&#x441;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x438;&#x439;
# Common
Settings saved => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x445;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x44B;
Settings not saved => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x43D;&#x435; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x445;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x44B;
Save Changes => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x445;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438;
Apply Changes => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x438;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Clear Changes => &#x41E;&#x442;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x438;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Review Changes => &#x41F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x440;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x438;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Host Name => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x443;&#x437;&#x43B;&#x430;
Uptime => &#x412;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x440;&#x430;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x44B;
Load => &#x417;&#x430;&#x433;&#x440;&#x443;&#x437;&#x43A;&#x430;
Version => &#x412;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x438;&#x44F;
Categories => &#x41A;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x433;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x438;&#x438;
Subcategories => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43A;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x433;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x438;&#x438;
more... => &#x434;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x435;...
Add => &#x414;&#x43E;&#x431;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Remove => &#x423;&#x434;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Warning => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x435;&#x434;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x434;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435;
Password_warning => &#x41F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C; &#x434;&#x43B;&#x44F; &#x432;&#x435;&#x431;-&#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;&#x430; &#x438; &#x434;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x430; &#x43F;&#x43E; SSH &#x43D;&#x435; &#x437;&#x430;&#x434;&#x430;&#x43D;<br/>&#x412;&#x432;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435; &#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C; (&#x438;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F; &#x432; web-&#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;&#x435;: 'root').
# Categories
Info => &#x418;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43C;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F;
About => &#x41E; &#x441;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x435;
Router Info => &#x41C;&#x430;&#x440;&#x448;&#x440;&#x443;&#x442;&#x438;&#x437;&#x430;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;
Status => &#x421;&#x442;&#x430;&#x442;&#x443;&#x441;
Connections => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Wireless => &#x411;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44C;
System => &#x421;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x430;
Password => &#x41F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;
Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438;
Installed Software => &#x423;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x43A;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44B;
Firmware Upgrade => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438;
Network => &#x421;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44C;
LAN => &#x41B;&#x43E;&#x43A;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F;
WAN => &#x412;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x44F;&#x44F;
Wireless => &#x411;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F;
Advanced Wireless => &#x411;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F; (&#x43F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x435;)
Hosts => &#x423;&#x437;&#x43B;&#x44B;
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => &#x42D;&#x442;&#x43E; &#x441;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43C;&#x43C;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x435; &#x43E;&#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x435;&#x447;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435;. &#x41E;&#x43D;&#x43E; &#x440;&#x430;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x44F;&#x435;&#x442;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x438; &#x43C;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x438;&#x444;&#x438;&#x446;&#x438;&#x440;&#x443;&#x435;&#x442;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x432; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x432;&#x435;&#x442;&#x441;&#x442;&#x432;&#x438;&#x438; &#x441; &#x43B;&#x438;&#x446;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x437;&#x438;&#x435;&#x439; GNU General Public License,<br/> &#x43E;&#x43F;&#x443;&#x431;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x43A;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; Free Software Foundation; &#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x438;&#x438; 2 &#x438;&#x43B;&#x438; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x443;&#x441;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44E; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F; &#x43B;&#x44E;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x431;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x437;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x439; &#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x438;&#x438;.
Contributions by => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x449;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x43A;&#x438;
Layout based on => &#x414;&#x438;&#x437;&#x430;&#x439;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x440;
by => &#x43E;&#x442;
No config change. => &#x41A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x43D;&#x435; &#x438;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x44F;&#x43B;&#x430;&#x441;&#x44C;.
Config discarded. => &#x41A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x43E;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x430;.
Config changes: => &#x418;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; &#x43A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x438;:
Updating config... => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; &#x43A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x438;...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => &#x412;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438;
Kernel Version => &#x412;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x44F;&#x434;&#x440;&#x430;
Current Date/Time => &#x412;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x438; &#x434;&#x430;&#x442;&#x430;
MAC Address => MAC-&#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441;
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435;
Physical Connections => &#x410;&#x43F;&#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x430;&#x442;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Router Connections => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43C;&#x43C;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x43C;&#x430;&#x440;&#x448;&#x440;&#x443;&#x442;&#x438;&#x437;&#x430;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x430;
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP &#x43A;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x44B;
IP Address => IP &#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441;
Name => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x44F;
Expires in => &#x418;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43A;&#x430;&#x435;&#x442;
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => &#x411;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44C;
# 'Password' page
Password Change => &#x418;&#x437;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;
New Password => &#x41D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;
Confirm Password => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x442;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x436;&#x434;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44F;
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x441;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x44B;
Host Name => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x443;&#x437;&#x43B;&#x430;
Language => &#x42F;&#x437;&#x44B;&#x43A;
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => &#x423;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x43A;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44B;
Update package lists => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x441;&#x43F;&#x438;&#x441;&#x43E;&#x43A; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x43A;&#x435;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x432;
Available packages => &#x414;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x43A;&#x435;&#x442;&#x44B;
Uninstall => &#x423;&#x434;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Install => &#x423;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => &#x424;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43C;&#x430;&#x442; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438;
Error => &#x41E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x431;&#x43A;&#x430;
done => &#x433;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;
Invalid_format => &#x41D;&#x435;&#x438;&#x437;&#x432;&#x435;&#x441;&#x442;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x444;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43C;&#x430;&#x442; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438;
Erase_JFFS2 => &#x41E;&#x447;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x440;&#x430;&#x437;&#x434;&#x435;&#x43B; jffs2
Options => &#x41F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x442;&#x440;&#x44B;
Firmware_image => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x440;&#x430;&#x437; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x448;&#x438;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438;:
Upgrade => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Upgrading... => &#x41E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435;...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
LAN Configuration => &#x41A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Netmask => &#x41C;&#x430;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x430; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Default Gateway => &#x428;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x437; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x443;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x447;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44E;
DNS Servers => &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x430; DNS
DNS Address => &#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441; DNS
Note => &#x417;&#x430;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x430;
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x432;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
WAN Configuration => &#x41A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x432;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
PPTP Server IP => &#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441; IP &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x430; PPTP
Connection Type => &#x422;&#x438;&#x43F; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
No WAN => &#x41D;&#x435;&#x442; &#x432;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Static IP => &#x421;&#x442;&#x430;&#x442;&#x438;&#x447;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x438;&#x439; IP
IP Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; IP
PPP Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; PPP
Redial Policy => &#x420;&#x430;&#x437;&#x440;&#x44B;&#x432; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
Connect on Demand => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x44F;&#x442;&#x44C;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x442;&#x440;&#x435;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44E;
Keep Alive => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x434;&#x435;&#x440;&#x436;&#x438;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x441;&#x432;&#x44F;&#x437;&#x44C;
Maximum Idle Time => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x438;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x448;&#x435;&#x435; &#x432;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x44F;
Redial Timeout => &#x417;&#x430;&#x434;&#x435;&#x440;&#x436;&#x43A;&#x430; &#x43F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x434; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x43C; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435;&#x43C;
Username => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => &#x41A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Wireless Interface => &#x411;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;
WEP Key => &#x41A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447; WEP
Selected WEP Key => &#x412;&#x44B;&#x431;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447; WEP
WPA PSK => WPA &#x440;&#x430;&#x437;&#x434;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447;
Channel => &#x41A;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x43B;
RADIUS IP Address => &#x410;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441; IP &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x430; RADIUS
RADIUS Server Key => &#x41A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447; &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x430; RADIUS
Enabled => &#x412;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447;&#x451;&#x43D;
Disabled => &#x412;&#x44B;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447;&#x435;&#x43D;
ESSID Broadcast => &#x412;&#x435;&#x449;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; ESSID
Show => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x43A;&#x430;&#x437;&#x430;&#x442;&#x44C;
Hide => &#x421;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x44F;&#x442;&#x430;&#x442;&#x44C;
WLAN Mode => &#x420;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Access Point => &#x422;&#x43E;&#x447;&#x43A;&#x430; &#x434;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x430;
Client => &#x41A;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;
Bridge => &#x41C;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;
Ad-Hoc => &#x41F;&#x43E; &#x437;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x443;
Encryption Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x431;&#x435;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x43F;&#x430;&#x441;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x438;
Encryption Type => &#x422;&#x438;&#x43F; &#x448;&#x438;&#x444;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F;
PSK => &#x41F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;
WPA Mode => &#x420;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C; WPA
WPA Algorithms => &#x410;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x438;&#x442;&#x43C; WPA
WEP Keys => WEP &#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447;&#x438;
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => &#x420;&#x430;&#x441;&#x448;&#x438;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x44F; &#x43A;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x438;&#x433;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
WDS Connections => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; WDS
MAC Filter List => &#x424;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x442;&#x440; MAC-&#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43E;&#x432;
Filter Mode => &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C; &#x444;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x442;&#x440;&#x430;
Allow => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43F;&#x443;&#x441;&#x442;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Deny => &#x41E;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Set => &#x423;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438;
Automatic WDS => &#x410;&#x432;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x43C;&#x430;&#x442;&#x438;&#x447;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x438;&#x439; WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC-&#x430;&#x434;&#x440;&#x435;&#x441;
Configured Hosts => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x443;&#x437;&#x43B;&#x44B;
DHCP Static => &#x421;&#x442;&#x430;&#x442;&#x438;&#x447;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x438;&#x439; DHCP
Host Names => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x443;&#x437;&#x43B;&#x43E;&#x432;
Up => &#x412;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x445;
Down => &#x412;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x437;
Edit => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x430;
Delete => &#x423;&#x434;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Save => &#x421;&#x43E;&#x445;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Cancel => &#x41E;&#x442;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Forward => &#x41F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Accept => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x44F;&#x442;&#x44C;
Drop => &#x41E;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;
Firewall => &#x421;&#x435;&#x442;&#x435;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x44D;&#x43A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;
Firewall Rules => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x430; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x435;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x44D;&#x43A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x430;
Firewall Configuration => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x435;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x44D;&#x43A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x430;
New Rule => &#x41D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x43E;
Match => &#x424;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x442;&#x440;
Target => &#x426;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44C;
Port => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x442;
Protocol => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x43A;&#x43E;&#x43B;
Source IP => IP &#x43E;&#x442;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;
Destination IP => IP &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x443;&#x447;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;
Source Ports => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x442;&#x44B; &#x43E;&#x442;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;
Destination Ports => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x442;&#x44B; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x443;&#x447;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x44F;
Forward to => &#x41F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x43D;&#x430;
Port => &#x41F;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x442;
Helptext ESSID => &#x418;&#x43C;&#x44F; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;
Helptext DNS save => &#x41D;&#x443;&#x436;&#x43D;&#x43E; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x445;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x43D;&#x430; &#x44D;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x446;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x434; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x43E;&#x439; DNS &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;.
Helptext Operation mode => &#x42D;&#x442;&#x430; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x430; &#x437;&#x430;&#x434;&#x430;&#x451;&#x442; &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C; &#x440;&#x430;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x44B; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;. &#x412;&#x44B;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x440; '&#x41A;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442; &#x438;&#x43B;&#x438; &#x41C;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;' &#x43D;&#x435;&#x43F;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x44F;&#x435;&#x442; &#x43D;&#x430; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x435;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;&#x430;. &#x411;&#x443;&#x434;&#x443;&#x442; &#x43E;&#x431;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43B;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x44B; &#x442;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x43A;&#x43E; &#x43D;&#x435;&#x43A;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x442;&#x440;&#x44B; &#x434;&#x440;&#x430;&#x439;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440;&#x430; &#x431;&#x435;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x441;&#x435;&#x442;&#x438;, &#x43A;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x44B;&#x439; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x437;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44F;&#x442; &#x43C;&#x430;&#x440;&#x448;&#x440;&#x443;&#x442;&#x438;&#x437;&#x430;&#x446;&#x438;&#x44E; &#x43F;&#x430;&#x43A;&#x435;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x432; &#x441; &#x44D;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;&#x430;.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x434;&#x435;&#x440;&#x436;&#x438;&#x432;&#x430;&#x435;&#x442;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x442;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x43A;&#x43E; &#x432; &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x435; &#x442;&#x43E;&#x447;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x434;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x430;<br/> 'WPA (PSK)' &#x43D;&#x435; &#x440;&#x430;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x430;&#x435;&#x442; &#x432; &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x437;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x443;.
Helptext IP Settings => &#x41D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438; IP &#x43C;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x443;&#x442; &#x43D;&#x435; &#x437;&#x430;&#x434;&#x430;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x44C;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x432; &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x430;&#x445; DHCP &#x438; PPTP. &#x415;&#x441;&#x43B;&#x438; DHCP &#x441;&#x435;&#x440;&#x432;&#x435;&#x440; &#x431;&#x443;&#x434;&#x435;&#x442; &#x43D;&#x435;&#x434;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x443;&#x43F;&#x435;&#x43D;, &#x431;&#x443;&#x434;&#x443;&#x442; &#x438;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x442;&#x44C;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x437;&#x430;&#x434;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x439;&#x43A;&#x438;.
Helptext Idle Time => &#x41F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x436;&#x443;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x43A; &#x432;&#x440;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438; &#x432; &#x441;&#x435;&#x43A;&#x443;&#x43D;&#x434;&#x430;&#x445; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x447;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44E; &#x43A;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x435; &#x431;&#x443;&#x434;&#x435;&#x442; &#x440;&#x430;&#x437;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x432;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;, &#x435;&#x441;&#x43B;&#x438; &#x434;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43D;&#x44B;&#x435; &#x43D;&#x435; &#x43F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x434;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x438;&#x441;&#x44C; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x432;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x443; &#x438;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x435;&#x440;&#x444;&#x435;&#x439;&#x441;&#x443; (&#x438;&#x441;&#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x437;&#x443;&#x435;&#x442;&#x441;&#x44F; &#x442;&#x43E;&#x43B;&#x44C;&#x43A;&#x43E; &#x432; &#x440;&#x435;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x435; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x43F;&#x43E; &#x437;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x443;).
Helptext Redial Timeout => &#x417;&#x430;&#x434;&#x435;&#x440;&#x436;&#x43A;&#x430; &#x432; &#x441;&#x435;&#x43A;&#x443;&#x43D;&#x434;&#x430;&#x445; &#x43F;&#x435;&#x440;&#x435;&#x434; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43F;&#x44B;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x43E;&#x439; &#x443;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x442;&#x43E;&#x440;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x433;&#x43E; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x435;&#x434;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x44F; &#x441; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x430;&#x439;&#x434;&#x435;&#x440;&#x43E;&#x43C;.

View File

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
lang => Svenska
# Common
Settings saved => Inst&auml;llningar sparade
Settings not saved => Inst&auml;llningar inte sparade
Save Changes => Spara f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar
Apply Changes => Applicera f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar
Clear Changes => Ta bort f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar
Review Changes => Se gjorda f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar
Host Name => V&auml;rdnamn
Uptime => Tid uppe
Load => Ladda
Version => Version
Categories => Kategorier
Subcategories => Underkategorier
more... => mer...
Add => L&auml;gg till
Remove => Ta bort
Warning => Varning
Password_warning => Du har inte satt n&aring;got l&ouml;senord f&ouml;r Web-gr&auml;nssnittet och SSH accessen <br />Var v&auml;nlig och g&ouml;r detta nu (anv&auml;ndarnamnet i din browser kommer vara 'root').
# Categories
Info => Info
About => Om
Router Info => Router Info
Status => Status
Connections => Anslutningar
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&ouml;s
System => System
Password => L&ouml;senord
Settings => Inst&auml;llningar
Installed Software => Installerad mjukvara
Firmware Upgrade => Firmware uppgradering
Network => N&auml;tverk
Wireless => Tr&aring;dl&ouml;s
Advanced Wireless => Avancerad Tr&aring;dl&ouml;s
Hosts => Konfigurerade V&auml;rdar
# 'About' page
Copyright => Copyright
GPL_Text => Detta program &auml;r &ouml;ppen programvara; du kan &aring;terdistribuera den och/eller <br /> modifiera den under villkoren av best&auml;mmelserna i GNU General Public License <br /> publicerad av Free Software Foundation; antingen version 2 <br /> av licensen eller senare. <br />
Contributions by => Bidrag av
Layout based on => Layout baserad p&aring;
by => av
No config change. => Inga &auml;ndringar i inst&auml;llningarna gjordes.
Config discarded. => Dina &auml;ndringar i inst&auml;llningarna har avbrutits.
Config changes: => Nuvarande &auml;ndringar i inst&auml;llningarna:
Updating config... => Uppdaterar dina inst&auml;llningar...
# 'Router Info' page
Firmware Version => Firmware Version
Kernel Version => Kernel Version
Current Date/Time => Nuvarande Datum/Tid
MAC Address => Mac Adress
# 'Connections' page
Connection Status => Anslutningsstatus
Physical Connections => Fysiska anslutningar
Router Connections => Router anslutningar
# 'DHCP' page
DHCP leases => DHCP leases
IP Address => IP Adress
Name => Namn
Expires in => Utg&aring;r om
# 'Wireless Status' page
Wireless Status => Tr&aring;dl&ouml;s Status
# 'Password' page
Password Change => Byt l&ouml;senord
New Password => Nytt l&ouml;senord
Confirm Password => Bekr&auml;fta nytt l&ouml;senord
# 'System Settings' page
System Settings => System Inst&auml;llningar
Host Name => V&auml;rdnamn
Language => Spr&aring;k
# 'Installed Software' page
Installed Packages => Installerade mjukvaror
Update package lists => Uppdatera mjukvarulista
Uninstall => Avinstallera
Install => Installera
# 'Firmware Upgrade' page
Firmware format => Firmware format
Error => Fel
done => utf&ouml;rd
Invalid_formt => Felaktigt Firmware Format
Erase_JFFS2 => Ta bort JFFS2 partition
Options => M&ouml;jligheter
Firmware_image => Firmware att ladda upp
Upgrade => Uppgradering
Upgrading... => Uppgradering...
# 'LAN Settings' page
LAN Settings => LAN Inst&auml;llningar
LAN Configuration => LAN Inst&auml;llningar
Netmask => Netmask
Default Gateway => Default Gateway
DNS Servers => DNS Servrar
DNS Address => DNS Adress
Note => Noteringar
# 'WAN Settings' page
WAN Settings => WAN Inst&auml;llningar
WAN Configuration => WAN Inst&auml;llningar
PPTP Server IP => PPTP Server IP
Connection Type => Anslutningstyp
No WAN => Ingen
Static IP => Statisk IP
IP Settings => IP Inst&auml;llningar
PPP Settings => PPP Inst&auml;llningar
Redial Policy => &Aring;teruppringsnings Policy
Connect on Demand => Anslut p&aring; beg&auml;ran
Keep Alive => H&aring;ll levande
Maximum Idle Time => Maximum tid i vila
Redial Timeout => Timeout f&ouml;r &aring;teruppringning
Username => Anv&auml;ndarnamn
# 'Wireless Configuration' page
Wireless Configuration => Tr&aring;dl&ouml;sa Inst&auml;llningar
Wireless Interface => Tr&aring;dl&ouml;st Gr&auml;nssnitt
WEP Key => WEP Nyckel
Selected WEP Key => Vald WEP Nyckel
Channel => Kanal
RADIUS IP Address => RADIUS IP Adress
RADIUS Server Key => RADIUS Server Nyckel
Enabled => P&aring;satt
Disabled => Avst&auml;ngd
ESSID Broadcast => ESSID Broadcast
Show => Visa
Hide => G&ouml;m
WLAN Mode => WLAN L&auml;ge
Access Point => Accesspunkt
Client => Klient
Bridge => Brygga
Ad-Hoc => Ad-Hoc
Operation mode => Tillst&aring;ndsl&auml;ge
Encryption Settings => Krypteringsinst&auml;llningar
Encryption Type => Krypteringstyp
WPA Mode => WPA L&auml;ge
WPA Algorithms => WPA Algoritmer
WEP Keys => WEP Nyckel
# 'Advanced Wireless Configuration' page
Advanced Wireless Configuration => Avancerad Tr&aring;dl&ouml;s Inst&auml;llning
WDS Connections => WDS Anslutningar
MAC Filter List => MAC Filter Lista
Filter Mode => Filterl&auml;ge
Allow => Till&aring;t
Deny => Neka
Set => S&auml;tt
Settings => Settings
Automatic WDS => Automatisk WDS
# "Hosts" page
MAC Address => MAC Adress
Configured Hosts => Konfigurerade V&auml;rdar
DHCP Static => Statisk DHCP
Host Names => V&auml;rdnamn
Up => Upp
Down => Ned
Edit => Editera
Delete => Ta bort
Save => Spara
Cancel => Avbryt
Forward => Fram&aring;t
Accept => Acceptera
Drop => Tappa
Firewall => Brandv&auml;gg
Firewall Rules => Brandv&auml;ggsregler
Firewall Configuration => Brandv&auml;ggsinst&auml;llningar
New Rule => Ny Regel
Match => Match
Target => M&aring;l
Port => Port
Protocol => Protokoll
Source IP => K&auml;ll IP
Destination IP => Destinations IP
Source Ports => K&auml;llport
Destination Ports => Destinationsport
Forward to => Skicka till
Port => Port
Helptext ESSID => Namn p&aring; ditt tr&aring;dl&ouml;sa N&auml;tverk
Helptext DNS save => Du b&ouml;r spara dina inst&auml;llningar p&aring; denna sida f&ouml;re du l&auml;gger till/tar bort DNS servrar
Helptext Operation mode => Detta s&auml;tter l&auml;gesinst&auml;llningen f&ouml;r ditt tr&aring;dl&ouml;sa n&auml;tverk. Att v&auml;lja 'Klient (Brygga)' kommer inte &auml;ndra ditt n&auml;tverks gr&auml;nssnittsinst&auml;llningar. Det kommer endast att s&auml;tta n&aring;gra parametrar i drivrutinerna som till&aring;ter en begr&auml;nsad bryggning av gr&auml;nssnittet.
Helptext Encryption Type => 'WPA (RADIUS)' st&ouml;djs endast i Accesspunktsl&auml;ge. <br /> 'WPA (PSK)' fungerar inte i Ad-Hoc l&auml;ge.
Helptext IP Settings => IP inst&auml;llningar &auml;r inte obligatoriska f&ouml;r DHCP och PPTP. Om du s&auml;tter dem s&aring; anv&auml;nds de som standard om DHCP-servern inte &auml;r tillg&auml;nlig.
Helptext Idle Time => Antalet sekunder utan internet trafik som routern skall v&auml;nta p&aring; innan den fr&aring;nkopplar sig fr&aring;n Internet. (Anslut endast p&aring; beg&auml;ran)
Helptext Redial Timeout => Antalet sekunder att v&auml;nta i innan f&ouml;rs&ouml;k till ny uppkoppling g&ouml;rs. (om ingen kontakt kunnat uppr&auml;ttas med tillhandah&aring;llaren)
# untranslated:
Available packages => Available packages

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
print "option|en|English"
/webif\/lang\/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*/ {
gsub(/^.*webif\/lang\//, "")
shortname = $0
gsub(/\/.*$/, "", shortname)
gsub(/^.*=>[ \t]*/, "")
longname = $0
print "option|" shortname "|" longname

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
print "<div id=\"submenu\"><h3><strong>@TR<<Subcategories>>:</strong></h3><ul>"
if ($5 ~ "^" selected "$") print "<li class=\"selected-maincat\"><a href=\"" rootdir "/" $6 "\">&raquo;@TR<<" $5 ">>&laquo;</a></li>"
else print "<li><a href=\"" rootdir "/" $6 "\">&nbsp;@TR<<" $5 ">>&nbsp;</a></li>"
print "</ul></div>"

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
# $1 = type
# $2 = variable name
# $3 = field name
# $4 = options
# $5 = value
valid_type = 0
valid = 1
# XXX: weird hack, but it works...
n = split($0, param, "|")
value = param[5]
for (i = 6; i <= n; i++) value = value FS param[i]
verr = ""
$1 == "int" {
valid_type = 1
if (value !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { valid = 0; verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>" }
# FIXME: add proper netmask validation
($1 == "ip") || ($1 == "netmask") {
valid_type = 1
if ((value != "") && (value !~ /^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$/)) valid = 0
else {
split(value, ipaddr, "\\.")
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
if ((ipaddr[i] < 0) || (ipaddr[i] > 255)) valid = 0
if (valid == 0) verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
$1 == "wep" {
valid_type = 1
if (value !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]*$/) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
} else if ((length(value) != 0) && (length(value) != 10) && (length(value) != 26)) {
valid = 0
verr = "Invalid key length"
} else if (value ~ /0$/) {
valid = 0
verr = "Key must not end with '0'"
$1 == "hostname" {
valid_type = 1
if (value !~ /^[0-9a-zA-z\.\-]*$/) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
$1 == "string" {
valid_type = 1
$1 == "mac" {
valid_type = 1
if ((value != "") && (value !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$/)) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
$1 == "port" {
valid_type = 1
if (value !~ /^[0-9]*$/) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
$1 == "ports" {
valid_type = 1
n = split(value ",", ports, ",")
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if ((ports[i] !~ /^[0-9]*$/) && (ports[i] !~ /^[0-9][0-9]*-[0-9][0-9]*$/)) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
$1 == "wpapsk" {
valid_type = 1
if (length(value) > 64) {
valid = 0
verr = "String too long"
if ((length(value) != 0) && (length(value) < 8)) {
valid = 0
verr = "String too short"
if ((length(value) == 64) && (value ~ /[^0-9a-fA-F]/)) {
valid = 0
verr = "Invalid hex key"
valid_type != 1 { valid = 0 }
valid == 1 {
n = split($4, options, " ")
for (i = 1; (valid == 1) && (i <= n); i++) {
if (options[i] == "required") {
if (value == "") { valid = 0; verr = "No value entered" }
} else if ((options[i] ~ /^min=/) && (value != "")) {
min = options[i]
sub(/^min=/, "", min)
min = int(min)
if ($1 == "int") {
if (value < min) { valid = 0; verr = "Value too small (minimum: " min ")" }
} else if ($1 == "string") {
if (length(value) < min) { valid = 0; verr = "Value too small (minimum length: " min ")"}
} else if ((options[i] ~ /^max=/) && (value != "")) {
max = options[i]
sub(/^max=/, "", max)
max = int(max)
if ($1 == "int") {
if (value > max) { valid = 0; verr = "@TR<<Value too large>> (@TR<<maximum>>: " max ")" }
} else if ($1 == "string") {
if (length(value) > max) { valid = 0; verr = "@TR<<String too short>> (@TR<<maximum>>: " max ")" }
} else if ((options[i] == "nodots") && ($1 == "hostname")) {
if (value ~ /\./) {
valid = 0
verr = "@TR<<Invalid value>>"
valid_type == 1 {
if (valid == 1) output = output $2 "=\"" value "\";\n"
else error = error "Error in " $3 ": " verr "<br />"
print output "ERROR=\"" error "\";\n"
if (error == "") print "return 0"
else print "return 255"

View File

@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
# workarounds for stupid busybox slowness on [ ]
empty() {
case "$1" in
"") return 0 ;;
*) return 255 ;;
equal() {
case "$1" in
"$2") return 0 ;;
*) return 255 ;;
neq() {
case "$1" in
"$2") return 255 ;;
*) return 0 ;;
# very crazy, but also very fast :-)
exists() {
( < $1 ) 2>&-
categories() {
grep '##WEBIF:' $cgidir/.categories $cgidir/*.sh 2>/dev/null | \
awk -v "selected=$1" \
-v "rootdir=$rootdir" \
-v "indexpage=$indexpage" \
-f /usr/lib/webif/categories.awk -
subcategories() {
grep -H "##WEBIF:name:$1:" $cgidir/*.sh 2>/dev/null | \
sed -e 's,^.*/\([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]*\):\(.*\)$,\2:\1,' | \
sort -n | \
awk -v "selected=$2" \
-v "rootdir=$rootdir" \
-f /usr/lib/webif/subcategories.awk -
update_changes() {
CHANGES=$(($( (cat /tmp/.webif/config-* ; ls /tmp/.webif/file-*) 2>&- | wc -l)))
header() {
empty "$ERROR" && {
_saved_title="${SAVED:+: @TR<<Settings saved>>}"
} || {
ERROR="<h3>$ERROR</h3><br /><br />"
_saved_title=": @TR<<Settings not saved>>"
_loadavg="${_uptime#*load average: }"
_uptime="${_uptime#*up }"
_hostname=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)
_version=$( grep "(" /etc/banner )
_version="${_version%% ---*}"
_head="${3:+<div class=\"settings-block-title\"><h2>$3$_saved_title</h2></div>}"
_form="${5:+<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"$5\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submit\" value=\"1\" />}"
_savebutton="${5:+<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"@TR<<Save Changes>>\" /></p>}"
_categories=$(categories $1)
_subcategories=${2:+$(subcategories "$1" "$2")}
empty "$REMOTE_USER" && neq "${SCRIPT_NAME#/cgi-bin/}" "webif.sh" && grep 'root:!' /etc/passwd >&- 2>&- && {
cat <<EOF
Content-Type: text/html
Pragma: no-cache
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="@TR<<Encoding|ISO-8859-1>>"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>@TR<<Web Status Console>></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/webif.css" />
<!--[if IE]> <style> #container { height: 100%; }</style> <![endif]-->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=@TR<<Encoding|ISO-8859-1>>" />
<body $4><div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div id="header-title">
<div id="openwrt-title"><h1>Web Status Console</h1></div>
<div id="short-status">
<li><strong>@TR<<Host Name>>:</strong> $_hostname</li>
<li><strong>@TR<<Uptime>>:</strong> $_uptime</li>
<li><strong>@TR<<Load>>:</strong> $_loadavg</li>
<li><strong>@TR<<Version>>:</strong> $_version</li>
<div id="content">
<div class="settings-block">
empty "$REMOTE_USER" && neq "${SCRIPT_NAME#/cgi-bin/}" "webif.sh" && {
empty "$FORM_passwd1" || {
echo '<pre>'
echo "$FORM_passwd1"
sleep 1
echo "$FORM_passwd2"
) | passwd root 2>&1 && apply_passwd
echo '</pre>'
equal "$_nopasswd" 1 && {
cat <<EOF
<br />
<br />
<br />
<h3>@TR<<Warning>>: @TR<<Password_warning|you haven't set a password for the Web interface and SSH access<br />Please enter one now (the user name in your browser will be 'root').>></h3>
<br />
<br />
empty "$NOINPUT" && cat <<EOF
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="$SCRIPT_NAME" method="POST">
<td>@TR<<New Password>>:</td>
<td><input type="password" name="passwd1" /></td>
<td>@TR<<Confirm Password>>: &nbsp; </td>
<td><input type="password" name="passwd2" /></td>
<td />
<td><input type="submit" name="action" value="@TR<<Set>>" /></td>
} || {
footer() {
cat <<EOF
<hr width="40%" />
<br />
<div id="save">
<div class="page-save">
<div> </div>
<div class="apply">
<div> </div>
apply_passwd() {
case ${SERVER_SOFTWARE%% *} in
grep '^root:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1,2 > $cgidir/.htpasswd
killall -HUP mini_httpd
display_form() {
if empty "$1"; then
awk -F'|' -f /usr/lib/webif/common.awk -f /usr/lib/webif/form.awk
echo "$1" | awk -F'|' -f /usr/lib/webif/common.awk -f /usr/lib/webif/form.awk
list_remove() {
echo "$1 " | awk '
RS=" "
($0 !~ /^'"$2"'/) && ($0 != "") {
printf " " $0
first = 0
handle_list() {
# $1 - remove
# $2 - add
# $3 - submit
# $4 - validate
empty "$1" || {
LISTVAL="$(list_remove "$LISTVAL" "$1") "
empty "$3" || {
validate "${4:-none}|$2" && {
if empty "$LISTVAL"; then
if empty "$_changed"; then
return 255
return 0
load_settings() {
equal "$1" "nvram" || {
exists /etc/config/$1 && . /etc/config/$1
exists /tmp/.webif/config-$1 && . /tmp/.webif/config-$1
validate() {
if empty "$1"; then
eval "$(awk -f /usr/lib/webif/validate.awk)"
eval "$(echo "$1" | awk -f /usr/lib/webif/validate.awk)"
save_setting() {
exists /tmp/.webif/* || mkdir -p /tmp/.webif
oldval=$(eval "echo \${$2}")
oldval=${oldval:-$(nvram get "$2")}
grep "^$2=" /tmp/.webif/config-$1 >&- 2>&- && {
grep -v "^$2=" /tmp/.webif/config-$1 > /tmp/.webif/config-$1-new 2>&-
mv /tmp/.webif/config-$1-new /tmp/.webif/config-$1 2>&- >&-
equal "$oldval" "$3" || echo "$2=\"$3\"" >> /tmp/.webif/config-$1
is_bcm947xx() {
read _systype < /proc/cpuinfo
equal "${_systype##* }" "BCM947XX"

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
exec ./webif/info.sh

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
header "Info" "About" "@TR<<About>>..."
<h3>webif - @TR<<OpenWrt Administrative Console>></h3>
<br />
@TR<<GPL_Text|This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or <br />modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <br />as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 <br />of the License, or (at your option) any later version. <br /> >>
<br />
@TR<<Copyright>> &copy; 2005-2006 OpenWrt.org <br />
<br />
@TR<<Contributions by>>:
<ul class="about">
<li class="about">Philipp Kewisch &lt;<a href="mailto:openwrt@kewis.ch">openwrt@kewis.ch</a>&gt;</li>
<li class="about">Spectra &lt;<a href="mailto:spectra@gmx.ch">spectra@gmx.ch</a>&gt;</li>
<li class="about">Jeremy Collake &lt;<a href="mailto:jeremy.collake@gmail.com">jeremy.collake@gmail.com</a>&gt;</li>
<li class="about">Travis Kemen &lt;<a href="mailto:kemen04@gmail.com">kemen04@gmail.com</a>&gt;</li>
<li class="about">Markus Wigge</li>
<li class="about">SeDkY</li>
<li class="about">Ivoshiee</li>
<li class="about">arteqw</li>
<li class="about">silver71</li>
<li class="about">@TR<<Layout based on>> <a href="http://www.openwebdesign.org/design/1773/prosimii/">&quot;Prosimii&quot;</a> @TR<<by>> haran</li>
<? footer ?>

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
case "$CHANGES" in
case "$FORM_mode" in
nochange) header $FORM_cat . "@TR<<No config change.|No configuration changes were made.>>";;
rm -rf /tmp/.webif >&- 2>&-
header $FORM_cat . "@TR<<Config discarded.|Your configuration changes have been discarded.>>"
echo "${FORM_prev:+<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=$FORM_prev\" />}"
header $FORM_cat . "@TR<<Config changes:|Current configuration changes:>>"
cd /tmp/.webif
for configname in config-*; do
grep = $configname >&- 2>&- && {
echo -n "<h3>${configname#config-}</h3><br /><pre>"
cat $configname
echo '</pre><br />'
for configname in file-*; do
exists "$configname" && CONFIGFILES="$CONFIGFILES ${configname#file-}"
CONFIGFILES="${CONFIGFILES:+<h3 style="display:inline">Config files: </h3>$CONFIGFILES<br />}"
header $FORM_cat . "@TR<<Updating config...|Updating your configuration...>>"
echo "<pre>"
sh /usr/lib/webif/apply.sh 2>&1
echo "</pre>${FORM_prev:+<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=$FORM_prev\" />}"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
empty "$category" && category=Info
header $category 1
footer ?>

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
header "Info" "Router Info" "@TR<<Router Info>>"
_version=$( grep "(" /etc/banner )
_version="${_version%% ---*}"
_kversion="$( cat /proc/version )"
_mac="$(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr | cut -b39-)"
sed -e 's/&/&amp;/g' < /etc/banner
cat <<EOF
<br />
<br />
<table style="width: 90%; text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center">
<td>@TR<<Firmware Version>></td>
<td>@TR<<Kernel Version>></td>
<td>@TR<<Current Date/Time>></td>
<td>@TR<<MAC Address>></td>
##WEBIF:name:Info:10:Router Info

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
exec ./system-ipkg.sh

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
header "Status" "Connections" "@TR<<Connection Status>>"
<table style="width: 90%; text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center">
<th><b>@TR<<Physical Connections|Ethernet/Wireless Physical Connections>></b></th>
<td><pre><? cat /proc/net/arp ?></pre></td>
<tr><td><br /><br /></td></tr>
<th><b>@TR<<Router Connections|Connections to the Router>></b></th>
<td><pre><? netstat -n 2>&- | awk '$0 ~ /^Active UNIX/ {ignore = 1}; ignore != 1 { print $0 }' ?></pre></td>
<? footer ?>

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
header "Status" "DHCP" "@TR<<DHCP leases>>"
<table style="width: 90%; text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center">
<th>@TR<<MAC Address>></th>
<th>@TR<<IP Address>></th>
<th>@TR<<Expires in>></th>
<? [ -e /tmp/dhcp.leases ] && awk -vdate="$(date +%s)" '
$1 > 0 {
print "<tr>"
print "<td>" $2 "</td>"
print "<td>" $3 "</td>"
print "<td>" $4 "</td>"
print "<td>"
t = $1 - date
h = int(t / 60 / 60)
if (h > 0) printf h "h "
m = int(t / 60 % 60)
if (m > 0) printf m "min "
s = int(t % 60)
printf s "sec "
printf "</td>"
print "</tr>"
' /tmp/dhcp.leases ?>
<? footer ?>

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
. /usr/lib/webif/webif.sh
header "Status" "Wireless" "@TR<<Wireless Status>>"
<pre><? iwconfig 2>&1 | grep -v 'no wireless' | grep '\w' ?></pre>
<? footer ?>

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" CONTENT="-1">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/cgi-bin/webif.sh" />
<title>Web Administrative Console</title>
<body style="margin: 0pt auto; height:100%; color: #C3C4D2; background-color: #213242;">
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; display: table;">
<p style="display: table-cell; line-height: 4em; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Web Administrative Console<br />Redirecting to : <a style="color: inherit;" href="/cgi-bin/webif.sh">main page</a></p>

View File

@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
/* layout */
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
html, body {
width: inherit;
height: 100%;
dd {
margin-left: 1em;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
ul {
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
ul.about {
list-style-type: disc;
li.about {
margin-left: 2em;
#submenu h3,
#short-status h3,
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-help h3 {
display: none;
hr.separator {
display: block;
option {
padding-right: 1em;
#container {
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
#header {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
#header-title {
padding-top: 2em;
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
#openwrt-title {
position: relative;
float: left;
left: 1em;
top: 0.7em;
#short-status {
position: relative;
right: 1em;
line-height: 1.2em;
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
#submenu {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 0.2em;
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
top: 0;
left: 0;
#mainmenu h3 {
padding-left: 1em;
float: left;
#mainmenu li {
font-size: 0.9em;
float: left;
margin-left: 1.5em;
#submenu li {
float: left;
margin-left: 1em;
#content {
padding-top: 2em;
margin-left: 1em;
padding-bottom: 6em;
#content .settings-block {
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
#content .settings-block .settings-block-title {
margin-bottom: 10px;
#content .settings-block .settings {
clear: both;
margin-left: 1.5em;
padding-right: 1em;
#content .settings-block .settings-block-title,
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-title {
padding: 0.2em;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-content {
padding-top: 1em;
margin-left: 1em;
float: left;
width: 58%;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-content select,
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-content input {
margin-top: 0.8em;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-help {
padding: 0.4em;
padding-top: 1.4em;
margin-left: 42%;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-help .more-help {
margin-right: 10%;
text-align: right;
#save {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
#save .page-save div {
float: right;
width: 15em;
height: 1.5em;
padding-right: 1em;
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.4em;
#save .apply {
clear: both;
width: 100%;
height: 5em;
#save .apply div {
float: right;
width: 15em;
height: 4em;
padding-right: 1em;
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
th {
text-align: left;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-help .more-help,
#short-status {
text-align: right;
/* font */
body {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1.0em;
#mainmenu a:active,
#submenu a {
font-weight: bold;
#openwrt-title h1 {
font-size: 2.8em;
#short-status ul {
font-size: 0.8em;
#mainmenu h3,
#mainmenu li,
#short-status h3 {
font-size: 0.9em;
#mainmenu a,
#submenu a,
#save a {
text-decoration: none;
#save a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
#mainmenu h3 {
text-transform: uppercase;
#save a {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 1.1em;
/* color */
#submenu a,
#save a,
#save .page-save
color: #fff;
#save .apply div {
background-color: #3D5C7A;
#mainmenu {
color: #C3C4D2;
background-color: #213242;
#mainmenu a {
color: #C3C4D2;
#mainmenu a:hover {
color: rgb(193,102,90);
#save div {
background-color: #7590AE;
#content .settings-block .settings-block-title h2 {
color: #7590AE;
#submenu a:hover {
color: #FB0;
#content .settings-block .settings .settings-title {
color: #000;
background-color: #CCC;
#save .page-save {
background-color: #FFF;

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
function value(name)
var item = document.getElementById(name);
return (item ? item.value : "");
function isset(name, val)
return (value(name) == val);
function checked(name)
var item = document.getElementById(name);
return ((item) && item.checked);
function hide(name)
var item = document.getElementById(name);
if (item)
item.style.display = 'none';
function show(name)
var item = document.getElementById(name);
if (item)
item.style.display = '';
function set_visible(name, value)
if (value)

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
#define READ_LEN 14
static int read_len = READ_LEN;
static char rbuf[32];
static char rbuflen = 0;
int do_gets(char *buf)
int r = 0, c = 0;
char *m;
if (rbuflen > 0)
memcpy(buf, rbuf, rbuflen);
c += rbuflen;
while ((c + read_len < BUF_SIZE) && ((r = read(0, &buf[c], read_len)) > 0)) {
m = NULL;
if ((m = memchr(&buf[c], '\n', r)) != NULL) {
rbuflen = r - (m - &buf[c] + 1);
if (rbuflen > 0)
memcpy(rbuf, m + 1, rbuflen);
c += m - &buf[c] + 1;
} else {
rbuflen = 0;
c += r;
if ((c > 3) && (memcmp(&buf[c - 3], "---", 3) == 0))
read_len = 1;
if (m != NULL)
return c;
return c;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
char buf1[BUF_SIZE];
char *tmp;
int len, r = 0, r1 = 0;
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s (name|data <boundary>)\n", argv[0]);
while (tmp = strchr(argv[1], '\r'))
*tmp = 0;
len = strlen(argv[1]);
*buf = 0;
while ((strncmp(buf, argv[1], len) != 0) &&
(strncmp(buf + 2, argv[1], len) != 0)) {
if (r > 0) {
if (r1 > 0)
write (1, buf1, r1);
r1 = r;
memcpy(buf1, buf, r);
if ((r = do_gets(buf)) <= 0)
if (r1 > 2)
write(1, buf1, r1 - 2);

View File

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
* Webif page translator
* Copyright (C) 2005 Felix Fietkau <nbd@openwrt.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef NVRAM
#include <bcmnvram.h>
#define HASH_MAX 100
#define LINE_BUF 1024 /* max. buffer allocated for one line */
#define MAX_TR 32 /* max. translations done on one line */
#define TR_START "@TR<<"
#define TR_END ">>"
struct lstr {
char *name;
char *value;
struct lstr *next;
typedef struct lstr lstr;
static lstr *ltable[HASH_MAX];
static char buf[LINE_BUF], buf2[LINE_BUF];
/* djb2 hash function */
static inline unsigned long hash(char *str)
unsigned long hash = 5381;
int c;
while ((c = *str++))
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
return hash;
static inline char *translate_lookup(char *str)
char *name, *def, *p, *res = NULL;
lstr *i;
int h;
def = name = str;
if (((p = strchr(str, '|')) != NULL)
|| ((p = strchr(str, '#')) != NULL)) {
def = p + 1;
*p = 0;
h = hash(name) % HASH_MAX;
i = ltable[h];
while ((res == NULL) && (i != NULL)) {
if (strcmp(name, i->name) == 0)
res = i->value;
i = i->next;
if (res == NULL)
res = def;
return res;
static inline void add_line(char *name, char *value)
int h = hash(name) % HASH_MAX;
lstr *s = malloc(sizeof(lstr));
lstr *p;
s->name = strdup(name);
s->value = strdup(value);
s->next = NULL;
if (ltable[h] == NULL)
ltable[h] = s;
else {
for(p = ltable[h]; p->next != NULL; p = p->next);
p->next = s;
static char *translate_line(char *line)
static char *tok[MAX_TR * 3];
char *l, *p, *p2, *res;
int len = 0, pos = 0, i;
l = line;
while (l != NULL) {
if ((p = strstr(l, TR_START)) == NULL) {
len += strlen((tok[pos++] = l));
p2 = strstr(p, TR_END);
if (p2 == NULL)
*p = 0;
*p2 = 0;
len += strlen((tok[pos++] = l));
len += strlen((tok[pos++] = translate_lookup(p + strlen(TR_START))));
l = p2;
l += strlen(TR_END);
if (len > LINE_BUF)
p = malloc(len);
p = buf2;
p[0] = 0;
res = p;
for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
strcat(p, tok[i]);
p += strlen(tok[i]);
return res;
/* load and parse language file */
static void load_lang(char *file)
FILE *f;
char *b, *name, *value;
f = fopen(file, "r");
while (!feof(f) && (fgets(buf, LINE_BUF - 1, f) != NULL)) {
b = buf;
while (isspace(*b))
b++; /* skip leading spaces */
if (!*b)
name = b;
if ((b = strstr(name, "=>")) == NULL)
continue; /* separator not found */
value = b + 2;
if (!*value)
*b = 0;
for (b--; isspace(*b); b--)
*b = 0; /* remove trailing spaces */
while (isspace(*value))
value++; /* skip leading spaces */
for (b = value + strlen(value) - 1; isspace(*b); b--)
*b = 0; /* remove trailing spaces */
if (!*value)
add_line(name, value);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
FILE *f;
int len, i, done;
char line[LINE_BUF], *tmp, *arg;
glob_t langfiles;
char *lang = NULL;
char *proc = "/usr/bin/haserl";
memset(ltable, 0, HASH_MAX * sizeof(lstr *));
#ifdef NVRAM
if ((lang = nvram_get("language")) != NULL) {
if ((f = fopen("/etc/config/webif", "r")) != NULL) {
int n, i;
while (!feof(f) && (lang == NULL)) {
fgets(line, LINE_BUF - 1, f);
if (strncasecmp(line, "lang", 4) != 0)
goto nomatch;
lang = line + 4;
while (isspace(*lang))
if (*lang != '=')
goto nomatch;
while (isspace(*lang))
for (i = 0; isalpha(lang[i]) && (i < 32); i++);
lang[i] = 0;
lang = NULL;
sprintf(buf, "/usr/lib/webif/lang/%s/*.txt", lang);
i = glob(buf, GLOB_ERR | GLOB_MARK, NULL, &langfiles);
if (i == GLOB_NOSPACE || i == GLOB_ABORTED || i == GLOB_NOMATCH) {
// no language files found
} else {
for (i = 0; i < langfiles.gl_pathc; i++) {
* command line options for this parser are stored in argv[1] only.
* filename to be processed is in argv[2]
done = 0;
i = 1;
while (!done) {
if (argv[1] == NULL) {
done = 1;
} else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-e", 2) == 0) {
argv[1] = strchr(argv[1], ' ');
if (argv[1] != NULL) {
arg = argv[1];
if ((tmp = strchr(argv[1], ' ')) != NULL) {
*tmp = 0;
argv[1] = &tmp[1];
} else {
argv[1] = NULL;
} else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-p", 2) == 0) {
argv[1] = strchr(argv[1], ' ');
if (argv[1] != NULL) {
arg = argv[1];
if ((tmp = strchr(argv[1], ' ')) != NULL) {
*tmp = 0;
argv[1] = &tmp[1];
} else {
argv[1] = NULL;
proc = strdup(arg);
} else {
done = 1;
strcpy(buf, proc);
while (argv[i]) {
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %s", argv[i++]);
f = popen(buf, "r");
while (!feof(f) && (fgets(buf, LINE_BUF - 1, f)) != NULL) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s", translate_line(buf));
return 0;

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# webif
mkdir -p $(WEBIF_DIR)
touch $@
$(WEBIF_DIR)/.built: $(WEBIF_DIR)/.unpacked
$(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -o $(WEBIF_DIR)/webif-page $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/src/webif-page.c
$(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -o $(WEBIF_DIR)/bstrip $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/src/bstrip.c
$(STRIPCMD) --strip-unneeded $(WEBIF_DIR)/webif-page $(WEBIF_DIR)/bstrip
touch $@
$(TARGET_DIR)/www/webif.css: $(WEBIF_DIR)/.built
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/etc
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/www
cat $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/files/etc/httpd.conf >> $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/httpd.conf
cp -dpfr $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/files/usr/lib/webif $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/webif/lang
$(INSTALL) -m0755 $(WEBIF_DIR)/webif-page $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/
$(INSTALL) -m0755 $(WEBIF_DIR)/bstrip $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/
@if [ -f "$(TARGET_DIR)/www/index.html" ]; then \
echo; \
echo "webif WARNING:"; \
echo "There is already a $(TARGET_DIR)/www/index.html"; \
echo "webif might be replacing another package;" \
echo; \
echo "Sleeping for 10 seconds"; \
sleep 10; \
cp -dpf $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/files/www/index.html $(TARGET_DIR)/www/
cp -dpfr $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/files/www/cgi-bin $(TARGET_DIR)/www/
cp -dpfr $(WEBIF_SOURCE)/files/www/webif.* $(TARGET_DIR)/www/
@if [ ! -f $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/banner ]; then \
ln -sf issue $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/banner; \
touch $@
webif: busybox $(TARGET_DIR)/www/webif.css
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/www/cgi-bin/webif* $(TARGET_DIR)/www/webif.*
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/webif
rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/bstrip $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/webif-page
rm -r $(WEBIF_DIR)/bstrip $(WEBIF_DIR)/webif-page
rm -rf $(WEBIF_DIR)
# Toplevel Makefile options
ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_WEBIF),y)