package/luarocks: add buildroot addon
This addon allows to generate a Buildroot package from a Luarocks package definition. Signed-off-by: Francois Perrad <> Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,6 +50,16 @@ Finally, on line 16, we invoke the +luarocks-package+
macro that generates all the Makefile rules that actually allows the
macro that generates all the Makefile rules that actually allows the
package to be built.
package to be built.
Most of these details can be retrieved from the +rock+ and +rockspec+.
So, this file and the file can be generated by running the
command +luarocks buildroot foo lua-foo+ in the Buildroot
directory. This command runs a specific Buildroot addon of +luarocks+
that will automatically generate a Buildroot package. The result must
still be manually inspected and possibly modified.
* The +package/ file has to be updated manually to include the
generated files.
==== +luarocks-package+ reference
==== +luarocks-package+ reference
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
From c250ac86b8633a2d53c4d10a642f2304e2b2d148 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francois Perrad <>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 17:15:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add a Buildroot addon
This addon allows to generate a Buildroot package from a Luarocks one.
Signed-off-by: Francois Perrad <>
src/bin/luarocks | 1 +
src/luarocks/addon/buildroot.lua | 326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 327 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/luarocks/addon/buildroot.lua
diff --git a/src/bin/luarocks b/src/bin/luarocks
index d982530..53c7b0b 100755
--- a/src/bin/luarocks
+++ b/src/bin/luarocks
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ local commands = {
config = "luarocks.cmd.config",
which = "luarocks.cmd.which",
test = "luarocks.cmd.test",
+ buildroot = "luarocks.addon.buildroot",
cmd.run_command(description, commands, "luarocks.cmd.external", ...)
diff --git a/src/luarocks/addon/buildroot.lua b/src/luarocks/addon/buildroot.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606b94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/luarocks/addon/buildroot.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "buildroot" command.
+local buildroot = {}
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
+local search = require("")
+local download = require("")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+buildroot.help_summary = "generate buildroot package files of a rock."
+buildroot.help_arguments = "rockname [brname]"
| = [[
+This addon generates Buildroot package files of a rock.
+First argument is the name of a rock, the second argument is optional
+and needed when Buildroot uses another name (usually prefixed by lua-).
+Files are generated with the source content of the rock and more
+especially the rockspec. So, the rock is downloaded and unpacked.
+local function brname (name)
+ return name:upper():gsub('-', '_')
+local function brlicense (license)
+ if license:match('MIT/X') then
+ return 'MIT'
+ end
+ return license
+local function wrap (txt, max)
+ local lines = {}
+ local line = ''
+ for word in txt:gmatch('(%S+)') do
+ if line:len() + word:len() > max - 1 then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ line = ''
+ end
+ if line == '' then
+ line = word
+ else
+ line = line .. ' ' .. word
+ end
+ end
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ return lines
+local function get_external_dependencies (rockspec)
+ local t = {}
+ for k in pairs(rockspec.external_dependencies or {}) do
+ k = k:lower()
+ if fs.is_dir('package/' .. k) then
+ t[#t+1] = k
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = 'lib' .. k
+ if not fs.is_dir('package/lib' .. k) then
+ util.printout('unkwown external dependency: ' .. k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(t)
+ return t
+local function get_dependencies (rockspec)
+ local t = {}
+ for i = 1, #rockspec.dependencies do
+ local dep = tostring(rockspec.dependencies[i]):match('^(%S+)')
+ if dep ~= 'lua' then
+ dep = dep:gsub('_', '-')
+ if fs.is_dir('package/lua-' .. dep) then
+ t[#t+1] = 'lua-' .. dep
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = dep
+ if not fs.is_dir('package/' .. dep) then
+ util.printout('unkwown dependency: ' .. dep)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(t)
+ return t
+function get_digest (file)
+ local absname = fs.absolute_name(file)
+ local pipe = io.popen('sha256sum ' .. fs.Q(absname))
+ local line = pipe:read('*l')
+ pipe:close()
+ local computed = line and line:match('(' .. ('%x'):rep(64) .. ')')
+ if computed then
+ return computed
+ else
+ return nil, "Failed to compute SHA256 hash for file " .. absname
+ end
+local function generate_config (rockspec, lcname)
+ local ucname = brname(lcname)
+ local only_luajit = rockspec.package:match('^lj')
+ local summary = rockspec.description.summary
+ if not summary then
+ summary = '???'
+ elseif not summary:match('%.%s*$') then
+ summary = summary:gsub('%s*$', '.')
+ end
+ local homepage = rockspec.description.homepage or '???'
+ local external_dependencies = get_external_dependencies(rockspec)
+ local dependencies = get_dependencies(rockspec)
+ local fname = 'package/' .. lcname .. '/'
+ local f = assert(, 'w'))
+ util.printout('write ' .. fname)
+ f:write('config BR2_PACKAGE_' .. ucname .. '\n')
+ f:write('\tbool "' .. lcname .. '"\n')
+ if only_luajit then
+ f:write('\tdepends on BR2_PACKAGE_LUAJIT\n')
+ end
+ for i = 1, #external_dependencies do
+ f:write('\tselect BR2_PACKAGE_' .. brname(external_dependencies[i]) .. '\n')
+ end
+ for i = 1, #dependencies do
+ f:write('\tselect BR2_PACKAGE_' .. brname(dependencies[i]) .. ' # runtime\n')
+ end
+ f:write('\thelp\n')
+ f:write('\t ' .. table.concat(wrap(summary, 62), '\n\t ') .. '\n')
+ f:write('\n\t ' .. homepage .. '\n')
+ if only_luajit then
+ f:write('\ncomment "' .. lcname .. ' needs LuaJIT"\n')
+ f:write('\tdepends on !BR2_PACKAGE_LUAJIT\n')
+ end
+ f:close()
+local function generate_mk (rockspec, lcname, licenses)
+ local function escape (s)
+ return s:gsub('-', '%%-'):gsub('%.', '%%.')
+ end
+ local ucname = brname(lcname)
+ local need_name_upstream = false
+ local need_version_upstream = false
+ local name_upstream = rockspec.package
+ local version = rockspec.version
+ local version_upstream = version:match('^([^-]+)-')
+ local revision = version:match('-(%d+)$')
+ local license = rockspec.description.license
+ local subdir = rockspec.source.dir
+ if subdir then
+ local root = subdir:match('^(.-)-' .. escape(version) .. '$')
+ if root then
+ subdir = root .. '-$(' .. ucname .. '_VERSION)'
+ end
+ root = subdir:match('^(.--[Vv])' .. escape(version_upstream) .. '$')
+ if root then
+ need_version_upstream = true
+ subdir = root .. '$(' .. ucname .. '_VERSION_UPSTREAM)'
+ end
+ root = subdir:match('^(.-)-' .. escape(version_upstream) .. '$')
+ if root then
+ if root == lcname then
+ subdir = nil
+ elseif root == name_upstream then
+ subdir = nil
+ need_name_upstream = true
+ else
+ need_version_upstream = true
+ subdir = root .. '-$(' .. ucname .. '_VERSION_UPSTREAM)'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local external_dependencies = get_external_dependencies(rockspec)
+ local fname = 'package/' .. lcname .. '/' .. lcname .. '.mk'
+ local f = assert(, 'w'))
+ util.printout('write ' .. fname)
+ f:write('################################################################################\n')
+ f:write('#\n')
+ f:write('# ' .. lcname .. '\n')
+ f:write('#\n')
+ f:write('################################################################################\n')
+ f:write('\n')
+ if need_version_upstream then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_VERSION_UPSTREAM = ' .. version_upstream .. '\n')
+ f:write(ucname .. '_VERSION = $(' .. ucname .. '_VERSION_UPSTREAM)-' .. revision .. '\n')
+ else
+ f:write(ucname .. '_VERSION = ' .. version .. '\n')
+ end
+ if lcname ~= name_upstream:lower() or need_name_upstream then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_NAME_UPSTREAM = ' .. name_upstream .. '\n')
+ end
+ if subdir then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_SUBDIR = ' .. subdir .. '\n')
+ end
+ if license then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_LICENSE = ' .. brlicense(license) .. '\n')
+ end
+ if #licenses == 1 then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_LICENSE_FILES = $(' .. ucname .. '_SUBDIR)/' .. licenses[1] .. '\n')
+ elseif #licenses > 1 then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_LICENSE_FILES =')
+ for i = 1, #licenses do
+ local file = licenses[i]
+ f:write(' \\\n $(' .. ucname .. '_SUBDIR)/' .. file)
+ end
+ f:write('\n')
+ end
+ if #external_dependencies > 0 then
+ f:write(ucname .. '_DEPENDENCIES = ' .. table.concat(external_dependencies, ' ') .. '\n')
+ end
+ f:write('\n$(eval $(luarocks-package))\n')
+ f:close()
+local function generate_hash (rockspec, lcname, rock_file, licenses, digest)
+ local subdir = rockspec.source.dir
+ local fname = 'package/' .. lcname .. '/' .. lcname .. '.hash'
+ local f = assert(, 'w'))
+ util.printout('write ' .. fname)
+ f:write('# computed by luarocks/buildroot\n')
+ f:write('sha256 ' .. digest[rock_file] .. ' ' .. rock_file .. '\n')
+ for i = 1, #licenses do
+ local file = licenses[i]
+ f:write('sha256 ' .. digest[file] .. ' ' .. subdir .. '/' .. file .. '\n')
+ end
+ f:close()
+--- Driver function for the "buildroot" command.
+-- @param rockname string: the name of a rock to be fetched and unpacked.
+-- @param brname string: the name used by Buildroot (optional)
+-- @return boolean: true if successful
+function buildroot.command(flags, rockname, fsname)
+ if type(rockname) ~= 'string' then
+ return nil, "Argument missing. "..util.see_help('buildroot')
+ end
+ fsname = fsname or rockname
+ assert(type(fsname) == 'string')
+ local query =, nil, false, 'src')
+ local url, err = search.find_suitable_rock(query)
+ if not url then
+ return nil, "Could not find a result named " .. tostring(query) .. ": " .. err
+ end
+ local rock_file = dir.base_name(url)
+ local temp_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir(rockname)
+ if not temp_dir then
+ return nil, "Failed creating temporary dir: " .. err
+ end
+ local ok, err = fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ ok =, rock_file, true)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "Failed downloading " .. url
+ end
+ local digest = {}
+ digest[rock_file], err = get_digest(rock_file)
+ if not digest[rock_file] then return nil, err end
+ ok, err = fs.unzip(rock_file)
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ local rockspec_file = rock_file:gsub('%.src%.rock$', '.rockspec')
+ local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+ if not rockspec then
+ return nil, "Error loading rockspec: " .. err
+ end
+ if rockspec.source.file then
+ ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ end
+ if rockspec.source.dir ~= '.' then
+ fs.copy(rockspec.local_abs_filename, rockspec.source.dir, 'read')
+ end
+ local build_type =
+ if build_type ~= 'none' and build_type ~= 'builtin' and build_type ~= 'module' then
+ util.printout('[' .. rockspec.package .. "] build_type '" .. build_type .. "' not supported")
+ end
+ local licenses = {}
+ ok, err = fs.change_dir(rockspec.source.dir)
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ local files = fs.find()
+ for i = 1, #files do
+ local v = files[i]
+ if v == 'COPYING'
+ or v == 'COPYRIGHT'
+ or v:match('^LICENSE') then
+ licenses[#licenses+1] = v
+ digest[v], err = get_digest(v)
+ if not digest[v] then return nil, err end
+ end
+ end
+ if #licenses == 0 then
+ for i = 1, #files do
+ local v = files[i]
+ if v:match('^doc/LICENSE')
+ or v:match('^doc/license')
+ or v:match('^doc/us/license') then
+ licenses[#licenses+1] = v
+ digest[v], err = get_digest(v)
+ if not digest[v] then return nil, err end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ fs.pop_dir()
+ table.sort(licenses)
+ fs.pop_dir()
+ ok, err = fs.make_dir('package/' .. fsname:lower())
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ generate_config(rockspec, fsname:lower())
+ generate_mk(rockspec, fsname:lower(), licenses)
+ generate_hash(rockspec, fsname:lower(), rock_file, licenses, digest)
+ return true
+return buildroot
Reference in New Issue
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