diff --git a/package/freeipmi/0001-libfreeipmi-rename-md2-and-md5-functions-macros.patch b/package/freeipmi/0001-libfreeipmi-rename-md2-and-md5-functions-macros.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0de5b29c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/freeipmi/0001-libfreeipmi-rename-md2-and-md5-functions-macros.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+From 50eeda7f14c4eaa56aa86ba570a47557456544f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Albert Chu <chu11@llnl.gov>
+Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:55:55 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] libfreeipmi: rename md2 and md5 functions / macros
+Static compilation with libfreeipmi can lead to problems if
+other software has similarly named md2/md5 functions
+(such as md5_init()).  Prefix all macros and functions with
+'ipmi_' as needed.  Update all callers accordingly.
+[Retrieved from:
+Signed-off-by: Fabrice Fontaine <fontaine.fabrice@gmail.com>
+ ChangeLog                                     |  11 ++
+ libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-lan-interface.c    |  48 +++----
+ .../interface/ipmi-rmcpplus-interface.c       |   2 +-
+ libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c              |  72 +++++------
+ libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h              |  30 ++---
+ libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c              |  64 +++++-----
+ libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h              |  18 +--
+ libfreeipmi/util/ipmi-lan-util.c              | 120 +++++++++---------
+ 8 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
+index 883a195cf..60bf8c323 100644
+--- a/ChangeLog
++++ b/ChangeLog
+@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
++2021-01-19 Albert Chu <chu11@llnl.gov>
++	* libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h,
++	libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c,
++	libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h,
++	libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c: Static compilation with
++	libfreeipmi can lead to problems if other software has similarly
++	named md2/md5 functions (such as md5_init()).  Prefix all macros
++	and functions with 'ipmi_' as needed.  Update all callers
++	accordingly.
+ 2022-01-18 Fabrice Fontaine <fontaine.fabrice@gmail.com>
+ 	* configure.ac: use pkg-config to find gcrypt
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-lan-interface.c b/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-lan-interface.c
+index 20099d770..658be53e1 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-lan-interface.c
++++ b/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-lan-interface.c
+@@ -533,37 +533,37 @@ assemble_ipmi_lan_pkt (fiid_obj_t obj_rmcp_hdr,
+               if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD2)
+                 {
+-                  md2_t ctx;
+-                  uint8_t digest[MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH];
++                  ipmi_md2_t ctx;
++                  uint8_t digest[IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+-                  assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++                  assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-                  md2_init (&ctx);
+-                  md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-                  md2_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
+-                  md2_update_data (&ctx, msg_data_ptr, msg_data_count);
+-                  md2_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
+-                  md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-                  md2_finish (&ctx, digest, MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-                  md2_init (&ctx);
++                  ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
++                  ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
++                  ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, msg_data_ptr, msg_data_count);
++                  ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
++                  ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md2_finish (&ctx, digest, IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
+                   memcpy (authentication_code_field_ptr, digest, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+                 }
+               else if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD5)
+                 {
+-                  md5_t ctx;
+-                  uint8_t digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+-                  assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-                  md5_init (&ctx);
+-                  md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-                  md5_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
+-                  md5_update_data (&ctx, msg_data_ptr, msg_data_count);
+-                  md5_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
+-                  md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-                  md5_finish (&ctx, digest, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-                  md5_init (&ctx);
++                  ipmi_md5_t ctx;
++                  uint8_t digest[IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
++                  assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
++                  ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
++                  ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, msg_data_ptr, msg_data_count);
++                  ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
++                  ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md5_finish (&ctx, digest, IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++                  ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
+                   memcpy (authentication_code_field_ptr, digest, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+                 }
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-rmcpplus-interface.c b/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-rmcpplus-interface.c
+index 1f462da7e..d1fd0753a 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-rmcpplus-interface.c
++++ b/libfreeipmi/interface/ipmi-rmcpplus-interface.c
+@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ _construct_session_trlr_authentication_code (uint8_t integrity_algorithm,
+     {
+       hash_algorithm = IPMI_CRYPT_HASH_MD5;
+       hash_flags = 0;
+-      expected_digest_len = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH;
++      expected_digest_len = IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+       copy_digest_len = IPMI_MD5_128_AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH;
+     }
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c
+index 6e9386be7..076b555bd 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c
++++ b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.c
+@@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ static unsigned char S[256] =
+     0xDB, 0x99, 0x8D, 0x33, 0x9F, 0x11, 0x83, 0x14
+   };
+-#define L          ctx->l
+-#define X          ctx->x
+-#define C          ctx->c
+-#define M          ctx->m
+-#define Mlen       ctx->mlen
+-#define MD2_MAGIC  0xf00fd00d
++#define L               ctx->l
++#define X               ctx->x
++#define C               ctx->c
++#define M               ctx->m
++#define Mlen            ctx->mlen
++#define IPMI_MD2_MAGIC  0xf00fd00d
+ int
+-md2_init (md2_t *ctx)
++ipmi_md2_init (ipmi_md2_t *ctx)
+ {
+   if (ctx == NULL)
+@@ -118,26 +118,26 @@ md2_init (md2_t *ctx)
+       return (-1);
+     }
+-  ctx->magic = MD2_MAGIC;
++  ctx->magic = IPMI_MD2_MAGIC;
+   L = 0;
+   Mlen = 0;
+-  memset (X, '\0', MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH);
+-  memset (C, '\0', MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH);
+-  memset (M, '\0', MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++  memset (X, '\0', IPMI_MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH);
++  memset (C, '\0', IPMI_MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH);
++  memset (M, '\0', IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+   return (0);
+ }
+ static void
+-_md2_update_digest_and_checksum (md2_t *ctx)
++_ipmi_md2_update_digest_and_checksum (ipmi_md2_t *ctx)
+ {
+   unsigned int j, k;
+   uint8_t c, t;
+   /* Update X */
+-  for (j = 0; j < MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
++  for (j = 0; j < IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
+     {
+       X[16+j] = M[j];
+       X[32+j] = (X[16+j] ^ X[j]);
+@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ _md2_update_digest_and_checksum (md2_t *ctx)
+   t = 0;
+-  for (j = 0; j < MD2_ROUNDS_LENGTH; j++)
++  for (j = 0; j < IPMI_MD2_ROUNDS_LENGTH; j++)
+     {
+-      for (k = 0; k < MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH; k++)
++      for (k = 0; k < IPMI_MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH; k++)
+         {
+           t = X[k] = (X[k] ^ S[t]);
+         }
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ _md2_update_digest_and_checksum (md2_t *ctx)
+    * Set C[j] to C[j] xor S[c xor L].
+    */
+-  for (j = 0; j < MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
++  for (j = 0; j < IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
+     {
+       c = M[j];
+       C[j] = C[j] ^ S[c ^ L];
+@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ _md2_update_digest_and_checksum (md2_t *ctx)
+ }
+ int
+-md2_update_data (md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
++ipmi_md2_update_data (ipmi_md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+-  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != MD2_MAGIC || buf == NULL)
++  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != IPMI_MD2_MAGIC || buf == NULL)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return (-1);
+@@ -187,19 +187,19 @@ md2_update_data (md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+   if (buflen == 0)
+     return (0);
+-  if ((Mlen + buflen) >= MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH)
++  if ((Mlen + buflen) >= IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+     {
+       unsigned int bufcount;
+-      bufcount = (MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH - Mlen);
++      bufcount = (IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH - Mlen);
+       memcpy (M + Mlen, buf, bufcount);
+-      _md2_update_digest_and_checksum (ctx);
++      _ipmi_md2_update_digest_and_checksum (ctx);
+-      while ((buflen - bufcount) >= MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH)
++      while ((buflen - bufcount) >= IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+         {
+-          memcpy (M, buf + bufcount, MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+-          bufcount += MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+-          _md2_update_digest_and_checksum (ctx);
++          memcpy (M, buf + bufcount, IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++          bufcount += IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH;
++          _ipmi_md2_update_digest_and_checksum (ctx);
+         }
+       Mlen = buflen - bufcount;
+@@ -217,33 +217,33 @@ md2_update_data (md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+ }
+ static void
+-_md2_append_padding_and_checksum (md2_t *ctx)
++_ipmi_md2_append_padding_and_checksum (ipmi_md2_t *ctx)
+ {
+   unsigned int padlen;
+   int padindex;
+-  padlen = MD2_PADDING_LENGTH - Mlen;
++  padlen = IPMI_MD2_PADDING_LENGTH - Mlen;
+   padindex = padlen - 1;
+-  md2_update_data (ctx, padding[padindex], padlen);
++  ipmi_md2_update_data (ctx, padding[padindex], padlen);
+-  md2_update_data (ctx, C, MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH);
++  ipmi_md2_update_data (ctx, C, IPMI_MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH);
+ }
+ int
+-md2_finish (md2_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen)
++ipmi_md2_finish (ipmi_md2_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen)
+ {
+-  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != MD2_MAGIC
+-      || digest == NULL || digestlen < MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH)
++  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != IPMI_MD2_MAGIC
++      || digest == NULL || digestlen < IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return (-1);
+     }
+-  _md2_append_padding_and_checksum (ctx);
+-  memcpy (digest, X, MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++  _ipmi_md2_append_padding_and_checksum (ctx);
++  memcpy (digest, X, IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-  ctx->magic = ~MD2_MAGIC;
+-  return (MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++  ctx->magic = ~IPMI_MD2_MAGIC;
++  return (IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ }
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h
+index c102fce2c..05328e85e 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h
++++ b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md2.h
+@@ -34,26 +34,26 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+-#define MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH   16
+-#define MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH  48
+-#define MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH  16
+-#define MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH  16
+-#define MD2_PADDING_LENGTH 16
+-#define MD2_ROUNDS_LENGTH  18
+-typedef struct __md2 {
++#define IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH   16
++#define IPMI_MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH  48
++#define IPMI_MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH  16
++#define IPMI_MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH  16
++#define IPMI_MD2_ROUNDS_LENGTH  18
++typedef struct __ipmi_md2 {
+   uint32_t magic;
+   uint8_t l;
+   unsigned int mlen;
+-  uint8_t x[MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH];
+-  uint8_t c[MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH];
+-  uint8_t m[MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH];
+-} md2_t;
++  uint8_t x[IPMI_MD2_BUFFER_LENGTH];
++  uint8_t c[IPMI_MD2_CHKSUM_LENGTH];
++  uint8_t m[IPMI_MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH];
++} ipmi_md2_t;
+-int md2_init (md2_t *ctx);
++int ipmi_md2_init (ipmi_md2_t *ctx);
+-int md2_update_data (md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen);
++int ipmi_md2_update_data (ipmi_md2_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen);
+-int md2_finish (md2_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen);
++int ipmi_md2_finish (ipmi_md2_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen);
+ #endif /* IPMI_MD2_H */
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c
+index 17073b85f..c84e350a6 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c
++++ b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.c
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static uint32_t T[64] =
+ #define D               ctx->d
+ #define M               ctx->m
+ #define Mlen            ctx->mlen
+-#define MD5_MAGIC       0xfb0fdb0d
++#define IPMI_MD5_MAGIC  0xfb0fdb0d
+ #define F(x,y,z)  (((x) & (y)) | ((~(x)) & (z)))
+ #define G(x,y,z)  (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~(z))))
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static uint32_t T[64] =
+   } while (0)
+ int
+-md5_init (md5_t *ctx)
++ipmi_md5_init (ipmi_md5_t *ctx)
+ {
+   if (ctx == NULL)
+     {
+@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ md5_init (md5_t *ctx)
+       return (-1);
+     }
+-  ctx->magic = MD5_MAGIC;
++  ctx->magic = IPMI_MD5_MAGIC;
+   Mlen = 0;
+   ctx->bytes_mod_64 = 0;
+   ctx->bit_count[0] = 0;
+   ctx->bit_count[1] = 0;
+-  memset (M, '\0', MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++  memset (M, '\0', IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+   /* initial values are listed low-order byte first */
+   A = 0x67452301;
+@@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ md5_init (md5_t *ctx)
+ }
+ static void
+-_md5_update_digest (md5_t *ctx)
++_ipmi_md5_update_digest (ipmi_md5_t *ctx)
+ {
+   uint32_t AA, BB, CC, DD;
+-  uint32_t X[MD5_BLOCK_WORDS_LENGTH];
+   unsigned int j;
+   /* Note there are no endian issues here, compiler is required to
+    * handle shifts correctly
+    */
+-  for (j = 0; j < MD5_BLOCK_WORDS_LENGTH; j++)
++  for (j = 0; j < IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_WORDS_LENGTH; j++)
+     X[j] = ((uint32_t)M[j*4]
+             | ((uint32_t)M[j*4+1] << 8)
+             | ((uint32_t)M[j*4+2] << 16)
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ _md5_update_digest (md5_t *ctx)
+ }
+ static void
+-_md5_update_count (md5_t *ctx, unsigned int buflen)
++_ipmi_md5_update_count (ipmi_md5_t *ctx, unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+   /* Use two uint32_t integers to hold our 64 bit count.
+@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ _md5_update_count (md5_t *ctx, unsigned int buflen)
+ }
+ int
+-md5_update_data (md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
++ipmi_md5_update_data (ipmi_md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+-  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != MD5_MAGIC || buf == NULL)
++  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != IPMI_MD5_MAGIC || buf == NULL)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return (-1);
+@@ -284,28 +284,28 @@ md5_update_data (md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+   if (buflen == 0)
+     return (0);
+-  if ((Mlen + buflen) >= MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH)
++  if ((Mlen + buflen) >= IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+     {
+       unsigned int bufcount;
+-      bufcount = (MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH - Mlen);
++      bufcount = (IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH - Mlen);
+       memcpy (M + Mlen, buf, bufcount);
+-      _md5_update_digest (ctx);
+-      _md5_update_count (ctx, bufcount);
++      _ipmi_md5_update_digest (ctx);
++      _ipmi_md5_update_count (ctx, bufcount);
+-      while ((buflen - bufcount) >= MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH)
++      while ((buflen - bufcount) >= IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+         {
+-          memcpy (M, buf + bufcount, MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+-          bufcount += MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+-          _md5_update_digest (ctx);
+-          _md5_update_count (ctx, MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++          memcpy (M, buf + bufcount, IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++          bufcount += IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH;
++          _ipmi_md5_update_digest (ctx);
++          _ipmi_md5_update_count (ctx, IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+         }
+       Mlen = buflen - bufcount;
+       if (Mlen > 0)
+         {
+           memcpy (M, buf + bufcount, Mlen);
+-          _md5_update_count (ctx, Mlen);
++          _ipmi_md5_update_count (ctx, Mlen);
+         }
+     }
+   else
+@@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ md5_update_data (md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+       /* Not enough data to update digest, just copy in data */
+       memcpy (M + Mlen, buf, buflen);
+       Mlen += buflen;
+-      _md5_update_count (ctx, buflen);
++      _ipmi_md5_update_count (ctx, buflen);
+     }
+   return (buflen);
+ }
+ static void
+-_md5_append_padding_and_length (md5_t *ctx)
++_ipmi_md5_append_padding_and_length (ipmi_md5_t *ctx)
+ {
+   unsigned int padlen;
+   char length[8];
+@@ -348,23 +348,23 @@ _md5_append_padding_and_length (md5_t *ctx)
+   length[6] = (ctx->bit_count[0] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+   length[7] = (ctx->bit_count[0] & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+-  md5_update_data (ctx, padding, padlen);
+-  md5_update_data (ctx, length, 8);
++  ipmi_md5_update_data (ctx, padding, padlen);
++  ipmi_md5_update_data (ctx, length, 8);
+ }
+ int
+-md5_finish (md5_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen)
++ipmi_md5_finish (ipmi_md5_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen)
+ {
+-  uint8_t buf[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
++  uint8_t buf[IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+-  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != MD5_MAGIC
+-      || digest == NULL || digestlen < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH)
++  if (ctx == NULL || ctx->magic != IPMI_MD5_MAGIC
++      || digest == NULL || digestlen < IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return (-1);
+     }
+-  _md5_append_padding_and_length (ctx);
++  _ipmi_md5_append_padding_and_length (ctx);
+   /* Note there are no endian issues here, compiler is required to
+    * handle bitmasks and shifts correctly
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ md5_finish (md5_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen)
+   buf[14] = (D & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+   buf[15] = (D & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+-  memcpy (digest, buf, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-  ctx->magic = ~MD5_MAGIC;
+-  return (MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++  memcpy (digest, buf, IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
++  ctx->magic = ~IPMI_MD5_MAGIC;
++  return (IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ }
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h
+index 0f86f1754..6b863ef36 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h
++++ b/libfreeipmi/libcommon/ipmi-md5.h
+@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+-#define MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH       64
+-#define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH      16
++#define IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH       64
++#define IPMI_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH      16
+-typedef struct __md5 {
++typedef struct __ipmi_md5 {
+   uint32_t magic;
+   unsigned int mlen;
+   unsigned int bytes_mod_64;
+@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ typedef struct __md5 {
+   uint32_t b;
+   uint32_t c;
+   uint32_t d;
+-  uint8_t m[MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH];
+-} md5_t;
++  uint8_t m[IPMI_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH];
++} ipmi_md5_t;
+-int md5_init (md5_t *ctx);
++int ipmi_md5_init (ipmi_md5_t *ctx);
+-int md5_update_data (md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen);
++int ipmi_md5_update_data (ipmi_md5_t *ctx, const void *buf, unsigned int buflen);
+-int md5_finish (md5_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen);
++int ipmi_md5_finish (ipmi_md5_t *ctx, void *digest, unsigned int digestlen);
+ #endif /* IPMI_MD5_H */
+diff --git a/libfreeipmi/util/ipmi-lan-util.c b/libfreeipmi/util/ipmi-lan-util.c
+index cd269fcb9..a374acc8d 100644
+--- a/libfreeipmi/util/ipmi-lan-util.c
++++ b/libfreeipmi/util/ipmi-lan-util.c
+@@ -281,33 +281,33 @@ ipmi_lan_check_session_authentication_code (fiid_obj_t obj_lan_session_hdr_rs,
+       if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD2)
+         {
+-          md2_t ctx;
+-          assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-          md2_init (&ctx);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, buf, len);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_calc, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md2_t ctx;
++          ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, buf, len);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_calc, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
+         }
+       else if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD5)
+         {
+-          md5_t ctx;
+-          assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-          md5_init (&ctx);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, buf, len);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_calc, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md5_t ctx;
++          ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, session_id_buf, session_id_len);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, buf, len);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, session_sequence_number_buf, session_sequence_number_len);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_calc, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -451,45 +451,45 @@ ipmi_lan_check_packet_session_authentication_code (const void *pkt,
+       memcpy (pwbuf, authentication_code_data, authentication_code_data_len);
+       if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD2)
+         {
+-          md2_t ctx;
+-          assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-          md2_init (&ctx);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + session_id_offset,
+-                           session_id_len);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + data_offset,
+-                           pkt_len - data_offset);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + session_sequence_number_offset,
+-                           session_sequence_number_len);
+-          md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_buf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md2_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md2_t ctx;
++          ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + session_id_offset,
++                                session_id_len);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + data_offset,
++                                pkt_len - data_offset);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + session_sequence_number_offset,
++                                session_sequence_number_len);
++          ipmi_md2_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_buf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md2_init (&ctx);
+         }
+       else if (authentication_type == IPMI_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_MD5)
+         {
+-          md5_t ctx;
+-          assert (IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH == MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+-          md5_init (&ctx);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + session_id_offset,
+-                           session_id_len);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + data_offset,
+-                           pkt_len - data_offset);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx,
+-                           pkt + session_sequence_number_offset,
+-                           session_sequence_number_len);
+-          md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_buf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
+-          md5_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md5_t ctx;
++          ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + session_id_offset,
++                                session_id_len);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + data_offset,
++                                pkt_len - data_offset);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx,
++                                pkt + session_sequence_number_offset,
++                                session_sequence_number_len);
++          ipmi_md5_update_data (&ctx, pwbuf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_finish (&ctx, authentication_code_buf, IPMI_1_5_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
++          ipmi_md5_init (&ctx);
+         }
+     }