diff --git a/package/pkg-golang.mk b/package/pkg-golang.mk
index d07242310d..35bcb1673b 100644
--- a/package/pkg-golang.mk
+++ b/package/pkg-golang.mk
@@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ define inner-golang-package
 $(2)_BUILD_OPTS += \
 	-ldflags "$$($(2)_LDFLAGS)" \
+	-modcacherw \
 	-tags "$$($(2)_TAGS)" \
 	-trimpath \
 # Target packages need the Go compiler on the host.
-$(2)_DEPENDENCIES += host-go
 $(2)_BUILD_TARGETS ?= .
@@ -81,6 +82,16 @@ define $(2)_GEN_GOMOD
+$(2)_DL_ENV = \
+	GOPROXY=direct \
+	BR_GOMOD=$$($(2)_GOMOD)
+# Due to vendoring, it is pretty likely that not all licenses are
+# listed in <pkg>_LICENSE.
+$(2)_LICENSE += , vendored dependencies licenses probably not listed
 # Build step. Only define it if not already defined by the package .mk
 # file.
 ifndef $(2)_BUILD_CMDS
diff --git a/support/download/go-post-process b/support/download/go-post-process
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..be202a4c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/download/go-post-process
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+set -o pipefail
+. "${0%/*}/helpers"
+# Parse our options
+while getopts "n:o:" OPT; do
+    case "${OPT}" in
+    o)  output="${OPTARG}";;
+    n)  base_name="${OPTARG}";;
+    :)  error "option '%s' expects a mandatory argument\n" "${OPTARG}";;
+    \?) error "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}";;
+    esac
+# Already vendored tarball, nothing to do
+if tar tf "${output}" | grep -q "^[^/]*/vendor" ; then
+    exit 0
+post_process_unpack "${base_name}" "${output}"
+# Do the Go vendoring
+pushd "${base_name}" > /dev/null
+if [ ! -f go.mod ]; then
+    echo "ERROR: no vendor/ folder and no go.mod, aborting"
+    exit 1
+go mod vendor -v -modcacherw
+popd > /dev/null
+post_process_repack $(pwd) "${base_name}" "${output}"